Chapter 1

It may sound sick and twisted but I'm madly in love with my little step brother he's two years younger than me. I'm sixteen years old and he's fourteen It wasn't always like this.

There was a time I despised him and I'm sure he felt the same way. But as time passed by things changed, and feelings started to develop, Feelings that aren't supposed to be there, feelings beyond brother and sister relationship. His name is Adam Hayes. And I can still remember how it all came to be. It was when my mother told me she was in love. I was upset yet happy for her.

"What do you mean you're dating again? When did you plan to tell me?" I screamed at my mother who was trying to cook dinner while I sat at the dining table. "I was waiting for the right time. I don't know why you're so angry." she giggled as she pealed a potato "why am I angry you ask… how about the fact I never met this man." I couldn't understand how she was dating again for two months and now she decides to tell me. "You will meet him tonight that's why we planned this whole dinner. So, you and Adam can meet." she turned around and smiled at me. "I don't care what you planned. This isn't fair to me. What about.... oh, that's right…dad!, how will he come home again if you're with another man?" I said sarcastically. "not this talk again. How many times do I have to tell you Honey, your father isn't coming back. So, stop this already." she washed the potatoes and placed them in a pot. "Yes, he is, you don't know that." I defended. "ugh I don't want to argue with you about this again.. so, drop it and help me, they will be here any minute." She whipped down the dinner table and placed her expensive china plates in front of me. "I won't do it. I don't like this.. I refuse to meet him." I got up and tried walking away, but she grabbed my arm and sat me back down. "you will do as I say…Your attitude is getting out of hand lately…. now set the table. End of discussion." she gave me her threating eyes and squeezed my arm tight "your so un fair." I whispered to myself as I began laying out the forks and plates. I but my tongue, there was so much I wanted to say but couldn't.

"Alright, Dinner is ready…what do you think?" she asked. We stood back and looked at the Dining table. It was set beautifully; she made baked salmon, mashed potatoes, mixed vegetables, and a garden salad. And for desert, she made her famous homemade lemon custard tarts. My mother was a great cook and everything I know was because she taught me. She would always say 'you must be a good cook to please your husband one day.' My mother is a kind beautiful woman; to me she is perfect in every way. "Alright go get changed before they come…go, go." she shooed me to the stairs. "alright I'm going already." I frowned at her pushy hands. I walked up the stairs and into my bedroom I went to my closet and picked out something to wear and placed it on my bed, it was plain long sleeve white shirt and my black tight yoga pants. It's just dinner right, why do I have to get all dressed up to eat. I went to the bathroom and showered. I blow dried my hair and tied it up in a bun. I came down and saw my mother dressed up.

She was wearing a white skirt a little passed her knees and a red ruffle shirt, with a pair of red pumps. her hair was wavy at her shoulders and her bangs to the side. She looked fabulous. "What are you wearing Honey? go back and change" she said while putting on her diamond earrings. When my mother got dressed like this then it was important, she only gets dressed for special occasions. "What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" I looked down at my outfit.

"Are you trying to embarrass me? Your shirt is too tight I can see your pink bra. Your pants are skin tight…go back up change this instant." She yelled. I turned around and tried up the stairs, but it was too late. There was a knock at the door. We both flinched, and my mom's eyes went wide, as she stared at the door. "Go change now while I let them it" she whispered. I nodded and ran up the stairs. I went to my room and looked through my wardrobe. There's no way I'm getting dressed up like my mother to meet this man and his son. I searched, and my eyes landed on my navy-blue cardigan. It's comfy and she can't complain about it because its long and covers my chest. I picked it up then my phone rang. "Hello.." I answered with an annoyed tone "hey Honey what's up what are you doing?" my friend Demi asked "getting ready to meet my mother's boyfriend" I said with a sarcastic tone as I rolled my eyes. "Aren't you excited?" she laughed "why would I be excited? I just can't wait for this night to end before it even began" I said as I laid on my bed. "Oh, bummer well I was going to ask you to come out, but I guess you're busy" she laughed knowing how badly I wanted to go out "Honey Come down!" my mother's voice rang through my door. "I have to go…my miserable life is calling." I frowned. she laughed some more "alright call you later then bye" she sounded like she was at the mall or somewhere busy. "Bye" I said hanging up. My cat pounced on my face scaring me near to death. "What is wrong with you boo boo don't scare mommy like that." I rubbed under her chin, she loved to be pet. That's when my dog Pooch got jealous and jumped on my bed. "who's the best doggy in the world?" I rubbed his tummy. Pooch is a brown and black Australian terrier, and just precious. Boo is a ragdoll cat with a hint of brown on the tip of her ears. "ok guys I need to go" I got up and threw on my cardigan and walked down the stairs cursing under my breath.

I walked into the dining room and saw my mother's Boyfriend and his son sitting at the table, my mother was standing serving the food, she was giving me an evil look. I guess what I wore didn't please her. I didn't bother taking another glance at the kid I just stared at the man. He was handsome I will admit, the definition of tall dark and handsome was him. He was clean shaved, a gray suit jacket with a white denim shirt with button undone at caller showing off his masculine chest. His hair was dark brown with gray on the sides, making him look extremely handsome. A silver fox was what I thought.

"Glad you can join us... Andrew this is my daughter Honey." my mother walked over to me placing her hands on my shoulders. "So, this is Honey… I've heard a lot about you." he held his hand out, his pale blue eyes looking at me. "I'm glad I can finally meet you." he smiled showing he had dimples. "that's nice because I've never heard of you." I said but I felt my mother's hand grip my shoulder so tight. "Honey is just nervous Andrew don't mind her." My mother chuckled with embarrassment. Andrew raised an eyebrow but didn't say much he just smiled at me. I shook his hand putting on a fake smile. "this is my son Adam" he turned around gesturing to the boy sitting at the table with his eyes glued to his phone. Who looked like he had no manners what's so ever. If your meeting a family for the first time the least you can do is greet them, instead of sitting down texting. "Adam come say hello to Honey" his father said. Adam put his phone in his pocket and walked over to us. When I laid eyes on him I couldn't get them off. What could you expect from Mr. handsome's son? He was cute. his dark black hair was messy yet cute. his pale blue eyes just like his father, adorable face. and dressed cute for a kid. he wore blue jeans shorts and a buttoned white shirt. "hi, I'm Adam" he smiled and held his hand out just like his father, he had dimples as well. "I'm Honey…it's nice to meet you" I said trying to keep composure. This was indeed the cutest kid I ever saw. Too bad he's just a kid not to mention the son of my mother's boyfriend. I finished helping my mom serve dinner; we sat at the table I sat next to Adam while my mom sat next to Andrew. Right away my mother and Andrew were lost in conversation, giggles here and there from my mother while Andrew complemented her cooking. I rolled my eyes at them.

"so, what's the deal Honey" Adam suddenly said. I looked at him "What do you mean?" I said with my mouth full. "you know what I mean" he smirked. I just returned a confused look. That's when I felt a hand rubbing my inner thigh. I quickly jumped up "WHAT THE HELL!" and started coughing because I chocked a little on my salad. Both Andrew and my mother stopped and looked at me with surprised looks. "is something wrong Hun?" my mother asked. I looked over at Andrew who was just as surprised at my sudden input. Adam who was drinking out his glass had a smirk from the side of his face? "It's.... nothing sorry" I smiled playing it cool. Adam cleared his thought and stared at me. What is wrong with this kid? Touching me like that is he crazy? Andrew and mom quickly picked up conversation again. "surprised?" Adam said as he picked up the fork to his mouth. "I don't know what your doing but knock it off" I whispered to him "or what?" he smiled "or ill break your little hand kid" I threatened. But I don't think it got through, he took his hand and rubbed my leg once more. I grabbed his finger and bent it back. "owe let go" he whispered but I didn't listen I pulled back harder. He pulled away before I could snap his finger. "should I tell them or are you?" my mother suddenly said. "I don't know how to tell them" Andrew laughed "so should I then?" my mother suggested to him "no its alight I'll do it" he chuckled. "kids we have something to say" my mother rubbed Andrews hand. Andrew straitened his back and cleared his throat. "Adam….um…Honey….. your mother and I are…uh…we" "WE ARE GETTING MARRIED!" my mother shouted finishing off his sentence. "WHAT!?" Adam and I yelled in sync. "why so sudden?" Adam asked. "That's why we planned this whole dinner to tell the both of you at the same time." Andrew said with a huge smile. I was too shocked to say anything. I just glared at my mother who I was furious with. How could she keep such a secret from me, we never kept any secrets from each other, why suddenly? "How could you?" I said lowly they suddenly stopped and looked at me.

"What was that Honey?" my mother asks. I slammed my hands on the table as I stood up. "I SAID HOW COULD YOU DO THIS? ..DO YOU EVER THINK TWICE ABOUT HOW I FEEL?" I could feel Adams eyes on me along with Andrews, but I didn't care all I could see was my mother in front of me. "I'm going to ask you to calm down Honey." she said as she gave me a threatening stare "I WILL NOT CALM DOWN..YOU DON'T EVEN TELL ME YOUR DATING NOW YOUR GETTING MARRIED?..THIS IS BULLSHIT!" I screamed as I ran out the dining room. I made my way up the stairs and slammed my door emphasizing I was angry. I quickly dialed Demi to tell her the news, but she wouldn't answer her phone. I buried my face in my pillow and screamed loud. I've never been so angry with my mother in my life. there was a knock at my door "Honey can we talk?" my mother said, "No I have nothing more to say to you?" I said through tears. She opened the door and walked in "We are going to talk weather you like it or not." she demanded "leave me alone." I turned away from her. "you have humiliated me in front of Andrew today- ""no mom you should have thought about it before you did all this.. Do you ever think about me? Does my opinion not matter to you?" I cried. "Of course, they matter but what about my feelings. I can't help who I fall in love with." she rubbed my foot to calm me down "I don't care.... you could have at least told me sooner. Now dad will never come home." "your father chose to leave, when are you going to realize?" she raised her voice "he left because you chased him awa- "

I was stopped by her hand, she slapped me. my face stung I could feel my ears ringing. "how dare you speak to me that way… I am your mother…if I chose to remarry then it doesn't concern you… from now on you will learn to respect me and you will apologize to Andrew and Adam first thing tomorrow do you hear me young lady?" she stood up staring at me with rage in her eyes. "I WON'T DO IT, YOU CAN'T MAKE ME!" I screamed. But that's when my mom gave me another one to the other cheek. "what did I just say?" she growled with clinched teeth. I started crying harder. "I hate you!" I said before I ran out the house "HONEY!...HONEY YOU GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!" she shouted but I ignored her. I don't know where I was going but I just wanted to leave, last thing I wanted to see was my mother.