Trial and error- Part 1

I turned to the other side of the bed with my eyes closed on the soft comfortable mattress. It had been thirty minutes and I wasn't anywhere close to being sleepy as my mind kept drifting towards Emma's whereabouts. Luke had told Charlie would be able to find out by tomorrow but where was she?

Someone had got the news that Meredith wasn't Luke's actual fiancé but it was someone else. The only good thing was Marc was getting better and we didn't need to stay here anymore for his treatment.

I was lost in thoughts until I felt my hair strands being played, making me aware of the person behind me. I was sharing the bed with Luke right now with my back facing him. I kept quiet, not reacting to his movements as his fingers touched my hair ends and he tugged it gently.

"You know I'm awake," I said opening my eyes and turning towards him while my hands supported the upper half of my body.