Tit for tat- Part 2

When we reached the mansion, I went straight to the room and changing my clothes. Later that night I began working on my assignments sitting on the bed. While solving one of the problems, Julie came in barging inside the room.

"Lilly," her sweet voice called out and I turned back to see her standing with a box and a book in each hand. Aunt Lilly was too old and I was still in college therefore when she asked if she could call me Lilly I had agreed right away.

"Yes, Julie what is it?" I asked her wondering what she wanted and she showed me what she held in her hand.

"I don't know which color to put," she replied her brows furrowed and filling her cheeks with air, "Will you help me?" she asked me.

"Sure, come here," I said patting my hand an empty space next to me on the bed.