Unavoidable- Part 1

I followed Luke through the corridors as we walked out, taking different routes which was far away from the place I was cleaning a while ago. It seemed like Luke knew the house well as he kept changing directions as we came across multiple passages.

"Keep your head down," Luke said in a low voice and I was about to ask why when I heard someone's footsteps heading towards us. I kept my eyes down and my head slightly bowed, for some reason I felt he didn't want the person looking at me.

"Lucian, what a surprise to see you here," a man spoke in a cheerful voice. The only view I had were a pair of expensive leather shoes, "I didn't know you were visiting."

"Hello, Jamie," Luke greeted him politely, "You look the same since the last time I saw you," he said and I heard the man give out a dry laugh. The name rang a bell in my head but I couldn't recollect where I heard it. Of course! He was the king's youngest brother.