Land of the dead- Part 3

Eve's POV:

The muscles in my body hurt as I tried to stand up, taking the tree's support I got up as I saw Olivia order the corpses that were behind her. On the other side I saw the shadowed creatures try to tear the barrier as they charged forward to fight with the corpses again. Few of the shadowed creatures attacked Olivia but she effortlessly fought them like they were stuffed toys.

I held my sword tighter in my hand as I pushed myself against the tree, taking deep breaths as I got my legs steady. It would be a lie if I said I wasn't scared right now. I was having a blood rush but I knew better to be strong than scared. Olivia's words kept ringing in my head. I couldn't run away and if I could where would I run to? I had no idea where the exist to the land of dead was and I couldn't let Ruka step in because if he did...he wouldn't be able to return back.