Chapter 8

Honey's (P.O.V)

Why mom why!? Was what I kept screaming in my head. she loves to make my life a living hell. So, she summons the Devil...Adam Hays. I quickly dialed Demi's number. "hello?" she said with a quiet tone. "Demi! I need you right now." I cried. "I can't talk Honey I'm in the theaters…ill call you back later on." She said then hung up. "ugh!" I gritted my teeth together in anger. This can't be happening. How could I only have one friend? I thought I could depend on her but she's totally useless. What am I going to do? The devil will be here any minute. My phone vibrated as I got a text. I quickly checked to see if it was from Demi, but boy was I ever wrong. it was Him.

"I'm on my way Honey ;)"

I was now scared. I pasted around the living room thinking of an escape rout. I felt terrible for hitting him I've never harmed a soul in my entire life but then I was able to hurt him so easily. I wanted to apologize to him for what I did but what if he didn't accept my apology? What is he going to do to me? is he going to hurt me for kneeing him? or was he going to be a pervert again and touch me. that's when my mind went blank and the thought of his lips crossed my mind, his soft tender lips his warm touch, the way his hand caressed my body. Then I started to feel hot.

Thinking of him made my knees weak. What am I thinking? Snap out of it. I told myself. He's going to be my step brother soon I can't keep having these nasty thoughts. He was turning me into a pervert like him. I don't want to see him right now. What if I loc him out and pretend I'm not home. I smiled at my genius plan. I ran across the living room to lock the door before he came in but to my surprise the door swung open like one of those horror films as he stood there with a huge grin on his face. Lightning went off as it flashed a glimpse of his face. I screamed at his sudden creepy sight. But he rushed over and placed his hand over my mouth. "shh what is wrong with you? Do want the neighbors to think I'm some rapist?" he said in my ear. I pushed his hand away as I took a step back "you are a rapist." I said as I walked away. He grabbed my hand "where do you think your going?" he said with a serious look. "Remember what you did a few hours ago?" he smiled. "Look you deserved it so let go." I said pulling away. "ill make you pay for it sooner or later but for now…" He walked passed me as he went to the kitchen. He opened the fridge door and stuck his head in. "I'm starving, got anything to eat?" he asked completely ignoring the fact he was being totally rude. "don't you dare touch my lasagna" I said quickly racing to the stove. But he beat me to it. he pushed me away with one hand as he dug a fork in it. "mm not bad. you made this?" he said stuffing forks full in his mouth. "you…. are…unbelievable." I said angry at the fact he didn't even ask me yet had the nerve to push me away from my meal. I was hungry too. "Want a bite?" he asked as if he read my mind. He held the fork in front of my face. "no, you pig" I walked away rolling my eyes. I grabbed a granola bar and walked over the to the couch and sat down in annoyance and anger. I hate him, I hate him, I hate him. I repeated to myself. He came over rubbing sauce off his face with a napkin as he threw his arm around my shoulder. I pinched it and threw it off. "owe, I was just resting my arm. Sheesh" he said massaging his hand. After a long awkward silence between us he finally spoke up. "so…do you have a boyfriend?" he wasn't even looking at me when he asked. "so, you ask that after you hit on me?" he nodded and smiled sheepishly. "yes, I do have one, so you can stop your perverted ways towards me." I lied as I rolled my eyes." I don't believe you." He said. "why not he's older and very mature." I lied some more. "what's his name?" he asked with amusement written on his face. I said the first name that came to mind "Luke." Even I knew this was a bogus lie. "Luke?" he raised an eyebrow. He wasn't buying it, I can tell by the look he had on his face. "Ok? How long have you been dating Luke?' he chuckled when he said the name. "over a year ok now drop it." I said wanting to end this conversation of my make-believe boyfriend named Luke. "why are you interrogating me? Its none of your business I don't ask you about your girlfriend." I wanted t to turn the tables. If I carried this conversation on he would see thought my lies. I was always such a bad lair. He already knew something was up but how will he know I don't have boyfriend? "but you know what? its ok" he leaned into my ear. his hot breath against my neck was making me nervous. I could feel goosebumps on my neck. "what he doesn't know won't hurt him." He gently bit my ear. And to my surprise I let out a loud moan. But then I quickly place my hand over my mouth. he found my weak spot…. I felt my face heat up as he looked at me with wide eyes, like my outburst surprised him. he quickly smirked at me with an evil smile on his lips.

"don't tell me that's your weak spot?" he chuckled. "oh man, your easy to read Honey…most people take months to find it but man your easy." He said almost laughing. I just sat there blushing immensely unable to speak from embarrassment. "I couldn't find my girlfriends for the first month an I find yours on the first try." He was now laughing hard. "I-its not funny" I stuttered. I stood up. "you are the most annoying kid I ever met" I said with anger. But he kept laughing and it was fueling my rage even more. I wanted to hurt him and feel just as bad as I did "… no wonder your mother isn't around." I said coldly. I watched as he stopped laughing and his smile quickly faded. He was now frowning. I knew it was working so I wanted to keep going taking jabs at him. "you think your funny and you play around like some horny rabbit. but truthfully your just sick" I continued knowing I was far out of line. "you don't know anything about me." he said with an angry look. "oh, I think I know enough just looking at you. Your mother left so you cry out for attention, so you act like a complete perverted dog." I was unable to stop. I didn't mean it, but I kept going. "don't make me laugh Honey…. you think. I like you, don't you? sorry to break it to you but you couldn't get me hard even if you were the last woman on earth... and keep my mother out of your mouth you know nothing." He said now offending my ego.

"you know what kid, no wonder you crave for attention, you're going to be some washed up male gigolo someday. No wonder your mother left"

"I said to keep my mother out of this….and what about you huh? You think I don't know about your father walking out on you. I don't blame him…having such a depressing daughter I would leave to." He said with a smirk. "take that back." I said now tears coming down my cheeks. It wasn't supposed to be like this. He wasn't supposed to say things back. In my head I was the one doing all the damage, but he returned the heat and it burned. like the old saying goes: don't start the fire if you can't handle the heat. "what's the matter? did I hit a soft spot?... your really just a loser, aren't you?" why is he saying these hurtful things to me? I know I said just as much, and I deserve it, but I didn't think he would bring up my father. Then he continued. "no one likes you, so you spend your time being jealous of people and became bitter. I bet your father hated you-" I clinched my fist tightly holding back the urge to hit him again, but I couldn't take it anymore, so I slapped him. my hands stung form his strong jaw. He just turned his face and took the slap as he looked away. He turned back to look into my eyes. "you're heartless you, inconsiderate jerk." I said before I ran to my room and slammed the door shut.

I dropped on my bed and buried my head in my pillow and cried. and just when I thought about apologizing to him. he can forget it. ill never forgive him not for as long as I live. I don't care that im so forgiving I'm going to stand by it. im never going to even speak to him. He was really a jerk and what he said was unforgivable. But I couldn't help but agree it was true all of it was true, every word. Why did I care so much? why did It hurt so much coming from Adam Hays mouth? He has done nothing but make my life even more miserable than it already is. I already must deal with so much in my life Adam doesn't make it any easier. I tried calling my mom to ask her to come home early I couldn't handle being alone.

right now. Adam opened some painful wounds I thought had healed over time but no matter how long it takes my father abandoning us will forever haunt me. "Hi honey can I call you later sweetie?" my mother answered with heavy breaths and I didn't like how she sounded I quickly hung up tying my best not to imagine what she was doing on the end of the line. I begged god not to let me have an image in my head. The very thought of my mom getting intimate with a mad made my stomach turn making me nauseous how gross. Thankfully my phone rang distracting me. It was Demi, I didn't answer. I didn't want her to know I was crying over Adam. She wouldn't stop asking me questions if she knew about our little fight. And that means I would have to start my story from A to Z and I didn't feel the need to explain anything. I silenced it and placed my head on my pillow I wish Adam would just disappear from my life. I Cursed my mother for doing this to me. If she hadn't met Andrew, then Adam wouldn't be here. My life would be less of a headache. And to make matters worse She's never around anymore she's busy with Andrew leaving me alone. I wish she told me more about my father and why he left. I missed my him so much just when I was adjusting with life without him I'm reminded the missing puzzle piece to my heart. Why did he leave me alone? There're so much people that are the cause of my misery. First it was my father then my mother and now Adam Hayes.