Unavoidable- Part 2

My head snapped to see a huge black furry dog staring at me now.

"Awe it's a dog," I grinned widely. I bent down to sit on my knees while the dog growled lightly and after few passing seconds, it tilted its head looking at me. I raised my hand forward and it stared at me wondering what I was trying to do. Everything was calm until it decided to pounce on me with all its force making me fall backward. Sniffing me it let out a small bark, it's black fluffy tail swinging left and right.

"What's your name?" I asked it while scratching the back of its ear. My hand froze then. Could it be...Marc? Oh my God!

"His name's Dozer," said a voice startling me. A boy of my age stood at the entrance of a room wearing torn jeans and a plain shirt. He must be the owner of the dog, I thought.

"Which breed is he?" I asked him while the dog named Dozer licked my hand.