Soul- Part 2

I felt a sigh of relief when he said that even though my life was in threat. The time I had spent within the morning was Luke and not this man.

So it was never my father, Alos, but it was my ex-fiance who was trying to kill me all this time. He used my parents when they had done nothing wrong. I don't know how and when it happened but the furniture in the room had caught fire so did the others in the house.

"Don't struggle and I'll make your death quick and easy, okay," he said calmly and I staggered while I moved away from him.

"Get away from me," I retorted when he came close. Holding the frame tightly in my hand I swung it over his face, as it made a crack sound.

I made a quick dash towards the door but when I reached the staircase I tripped as he caught hold of my leg.