Chapter 2

Adam's (P.O.V)

"You're going to like her" my father said, as we pulled into their drive way. "And if I don't?" I asked, "well then it's not up to you now is it?" he laughed. To be honest I don't care if I like her or not.

I've never questioned my father's relationships; he's been with a lot of women. Since my mother past away I've never really cared what stray he brought home. He knocked on the door, and then she opened. Was this the woman my father was talking about? She was beautiful but nothing special though. She looked like every other woman he's dated. Big boobs and pretty face nothing new.

"Andrew, hi" she said leaning in for a hug. "Heather...sorry we are late" he embraced her hug but added a kiss on her cheek. "And this must be Adam" she looked at me with a smile. I had no choice but to smile back. "It's nice to meet you." I said "such a handsome young man" she giggled pinching my cheek. Man does this ever get annoying all these women are the same. "Please come in." she widened the door allowing us in. they lived in a pretty small house, decorated nicely, three different birdcages hung from the ceiling in the living room. With colorful birds I've never seen before. I large fish tank built in the wall near the stair well, with all different kind of fishes swimming about. She led us to the dining room when a cat walked up to me. God do I hate animals. And this house is infested with them.

It purred and rubbed its head on my leg. Does it want me to pet it? Like that's going to happen. "Awe Boo likes you." Heather smiled. Boo? That's a stupid name for a cat, what idiot named it? I wondered. "Cute.." I said with a disgusted look. That's when a small dog started barking at us. I wanted to shove my foot in its mouth. Annoying creature's dogs are. Both animals went up the stairs.

I ignored it and followed her, she seated us and started serving salad. "So, wear is Honey I've been looking forward to meeting her?" my father asks. Honey must be Heathers daughter. My father never met her, but he would always speak about how good of a girl she is. From what Heather has bragged about I assume. "She's in her room, she will be down in a minute." Heather smiled. Serving the salad "I have you prepared?" my father winked at Heather. "um..I uh... didn't...did you?" she asked smiling nervously. My father shook his head. as they laughed together, what could they be talking about, I wonder? "Honey, come down!" Heather said towards the stairs. I was too curious about what they just said to care about this Honey girl. I received a text from a girl I once knew, how she got my number was a mystery to me. Finally, she walked through the dining room and stood there. "Glad you could join us...Andrew this is my daughter Honey" Heather walked over introducing her. I took a look at her. My first thought about Honey when I saw her was, Just and average girl she's not cute nor is she ugly. My father introduced me as I walked over to say hello. I smiled and shook her hand. As we walked over and took our seats at the table. Honey helped her mother serve the meal I checked her out. she has a pretty nice body. Brown hair, brown eyes and a beauty mark on her cheek beside her nose. Pretty cute I must say as I took her in more. She sat beside me, not even looking at me. I smiled at her, but she ignored my smile. Maybe I could enjoy this dinner after all by creating fun for myself. When Honey sat down I teased her by rubbing her thigh. Her reaction was just as I expected. She jumped up with a sudden shout. She glared at me as she sat back down. "Knock it off Kid" she threatened but I was having too much fun. I reached again but she grabbed my hand and pulled it back. I pulled away. And chuckled I reached once more. But stopped when I heard my dad and Heather speak. My father was nervous he stumbled over his words. "WE'RE GETTING MARRIED!" Heather said finishing off what my father started. Honey and I both shouted in shock at the same time. I shouldn't have been too shocked. My father has been married more timed them I can remember. But what shocked me was this is the first time he looked so happy. Honey took the news much worse than I expected. She and her mother stared at each other exchanging words with anger. I don't know why she was so angry she was acting childish.

"THIS IS BULLSHIT!" Honey screamed before she barged out of the dining room, the awkward silence between three of us. "I'm sorry about this Andrew I don't know what has gotten into her." Heather said. "I think you should go talk to her. We will get going now." my dad rubbed her arm and kissed her on the forehead. "I think that might be for the best." she smiled. She led us to the door, my father stood at the step while I got in the car. I can't believe she is going to be my new step mom. And just when I thought I could have fun with Honey. She's interesting her reactions are funny she maybe older than me, but she sure acts like a kid. I guess having a step sister won't be so bad after all. I sat in the car waiting for my father. After saying his fare wells, he finally joined me. I pulled out my phone to answer I few texts "so what do you think?" he asked with a grin. "How long is this one going to last?" I said. He chuckled "I have a good feeling about this one." He smiled "You know how many times you said that...remember Mandy? You said she was the only one for you...oh and Jessica you said she was your soul mate...don't get me started on Stephaney your heaven-sent angle...please, I've heard it all." If I had to count the amount of woman my father has dated or married I wouldn't know where to start.

"Oh come on its different this time. Heather Makes me happy, when I'm around her I'm myself...I guess this is what love feels like." He smiled every time he said Heather. "There's no such thing as love." I murmured thinking he wasn't listening, but he was. "Of course, there's such thing as love kid, what are you talking about?" he suddenly said catching me off guard. "I don't think anyone can feel a certain way towards someone. It just seems weird." I explained. "You say that now because you're still young. You will meet a girl and fall in love one day.. Don't worry when that times comes you will see." He squeezed my shoulder... "Yea.. sure, if you say so" I whispered. I believe love doesn't exist it's just some word people use as an excuse to act like fools...I'll never fall in love...not now...not ever....

Once we got home I went to my room and started writing a song I started, I started a few days ago but didn't get to finish because I've been so busy these days with meetings. Now I could finally finish it since I had the day off, well most of it. I wasted most of my day with my dad and his girlfriend and stupid dinner today. He purposely called my manager asking for my schedule after I lied to him telling him about working. He knew that my manager had a small crush on him and would give him anything he asked. My father came into my room and sat on my bed. He looked out of it. I guess he had a lot on his mind as well. I continued writing trying to focus; the song was about losing my mom I had no plans to release it. It was my way of expressing myself just vent my thoughts and feelings in my book of songs. I need to release these thoughts some how, why not in a song. I heard my dad cell phone ring it must be Heather, we just left her house how clingy was this woman? My dads last girlfriend grew obsessed with him to the point she stalked his every movement. It was so hard to shake that woman off it ended badly with her going to jail. Let's just say her love became toxic and she did some pretty nasty things like assault another woman just for speaking to my dad. She even thought I was her child and started controlling me like some object she owned. I hated her and everything about her. I hope Heather wasn't like that.

"Alright sweetie will be there right away." He said before hanging up. He had a look of worry on his face. "what's up?" I asked curious about that short phone call. "It's Honey I don't think she took the news too well she ran away from home. Let's go help Heather find her." He said rubbing his head in frustration. "And how is that my problem?" I asked. "You kids don't get it done you? She is going to be your sister soon we will be family now let go find her." He grabbed the car keys. I sighed and put my pen down and closed my book. I guess I'll have to find another time to finish this song; something keeps coming up every time. I followed him one thing I don't do is disobey my father he's the only family I've got and if this Heather lady and her annoying daughter was important to him I guess that's all that matters. We drove in silence not saying anything to each other. Why was this Honey chick running away from home at her age she should accept her mom's decision it's not like she's the one being forced to marry anyone? What immature girl. "alright I'll drop you off in the neighbor hood and I'll go check on Heather, take a good look around she couldn't have gotten very far." He said stopping the car near the playground next to their house. I kissed my teeth in annoyance. "what did I tell you?" he suddenly said with a stern tone. "yea, yea I know we will be family soon I get it." I mocked as I stepped out the car. "once you find her call or they to convince her to come home." He said. "got it." I murmured. "And Adam!" he called before I shut the door. I turned to look at him. "thank you for being cooperative today I appreciate it son." He said with a smile. He really knew how to get me. Now I really have to put in effort and find this brat I have the need to make him proud. I started walking around the park hoping to find her quick it was chilly out and I wanted to go home and relax. That's when I heard a voice, I walked around the bushes near the swings and saw the brat talking with some guy. I was relieved, this was going to be easier than I thought. I watched observed her behavior. She smiled sheepishly and giggles as she fiddled with her sleeves. Is this her way of flirting? How pathetic. I laughed to myself at her sad attempts to flirt. I shook my head feeling sorry for her. She had no charm it was like watching an elementary kid trying to confess to their crush.