Chapter 3

Honey's (P.O.V)

I ran down the street of our neighborhood. Pooch followed me outside the house. "Go home pooch!" I cried. But he just barked at me. "I said go home!" still nothing. I went to a playground and sat on a swing, to think how selfish my mother can be sometimes. I know what I said was out of line. She didn't chase him away my father walked out on us. But I can't accept that fact because when he was around, he was my best friend. So, I tent to blame my mom for his leaving every now and then knowing it hurts her. She loved him, and he betrayed her. He betrayed me, I thought maybe if I waited long enough he would come back. I guess I was just a foolish child holding on to a memory. I was only nine years old when he left but I remember everything like it was yesterday. Every memory I had of him was but great happy ones. He made sure of that; if he was going to abandon me he might as well make the only memory of him good ones. My mother and I don't speak about him every time I try to bring it up she terminates the conversation immediately. So many unanswered questions I had that may never be answered.

My phone began to ring. I pulled it out of my pocket and saw my mother calling. I silenced it not wanting to talk to her. It rang once more. Without looking at it I shouted "what? I don't want to talk right now!"

"okay...want me to call you back?" Demi said from the other line.

"Oh Demi sorry I thought you were my mom." I said, "it's fine I just got your missed call what's up?" she asked "ugh what is not up... I got in a huge fight with my mom. She can be so selfish sometimes." I complained. "What did she do?" Demi asked "She is getting married she didn't tell me anything about all this. And this Andrew follow has a little perverted son that molested me...long story short I'm outside because I ran out of the house.... what else can go wrong." I cried. But then I jinxed myself, I looked around and pooch was gone. "Shit Demi I'll call you back." I hung up on her and started running "POOCH!.... POOCH..WHERE ARE YOU BOY?" I shouted down the dark street. I was starting to panic; pooch is nowhere to be seen. I ran "POOCH!" I screamed then I heard a bark I ran around the bushes near the park and saw pooch with some guy petting him. I ran over "Pooch there you are...thank goodness." I exhaled in relief. "Is this your dog?" The guy asked. "Yes, thank you for finding him." I said. When I looked at him I right away started to blush. He was good looking and mature he was wearing a badge 'T.K.E university' so he's older. This might be love at first sight. My heart was racing. "Don't mention it...cute dog" he said as he pet him one last time before walking off. His beautiful dark brown eyes, his dark brown hair, and tall mature looking. I think I was in love. I bent down to pooch and rubbed his head. "Thank you found me my dream guy" I chuckled. I turned around and chocked at who was standing there staring at me. the little brat Adam. "So, blushing for another man?...I'm hurt" he smirked. "What are you doing here?" I said rolling my eyes. "your mother called saying you ran away...since its late out we came looking for you." he explained. "And what can a little kid do to protect along before you get hurt." I teased. "what are you doing running away from home anyways ...between you and I, you're the kid here." he said "whatever get lost I'm not going home...I'm going to my friend house so tell that selfish old lady I'm staying with Demi." I started walking away. He pulled my arm. "Watch your mouth...that's your mother...speaking like that about her is disgusting." The look in his eyes was terrifying. "I was told to bring you home, so we are leaving." He pulled me. "Let go, I'm not going." I struggled to pull my arm away, but he was strong how was this kid stronger than me. We walked until we were near my house. "Ok you're hurting me...I'm going, now let go." As soon as he lets go I'm running. I'm a track star runner baby, there's no way he could catch me once I run. He loosened his hand and that was my chance. I pulled away and quickly turned around and ran. I didn't look back I just ran, I started laughing to myself because I knew I was free no one in school on the track team could pass me or beat my record. I suddenly felt arms wrap around me, could he catch me so quickly?. This can't be true. "You're a bothersome girl...I've never gotten in my father's affairs but you're so annoying." he said as he lifted me and threw me over his shoulder, like I was nothing. Pooch barked at him, "stupid animal shut up" he snarled. "don't you talk to my dog that way" I kicked and screamed. "PUT ME DOWN YOU STUPID KID!"I shouted. "Quiet down or it will get troublesome." He patted my butt. "I'm going to kill you." I growled. "Well kill me if you want. I'm taking you home." he said. He was so strong, he didn't look someone that could carry me, but he did it effortlessly. After kicking and punching him. I finally realized its useless fighting. We arrived at my house. He stood at the door without moving there was this heavy aura around him. "You only have one mother trust me you will regret everything the day she is gone." He said with a tone that was heartfelt. I didn't say anything. I was curious about his mother, why was Andrew single? Did something happen to Adam's mom? He planted my feet on the ground and pulled my hand towards the house Pooch followed. When I walked in I saw my mother in tears and Andrew holding her.

"Honey...oh thank goodness" she ran to me and hugged me tightly. "im fine mom" I whispered to her. "I'm glad you're safe" Andrew smiled at me and put his arm around Adams shoulder. "I'm sorry for worrying you mom" I held her. "im so sorry darling...forgive me" she cried. "Mom it's ok." I said I snuck a looked over my moms' shoulder at an Adam who had held expression I couldn't explain. "Andrew.." I walked over to him "I'm sorry about dinner earlier. It's just that it was all so sudden." I apologized. "Don't worry about it, I understand." He smiled. I guess Andrew isn't such a bad guy. My mom is happy and that's all that matters. We walked Andrew and Adam out. My mom kissed Andrew I turned away in disgusted. I looked at Adam who puckered his lips teasingly. I quickly tried to slap him, but he moved away and chuckled. "I think you owe me an apology. Bringing me out of my house and carrying you all the way home." He smiled " I don't owe you shit" I leaned towards him. "just because they are getting married doesn't mean I like you...remember little twerp." I stormed off and up the starts. I turned and saw him winking at me with a smirk. I ran up the stairs and jumped on my bed. I couldn't get his face out of my mind. He might be a jerk, but he was a thoughtful jerk he respected my mothers' feelings. I looked at my phone and Demi sent me a text. 'want to walk to school tomorrow I want to know what happened?. And my bike is broken lol" I smiled and sent 'sure' I was glad that old bike of her finally gave out and died shes had that bike for so long it was old and rusty. Demi loved it and took it everywhere. It squeaked and creaked, rattled and jangled, you can hear her coming before you see her that's how loud it was. God answered my prays and ended that old rusty piece of junk. I and turned out my lights and slept before my mom comes and talks some more. She has hit me with enough surprises for one day I don't know what else she might pull out of her sleeve. I tossed and turned unable to fall asleep. It was earlier than I usually sleep plus I still had the adrenaline from today's encounter with Adam that still ran through my body. I got on my laptop and signed into my faceSpace account. I rarely ever go on social media only when I'm bored. I saw that I had a friend request. I never get friend requests and if I did it was usually some older weird man from a foreign country I ignored it and scrolled threw my news feed. As usually as came up of beautiful models one caught my eye. It was a shampoo controversial and the model was that model rose. Not a lot of people I knew liked her she had a nasty attitude and a total diva. I couldn't judge I've never seen It. To me she was just a skinny pretty model with a bright future. She was dating that new Singer that everyone was gaga over. He was cute but I'm not a fan of that kind of pop star boys. I scrolled down ignoring Rose's perfect smile as she flipped her full brown hair around. The 'you have a friend request' icon kept popping up in an alert. Even my computer knew I was friendless and kept reminding me someone sent a request. I pushed it aside and kept scrolling. Of course, my news feed was covered in pictures Demi was tagged in. It kept showing me your friend Demi Monroe was tagged in said persons gallery or said persons photo. She was so popular she appeared in almost everyone pictures. I was growing jealous of Demi day by day; it wasn't a meliciaous of feeling but that of envy, I envied her way of easily making friend no matter where she went. She was never shy or quieter she spoke her mind when ever she sees fit. I admired her confidantes. 'you have a friend request.' Popped on my screen once more. I kissed my teeth in annoyance I clicked it open to see who sent me the request. If I saw some old man from a friend country I would lose it. But I was mistaken. My jaw dropped instantly, and my eyes widened. I felt my heart pulse increasing. It was Adam Hayes. I quickly clicked his name and his profile picture was now on full display. It was a head shot of him with his tongue out squinting one eye closed and a peace sign tossed up. He had Trebeats head phones around his neck and snap back at he wore backward his messy hair shagged over his forehead. My God this boy was cute. That teasing smile and pearl white teeth sitting on his tongue made me feel so very hot and bothers his picture was cute showing of his boyish charm. I looked at my profile picture that I had uploaded years ago and felt insecure I had a straight face no smile over all just terrible. I tried creeping his profile, but it was private Reminding me I haven't accepted his friend request yet. I swallowed my saliva soaking my dry thought and pressed the accept button.

*ding* there was a message in my inbox. I hesitated before clicking on it. I didn't even get a chance to breath when I saw Adam in my messenger.