Keeper- Part 2

When I went to the main hall there was a man who I assume was the butler waiting for me. He led me to the dinning room, which was huge and spacious like other things I noticed in this mansion. The room held two doors each on the longer side and curtains to adorn them. The room wasn't bright but a little darker than the other rooms, giving off vintage feeling.

Canrart and a woman were the only ones in the room, sitting and talking. The women looked to be not more that forty. His arm was still wrapped in bandages and I felt bad. When I entered the room Canrart looked towards me with a bright smile on his face.

"Lilly," he greeted, "Take a seat."

I walked towards the other side of the room, carefully pulling the chair so as to not to create unnecessary noise.

"Lilly this is Luke's and my mom, Heather," he introduced me to the women. She had her straight blonde hair let down that reached to her shoulders.

"Hello," I said awkwardly with a smile.