Chapter 5

Honey's (P.O.V)

I ducked my head hoping he wouldn't see me. why is he here? And what is he doing hanging out with older guys? I wonder how his father would feel about him skipping school and hanging with older guys. No wonder this kid is messed up. He's not hanging out with kids his own age. But I couldn't help checking him out a bit, he was wearing a black baseball cap backwards with his messy hair peaking out. A white T-Shirt and baggy black sweat pants a white sneaker that looked like they have never been worn I took a close look and noticed they had a blue sole on his shoes. Oh my god was he really wearing Blue Phantom? Those shoes cost more than a car. And now that I can remember he was wearing some brand name clothes that day I met him at my house. Andrew must make six figures to afford all that for him.

He looked so good for a lazy outfit. That's when I noticed he had earrings on, diamond stands. I never knew he had his ears pierced. Making him look even more handsome than he already was. Andrew must be a free spirit letting his son do what ever he wanted. Skipping school, hanging with older guys, and letting him pierce his ears. If only my mom was as lenient as him. I watched them as they went into the line up to order. I slowly bent down and tried sneaking out doing a crab crawl. The line was close to the door but if I was quiet I could leave without him noticing. I tried pushing the door open, but it didn't budge I looked up and noticed someone held it. My face melted into a frown.

I saw his smirk looking down at me. "hey sister what are you doing?" he smiled. "don't call me sister…I won't accept you as family." I snapped as I stood up. "who's that Adam?" one of his friends asked. The cutest one, he was tall, dark skinned and beautiful brown eyes with curly hair. "This is my older sister Honey." He grabbed my shoulder and held me next to him. "Oh yea? Since when? I thought you didn't have any siblings." Another one asked from behind Adam. He was also tall with more of a fare skin tone dark black hair long and in a pony tail and he was also extremely handsome. I've never been around so many pretty boys in my life. It was kind of overwhelming.

I took his hand off my shoulder. "I have to go." I had to leave there was too much sexiness in one room my heart couldn't handle it. I tried walking away but the one with black long hair grabbed my hand. "Oh, come on, don't leave yet we only just met." He winked. Adam quickly slapped his hand off me. "didn't I say she was my sister?" he stood eye to eye with the guy. "Don't get so fresh with her." He threatened.

"Sorry man I thought you were joking." What was this? What was going on here? Adam is just a kid and these guys look like they are in their twenties. Why respect a little kid? I slowly walked out the door while Adam wasn't looking and hurried down the street. He's such a mysterious kid. I don't get him at all. Does he sell drugs or something? That's why he had such expensive shoes and stuff. That must be it. I know he is trouble I can feel there is something he's hiding. I need to avoid him as much as possible. "Hey wait up." He quickly jogged up to me. "Go to school and leave me alone brat" I said. "Why are you always so angry? You know you will get wrinkles at a young age?" he laughed. "Its not funny... and who were those guys?" I stopped and looked him in the face. "Friends…why?" he answered.

"Friends? Huh!... what lies…does your father know what your up to?" I continued to walk. "Why do you care. You worried about me?" he smirked. "I wouldn't care about you if you where in a tank of sharks swimming for your life." I said as I continued walking. "You should go see a psychiatrist all that anger can't be healthy." He said with laughter. I stopped to look at him. "you sell drugs, don't you?" I asked the question that has been running through my mind. He returned a confused look. "don't look at me like that you know what I'm talking about, running around with older thugs I bet and those shoes… don't think I didn't notice those are blue Phantoms, how can a kid like you get those huh?" he stared at me then his loud laughter shook me. It was so sudden that it startled me. "oh man you kill me." He said though laughter. I rolled my eyes waiting for him to stop. "you finished because I have to go." I continued to walk away. "wait, you think I sell drugs because I have expensive things how naïve are you." He asked. Trying to catch up to me. "don't try to deny it that's the only explanation." I said. "my dad works, and I have my own money that I worked for." He said matter of fact making me feel slightly stupid. "Would you stop following me. I've got school, I'm going to be late." I said picking up speed. "All right I'll forgive you if you just give me your number, so I can walk you home later." "Yea right as if I would do that now go." I ordered. The school was right in front of us I can't let anyone see us together. "Give me the number then I'll go." He said. "No, you will leave that's it." I said with anger. "Fine I'll take you to class then…I want to meet all your friend." He took my hand and walked me towards the school. "Alright! Alright!" I shouted, "I'll give you the number." I said pulling my hand away.

He held out his hand and smirked "What is it?" I asked, "your phone…give it to me…what you think I'm stupid I'll take the number down myself." He curled his hand. I rolled my eyes and kissed my teeth. I reached in my pocket and handed it to him. smart little bastards how did he know I was going to give him a fake number? "Nice phone." He commented as he dialed his own number. His phone rang in his pocket. He then handed it back. "Was that so hard?" he smiled. "yes, ouch I'm dying… now get lost." I said. I'll see you later then he leaned in and to my face. What is he trying to do? Kiss me right here in front of everyone is he crazy? I turned away "I'll call you." he whispered then walked away, With a chuckle. I walked to school and Demi was standing at the doors with some girls. They all glared at me with smirks. "What's up?" I asked. "don't what's up me you slut who was that?" Demi teased. She pocked me with her elbow. "Who?" I asked. "Playing dumb huh? come on who was he? he was the cutest guy I ever saw?" Demi's friend said. "Yea he totally was I'm so jealous he doesn't go to our school I would have noticed him." The other friend said. Where they talking about Adam? They saw all that? "The hotty you where talking to if you're not with him introduce me." Demi's friend said.

"That's my soon to be step brother you know the one I told you about." I said to Demi she returned a confused look "Adam? The so-called perverted devil? he's a total hotty." she said. I guess his attitude turned me off. He was looking less attractive the more he talked but I can't deny his looks. "If I had a stepbrother like that he can be a pervert to me all the time." her friends giggled. Demi grabbed me walked me to the doors. "Are you sure he's only fourteen? I mean he looks so much older." She said whispering to me. "I told you he looks older...he's sent from god to make my life a living hell I just know it." I walked in the school. "Why does he look so familiar? Where have I seen him before" she drifted to deep thoughts. My phone buzzed in my pocket; it was a text I looked down at my phone.

"I'll pick you up after school. Bitter Honey ;)" I frowned at my phone and Demi started giggling. "Is that's a Text from Adaam?" she sang with a teasing tone. I glared at her with a death look, there's no way ill be waiting around for him to come pick me up ill be long gone as soon as school ends. I replied to his message.

"Go back to hell Devil…"

I shoved my phone back in my pocket. He didn't respond, and I was grateful for that. Lord knows what else I would say to him. I could usual control my temper and my attitude but when it comes to Adam It's the hardest thing to do. He brings out the worst in me. I never get worked up over someone that teases me and trust me I have been bullied before and never lost my cool enough to insult someone. He makes my blood boil with every word he says, and his care free attitude puts fuels on the fire I don't understand what he wants from me. Does he enjoy annoying me or does he get a kick out of all this.

I got through the school doors and Demi was still pestering me about Adam. She kept going on and on about how cute he was. If only she got to know him she wouldn't be saying all this about him. he's a demon in human clothing. We went to our locker to prepare for our next class. We grabbed our things and headed our separate ways. I made a quick stop in the lady's room. My phones ringer went off loudly in my hand startling me near death. "He-hello" I stuttered. "You ok?" Demi asked. "I'm fine why would you ask?" I questioned. "Your voice seems jumpy." She asked curiously. "are you hooking up with someone already wow?" She laughed. "Of course not." "Are you sure?" She laughed. I rolled my eyes Demi is just something special. "Oh, guess what? I fully forgot to tell you." She said with a hyper tone. "What?" I asked uninterested. "I got four tickets to Dark Scorpions concert coming up this weekend." She then Began to scream I pulled the phone away from my ear once she was finished I put it back. "I don't like Dark Scorpion." I said knowing it would piss her off. Demi was a diehard fan of Dark Scorpion. He's some young hot pop singer who looks like a girl with a depressing aura. He is cute, and all don't get me wrong but I'm not a big fan of his.

"You are such an idiot Honey if you don't listen to Dark Scorpion then what do you listen to? I feel sorry for your ears." She teased. "Well have fun I'm not going to see Dark he's so full of himself, god I hate cocky guys like him." "He is not cockney at all stop hating." She defended. "Yes, he is, just because he's good looking dating the most beautiful girl to ever walk the earth he thinks he's better then everyone..." I added. "Fine hate him all you want but you have to come you can't let me go alone." She pleaded giving me a tone I could imagine she's pouting her lower lip.

"No Demi don't play dumb you have plenty of friends to go with your the most popular person at school." I said. "Yea but none of them are my best friend." She responded, And I was trapped. She knew how to get me. "Besides I told you I have four tickets, right?" "And what of it?" I crossed my arms and leaned on my pillow. "Chad is coming you're coming I'm going." She said suddenly going silent giving me that I should know who else is coming. "Who's the fourth?" I asked annoyed. "Dylan duh." She said hosting his name. I dropped my arms at my side and straightened my back. Was she just pulling my leg, or Did she really say I'm going on a double date with Dylan and Chad. "Aren't you excited we get to finally go on a double date without one being left out. You told me to give Chad a chance, so I will try. "

"You mean, you always go on a double date I never get asked out." I reminded her. "Shit I have to go I'm late for class." She hung up. I looked at the time and started running out of the washroom. I was also going to be late.