New life- Part 1

"It was mind chilling scary and I don't understand why it happened," I confessed to Elise. I was sitting with Elise and her daughter, Julie in the garden now, as I picked the grass on the ground.

"Hmm," Elise hummed who was sitting right next to me, "It's common to have dreams as such, especially when you have seen someone die right in front of your eyes but the way you described it, it isn't just a dream."

"What do you mean by that?" I asked her, fearing that what I thought as a slight possibility was going to be true.

"You know the answer, Lilly," she said looking up to see the floating clouds, "You have nothing to fear while we are here to protect you. I don't know if I should call it a gift or a bane what you possess because it is how you view it."