Glimpse- Part 2

I wondered if Meredith was sleeping in the same room as Luke was right now, not that I was jealous but Luke could be really rude not that I minded. There were chances of him snapping her neck if she even thought about crossing her toe out of the line.

Whosever luggage had been there when we arrived in the room it wasn't there when we returned from the dining hall. I turned to my side to face Emma's back who was sleeping soundly. She had spoken about how she wanted to be a decent witch and be useful to the royal family. She was excited to be sent to another kingdom and felt like she was on a mission. When I texted Luke after dinner if everything was going alright, he had replied telling that the witches were looking at Marc right now.

I tossed and turned in my bed, unable to get sleep. We were told that we had to be up at four-thirty as we had to bathe and dress to get ready to go to the inner palace. After some time I finally fell asleep.