Soul- Part 1

My heart pounded in my chest as my hands turned clammy with sweat. I tried hearing for any sound but I could hear only the rustling of leaves outside the abounded house.

Going quickly towards the main door I turned the knob to only find it locked.

The flooring creaked as I stepped back, one step after another. My suspicion was right, Luke wasn't the one who had brought me here but it was Alos.

I had no means of communication to reach out for help and I was all alone here. I hoped that Luke would notice me gone. I heard footsteps come from the other side of the house making me aware of the unwanted person in the house.

I took another way as I heard the footsteps heading my way, I had to search for a possible outlet before he could get to me. I walked quickly and heard him speak,

"You figured it out, didn't you Lillian? Escaping is of no use," I heard him from the hall as I searched for any back door.