Epilogue- Part 1

Luke stood in front of the opened coffin where Lillian's body now rested peacefully in his room.

It was a ritual to cleanse the body and sew any open wounds before burying the dead body, and Luke had taken the responsibility of doing it instead of any maids help.

He had washed her as he removed the evidence of stains of blood or dirt on her. Then he had untangled her hair and brushed it neatly with care. Once done, he had gotten her into a red dress. She looked pale as a ghost lying in the coffin but to Luke she was beautiful, even after death had taken her away.

Once he placed her in the coffin he went to pull the pillow as he sat on the bed to only find a piece of paper that lied underneath it. As his hand reached the paper, a knock was heard and he turned to walk towards the door to open it.

"It's time, Luke," Canrart informed him softly, "Are you okay with the location?" he asked Luke to which he nodded.