Chapter 6

Honey's (P.O.V)

Once I got to my third and final period of class I was ecstatic for many reasons. First and foremost was because Dylan White was in my class, second reason was it's the last class for the day and last is because it's art class which means we do nothing all day long but chit chat. You're probably wondering who Dylan is. It's safe to say he's someone I've had a crush on since middle school, just a crush nothing more because I know one thing for sure he is way, way, way out of my league he's also best friends with Chad making him the second most popular guy at our school Dylan is the football star who is just as great as Chad. Why have I not even spoken to him for the last few years I've known him you ask?

Well its plain and simple…he doesn't know I exist. He fully bumped into me one time in the hall and pretended he bumped a wall or something and kept walking, worst part is It was just the two of us. But as I try to get over this crush I've had on him it's not that simple. he's in my class and lived three doors down from my house. So, I can kiss getting over him goodbye.

He's tall, tan, light sandy brown hair, and beautiful brown eyes that matched mine. He was masculine, of course he is an athlete and he always wore those football jackets that were blue and white. It was our school theme color. "Hey, your Bonny right?" a sudden deep sexy voice said snapping me back to reality. I looked up and choked on my own breath, I know right. is that even possible? I guess it was because I clearly did. It was him Dylan White, Standing in front of me with a gorgeous smile. "n-no ..I-I-I'm…. Ho-n-Honey…" I manage to say in the utmost stutter. He laughed "Honey. sorry I was wondering" he cleared his throat with a hand over his luscious lips and continued. "you're Demi's friend, right?" I knew it, but for some reason I hated her name escaping his lips. Demi once more it was always Demi no one ever asked about me. "Yea that's me…Demi's friend" I said sarcastically. "Yea I figured, could you do me a favor and ask her to come to the football tournament this Friday? I would really want her to come cheer me on." He said with a shy look. Boy did he ever look cute when he was shy. "I'll try I can't promise anything" I said unenthusiastically. Something told me these athlete boys were having a competition who can get Demi first. First Chad and now Dylan.

"Really?" his face lit up with excitement. "Thanks, you're a real sport" he tapped my shoulder with his fist. That's the second time I've been call (sport.) today. "I'll see you around Bonny" he said as he went back to his seat "its Hon-… oh what's the point." I rested my head in my hands. My life is really depressing he is my neighbor, was in my class since middle school, has a crush on my best friends and doesn't even know my name? I must really be invisible. After class was over I gathered my books and made my way to our locker. I saw Demi standing there chatting with Eric the cute smart one I mentioned earlier. They look like they have been getting close lately. I didn't want to disturb the deep conversation they were in, so I threw my books in my bag and walked out of the school. For them first time in the last couple of hours I looked at my phone. I had two missed calls and three text messages from the devil Adam. "Devil?? you sure have a lot of anger in that small body of yours. But I like it. ;)" was the first message. "by the way you looked cute today, see you soon Bitter Honey." was the second message.

"how long do you plan to keep me waiting?" Was the last message. I could feel anger rising with in me. Was he serious about walking me home? god this kid really gets on my nerves. I walked outside, plotting a plan to escape the hook of the Devil when I heard a commotion. There was a crowed of girls in front of the school as I got closer I saw Adams hat peeking out from the centre of the crowed. "so, are you from around here?" I heard one of the girls ask him.

"of course, he's not, I would have known if he was" another one answered. "your so cute do you have a girlfriend?" "you should so come to our school." "do you do modeling? Because you're totally a hotty." They kept drowning him with complements and questions. I could see he was annoyed and was stuck he just answered with "I-uh" or "umm". Quickly, joy over filled me I loved seeing him uneasy. This was the perfect opportunity for me to escape. I slowly ducked my head as I walked past the crowed. I few more steps and I'm home free. That's when I felt a strong hand wrap around my wrist. "Where are you going babe? I've been waiting." Adam said with a smirk. "huh?" I said confusedly. he winked at me, to play along. "that's your girlfriend?" one of the girls said with her arm crossed, and attitude written all over her face. She was beautiful her name was Kourtney young. I know her from a few classes I had with her last year we never spoke, and she treats me like I'm invisible too. It must be a pretty people thing. "you have to be kidding me right?" a friend of hers said. "yea. aren't I a lucky guy?" he chuckled, he parted my fingers with his as he squeezed my hand tightly.

"what are you doing?" I whispered to him. "just play along would you." He whispered back. "well if you will excuse us ladies I'm taking my girlfriend home." he gave them a heart throbbing smile as he pulled me down the street. I could feel invisible bows and daggers thrown at my back. I was in complete and utter shock to even say anything. It all happened so fast. He embarrassed me in front of the entire female population of my school. Now they all think I'm dating this brat. How could he do that to me. I quickly pulled my hand away from his as soon as we were no longer on school ground. "do you have nothing better do that you come to my school?" I asked with anger. "relax your I work near here since I was close by might as well say hi." He explained. I cursed him in my head. "I'm at my limits with you Adam, leave me alone." I hissed. But he had this ridiculous smile on his face. "what?" I asked. "that's the first time you said my name." he said his smile deepening his dimples. I don't know why I started blushing. "don't change the subject, what the hell do you think you you're doing?" I said almost shouting but trying my best too not draw attention from the people passing us. "What do you mean?" he said with a confused yet sarcastic look.

"Don't act dumb you know what I mean. I'm asking what the hell was that all about? Everyone is going to misunderstand things now thanks to you." I pushed him back. "ouch aggressive much?" he laughed. "If you like it rough just tell me." he leaned in and put his arm around me pulling me closer to him until my nose was touching his I struggled from his grip, but he held me tight. "or do you like it nice and slow?" he whispers in my ear. In front of everyone in the street he had the nerve to do that. I tried to push him away, but he didn't budge. He placed his lips on my neck and moved down slowly to my caller bone. I felt bolt of electricity running though my body and everywhere his lips touch was on fire. My knees began to quiver as he moved his hands down my back. I couldn't believe the effect this kid had on me. I knew this was wrong, so I tried to wiggle my way out of his grip. He kept puling me closer. "Adam let go of me." I was now begging him, but he didn't listen. I could see people passing giving us strange looks. "please stop" I cried. But his kisses felt so good. I let out a moan not realizing we were outside in public, in broad daylight. "s-stop" I whispered. Hoping he would listen, but my body said otherwise. I grabbed on to his shirt, it was as if my body was moving on its own. I closed my eyes, it felt so good to be touched by him. "you like it don't you?" he said with a cocky tone. And to my surprise he pulled away and took a step back. I quickly opened my eyes to see his evil smirk.

"Oh man Honey, I didn't think you where this kind of a girl but that's all you get…let's just call it a preview." He winked. My face flushed with embarrassment. I let him do that, I let him think I liked it, the embarrassment quickly changed to anger as I walked up to him and did something I never imagined doing to a guy. And I know it hurt like hell. I lifted my leg and kneed him right in his precious jewels. He screeched in pain and cupped his hands over his jewels and arched forward. His hat fell off his head revealing his messy hair, his face turned red in aggravating pain I could only imagine. "Honey…you little…." he said in a cracking tone. I could see anger rising with in him. as his knees touched the ground. But I didn't stick around to find out the outcome. I raced down the street and tried to take as much short cuts as I possibly could, until I finally reached my house. I exhaled in relief. "Safe at last" I murmured to myself. "Hey Honey, how was school?" my mother said as she stood at the stairwell dressed to impress. "where …are… you going?" I said trying to catch my breath. "im going out with Andrew, why are you out of breath?" she said walking towards the living room. "just …practicing I have… a track meet tomorrow." I lied "ok Hun that's nice, I made dinner it's in the microwave so heat it up." "alright mom." I said. "And clean up the house while im gone, feed the fish and the birds." Ok mom I will." I said rolling my eyes. "Pooch and Boo Boo have already been fed. Make sure you do your homework too young lady." "I get it mom." I grew annoyed. "your room also need to be cleaned so make sure that's done by tonight." She assured me. "Ok, ok already, I get it…gosh." She kissed my forehead. As she picked up her purse she stood at the door. "I feel like I'm missing something. she looked up as if she was thinking deeply. "I think you got it all mom." I rolled my eyes. "oh, that's right…Adam will be coming over to keep you company so be nice to him...alright sweetie I'll see you tonight, love you." She blew a kiss as she closed the door.

my heart was now pounding against my chest. I shouldn't have done that to him but what choice did I have? I tired chasing after my mom to beg her to cancel. I opened the front door and she was already gone. Reality hit me hard He was really coming.

she was kidding right? please tell me she was just kidding.