Chapter 4

Honey's (P.O.V)

My palms got sweaty and my stomach felt butterflies flapping. "you're still awake?" his message read. Why did I feel this way towards this kid? He was just an annoying fourteen-year-old, yet he had this effect on me. I pushed that thought aside and responded to his message. "how did you find me?" I replied. He was a fast typer because within a second he replied. "Honey isn't a common name it wasn't that hard to find you ;)" he sent a winking emoji. Without giving me a second to reply he sent another message. "it's a nice name it suits you." He complimented. Making me blush and started smiling. "thanks" was all I could say. He was being sweet it made me feel gitty inside. Maybe he wasn't so bad after all. "so, what did you do to get arrested?" he asked. I was confused, what did he mean by that. What's that supposed to mean?" I asked. "your profile picture looks like a mugshot lol." He said making my smile drop. And just when I thought he was being nice. I was night the first time about him he was nothing but a jerk. "you can't give a compliment without insulting me can you?" I asked. Frowning.

"I can't help it I'm an asshole." He said, and I could imagine the smirk he would have on his face saying those words. "That picture was a long time ago ok what ever I'm going to sleep." I said almost pounding on the keyboard. "good night bitter Honey sweet dreams ;)" he sent. I slammed my laptop shut, he always found ways to piss me off. I woke for school early, got dressed and met Demi in front of the bus stop. It was in between my house and hers. We would meet there because she's too lazy to walk all the way to my house and I was too lazy to walk to hers, so we met half way. Demi was chubby but pretty she had blond hair that she had died black and light green eyes. "so, what happened last night?" she asked curiously. "where should I start… I found my Mr. Right totally dreamy." I Giggled and blushed. "who is it?" she asked with a smirk. "I don't know his name. when I lost Pooch last night he found him." "well go back to where you lost pooch and see if he's still there." she suggested "why do that when I know what school he attends." I gave a wicked smile. "Oh no don't tell me you stalked him." she said sarcastically. "Of course not, he had a badge on that read 'T.K.E university'." "hey that's where Amy goes, so he's older?" she asked shocked. "Yes, he is. and I know we are going to get married." I sighed and giggled. "You don't even know this man and you think your going to marry him? … your living in lala land..come back to reality Honey." She knocked on my head "But my night was ruined by the devil himself." My dream man shattered once Adams face came to mind. "Who's that?" she asked. "My soon to be stepbrother." I cried. "He can't be that bad." She smiled. "yes, he is, he's fourteen and perverted. He touched me not once but twice, if he wasn't so strong I would have killed him…he picked me up and carried me home what kid can do that?. He may be young, but he looks like he's sixteen." I frowned at the very thought of him touching me. "Again, he's a fourteen-year-old adolescent boy. They are at the stage where every girl is a piece of meat…and look how small you are any kid seems strong compared to you." She laughed. "I knew you would make this into a joke…why do I bother." I walked faster. "Ok, ok im sorry." she said still laughing.

We arrived at school. We walked over to our locker and took our books out for class. Demi and I shared a locker it was easier than having my old locker which was on the other side of the school. This way we meet here and go about instead of searching for each other, this was much more convenient for the both of us. "Did you finish your homework?" she asked, "No I had no time because of my mom." I snarled. "Oh yea.. I forgot; well you can copy off me, I had Amy do it for me." Amy is Demi's older sister and super smart she always helped us with our homework and tutored us on the weekends.

"You're my savior." I hugged her. "Good morning Demi." We turned around and saw Chad the Basketball star of our school. He has different scholarships coming from left and right he doesn't know what to do with. I used to have a crush on him I soon found out he likes Demi. So, I dropped that quickly. "Hey Chad, what's up." Demi said paying him little to no mind, as she looked through her locker. "I was wondering if you don't have any plans after school…would you like to come to my game?…I would love to have some support." He was truly a cute guy his blonde hair blue, tall perfectly structured body, golden sunkissed skin complexion. "Can't sorry I already made plans with Honey." She lied. I looked at her with a confused look. Chad saw and soon caught on. Well that's too bad maybe next time I guess." He said with a sad look. "Yea maybe." She closed her locked and grinned at him. he smiled looked down and walked away. "Why do you have to be so mean to him. you do know he likes you right?" I said with a mad tone. "Get real Honey he's the most popular guy in school not to mention the hottest. What would he want with me.. I mean just look at me…im not exactly a size zero. He's just looking for someone to toy with don't fall for it." she started walking to class. I followed "I would like some support." she mocked Chads words and continued. " pshhh. …Please. This coming from a popular guy." she mumbled to herself. When will she ever realize Chads feelings are true and he's not just toying with her? I wish he liked me but that would never happen.

First period was English literature. My worst subject everything about it was boring. I sat through it taking notes. I looked over at Demi who was chatting away with Eric. He was a part of the year book club. He's a nerdy kind of cute, a Very proper and adorable guy. Demi was popular, almost the entire school was her friends. from jocks to cheerleaders, nerds, all the way down to the Goths. She knew how to talk to everyone. I envy that about her, I'm not very out spoken. I've only known Demi for two years, but we quickly became best friends. I walked out of class once first period was done it was time for gym. Finally, my favorite subject, I love running track was my favorite thing I thought I was the fastest person, but that dream was chattered last night by Adam who quickly caught me. Demi had math, so she went to class with Eric who she shared most classes with. I changed into my gym wear. Shorts and a t-shit, I walked out of the changing rooms and out to the track field. I saw Kendra my gym buddy its weird in gym we are like best buds but once class is over we never talk. I guess we both shared the love of track that's why. Coach had us warm up by doing simple stretches and suicides. After that was done coach pulled me to the side to have a talk. "What is it coach?" I asked "Honey you are my star athlete in track and field. But as you heard the volley ball team is lacking members. They haven't won a single game in over four years running." he said giving me that apologetic stare. "So, what's your point?" I asked knowing what will come next. "I want you to joint the girls volley ball team." He smiled.

"What!.. I can't do that I don't know how to even play volley ball coach." I whined. "it's not as hard as you think. Coach Burton Is the best teacher she will help you with everything…please Honey she asked for you directly." He looked at me. I sighed "Fine...ill do it." he smiled and clapped his hands together. "you're a real sport." He swiped his fist under my chin. I left the field and headed to the gymnasium. To meet my new team. I walked in. everyone was staring at me all the girls. "Hi ..I'm Honey" I said lowly. "come on in and have a seat we're just taking attendance. I sat next to a girl with short curly hair. She smiled at me "Hi im Jessica." She said so bubbly. "I'm honey" I smiled. "I know your Demi's friend right?" she asked. Of course, who doesn't know me as Demi's friend? "Yea I am." I said annoyed.

"Alright ladies lets start with Warm ups" coach said. "let's be partners." Jessica asked "sure" I said. We all picked up a volley ball and surfed to each other back and forth. Every ball I surfed went to the opposite direction I wanted the ball to go. And everyone Jessica surfed hit me on the face. I hate volley ball I suck at it. why did coach switch me? now my very purpose for coming to school is gone. "Is this the star athlete you were talking about coach? She can't even surf." Some girl said. She was right im not any good. Coach came up to me once she saw me getting frustrated. "Don't worry.. once you get the hang of it you will be able get it right." she said. But I didn't listen I just wanted this class to be over, so I can leave. Once class was over I walked out of the gym "Hey Honey." Jessica came running after me. What could this airhead want? "You did good on your first day.. Don't worry about the other girls they are just jealous coach picked you to be head of the team." She said, "what really?" how could she do that I can't play well. How does she expect me to lead this team? "Yea she did ..well I'll see you around." she jogged off once she saw some guy hugged him and gave him a kiss. He must be her boyfriend lucky girl he's cute. I went to my locker to wait for Demi, so we could have lunch. She didn't show I waited over twenty minutes. I opened the locker to toss in my books when a note dropped at my feet. 'Hey Honey, I'm spending lunch with a few people sorry I couldn't get out of it...see you later...sorry Betsy.' I rolled my eyes. she always does these ditches me for other people. This is what I get for befriending a popular person. Lonely again, Demi is my best friend, but she does also have other friends. Me on the other hand, is a loner, My life sucks. I walked out of the school and walked over to a MacDonald to eat. I stood in the line up lunch times are usually busy but surprisingly today wasn't so bad. I ordered and sat at a table. My mouth watered at my big mac burger sitting on the tray I was so hungry I picked it up with two hands ready to welcome that delicious taste in my mouth. Just as I was about to take a bite I looked up and chocked on my own drool at the sight dropping my burger back down. I saw the devil once again Adam Hays walk in with his friends. His much older friends, his very good-looking friends.

Just when I thought this day couldn't get worse......