Epilogue- Part 2

In Hell, Luke and his father stood at the patio of the high tower in silence. The pitch black sky was spread wide as the icy cold breeze blew across them.

"Tell me how can I be of your service Lucian?" Satan asked slyly even though he knew why exactly Luke was here.

Luke pulled out the piece of paper he had found in his room and spoke, "I assume you have an idea as to why I am here," Satan took the paper from his hand and chuckled after reading this. It was a note Lilly had left behind for Luke. It read-

You'll find me again after the deal I have made.

"I know Lillian made a deal with you, a wish perhaps. Where's her soul?" Luke asked as his eyes burned with the question.

"I believe somewhere peaceful. Why do you ask?" Satan asked nonchalantly and saw Luke grit his teeth, "Tell me what you have to offer if I get her soul to you. You do know finding her soul wasn't easy and I don't do things for free."