Land of the Dead- Part 4

"Ruka," she said and I saw his eyes that were cold glow with hatred.

"Let's end it here, Olivia," he said calmly making her eyes go wide and with no further notice her body caught fire.

It wasn't a quick death but a slow painful one. She yelled and screamed in pain while Ruka stood there watching her, enjoying the anguish she was in like he had finally brought peace to his deceased family. Her body was burning slowly and completely, I turned my head away from the torturous sight. That's when I remembered about Evan. I turned back running towards where the shadowed creature was lying. I bent down quickly to where he was once I spotted him, taking the skeleton in my arms as I heard him cough.

"I thought you were dead," I said looking at his skull face and heard him chuckle.

"I have already been dead before so it shouldn't matter," he said coughing, "Hey," he said as my eyes turned watery.

"I'm sorry this happened to you," I said softly as snowflakes fell from the sky.