Party time- Part 1

I stood there staring at Luke as seconds passed by since he asked me a question. He raised one of his perfectly shaped brows at me in question if I was going to answer him or not.

"I'm anemic," were the words that came out of my mouth.

"Seriously? Is that the best lie you could come up with?" He asked me in a serious tone tilting his head.

"Yeah, sorry for not being creative. I don't get asked every day by people to drink my blood," I retorted and heard him laugh.

"Lillian, you amuse me," he said walking towards me and I pulled up the blanket covering myself in it as a shield. What was I thinking? Don't ask me, "There's a little party being held tomorrow I would like you to accompany me there, that's my condition."

I narrowed my eyes making sure he wasn't lying, not that I could detect it but vampires were all cunning people well, except for Canrart I felt.

"So if I accompany you, you won't drink my blood right?" I asked him making sure and saw him nod.