Chapter 9

Adam (P.O.V)

"you're heartless" those two words stung my heart not because I cared that Honey said it but because I've heard it before. From my mother I was never the son she wanted she called me cold and heartless because I didn't care about anything. I never listened to her, my grades kept dropping and I would always talk back when being scolded. I was a spoiled brat So when Honey said those words it brought back painful thoughts. Not to mention the slap she gave me. she was the second girl to ever slap me. my mother being the first. Now that I think about it, Honey does resemble my mother in a lot of ways. Her attitude even the way she frowns at me I can't help but remember my mother.

But after today I know I crossed the line. I feel bad about what I had said to her, but she brought it upon herself. No one speaks of my mother, no one deserves to bring her up. I sat back down on the couch as I exhaled in frustration. What was wrong with this girl she makes me feel uneasy. She started it, now I feel the need to apologize. My phone began to ring as it gave me a near heart attack. I flinched before I could even answer "hello?" I answered. "Hey babe. What are you doing?" rose said from the other line. She wasn't who I wanted to talk to right now. "I'm busy right now let me call you back." I said, "No let's go out I'm free for a few hours maybe we can hang out." she whined. I sighed in frustration. "as tempting as that sounds I'm going to have to pass babe." I said regretfully.

"You're such a jerk Dark, you never want to do anything lately, are you seeing someone huh? Tell me now Dark before it gets bad." She snapped. Now I was annoyed. "look take the time to cool off I'll see you around." I said before I hung up. She was in the middle of saying something, but I didn't want to hear it. one thing I hate is jealous woman. Rose may be the hottest girl in the industry right now, but she lacks confidence which is ironic, she was the biggest narcissist girl out there she was called conceited Rose for years. But ever since she started seeing me she lost it all. People say its because she met someone hotter than her. I walked up the stairs to check on Honey I felt bad for saying those things to her. I peeked through her door crack and saw her laying in bed. I widened her door and walked towards her. I noticed she was sound asleep. What a baby who falls asleep so quickly after a small tear drop? I chuckled when I heard her soft snoring. I averted my eyes from her that's when I noticed a little blue book peaking from underneath her pillow. I slowly reached for it and pulled it out trying not to wake her. It read, 'Sweet Honey's Diary' this had to be a joke. A diary at her age? I was anxious to open it and read it. but my guilty conscious was fighting my curiosity. And guess what? My curiosity won. I snuck out of her room and made my way down the hall and in to the bathroom. I sat on the toilet and began to read. I skipped a few nonsenses about crushes here and there as a child, but something caught my eye.

''January 5th -My first heart break.

Sean, my cute crush. he was always the guy I liked for so long and god he is so cute. my friends tell me to go ask him out but I'm too shy, way to shy. He's always so mean to all the girls at school so im afraid he will turn me down. but my friend Charly (My best friend) says he only turns down ugly girls and that im cute. I find it mean to call anyone ugly. Besides I have huge ears that I hate so I'm way too after so much pushing from Charly I got the confidence to finally ask him out. it was after school and I walked out to the playground to wait for him since he was always there with his friends.

Once I noticed him coming my way I got nervous I walked up to him and finally said it. "Sean will you go out with me?" he looked at me up and down. "why don't you come to my birthday party tonight?" he said as he winked at me and walked away with his friends as they laughed. I was about to pass out from the very thought of him even speaking to me. and he invited me to his birthday too. I saw Charly coming my way and I told her everything. she was happy for me and insisted I go. I wasn't sure if I should go something was telling me I shouldn't go; my gut feeling was telling me it was a bad idea. but I listened to Charly because I trusted her. I went over to her house, so she could help me get ready. she let me wear her pink dress that I liked, and she put my hair up in a bun with a cute flower in my hair. I didn't want to put my hair up because I was so self conscious about my ears, but she told me I looked beautiful. when we arrived, I saw Sean standing talking to a few friends. I walked up to him and smiled. he took my hand and led me to a closet. my heart was pounding. this was all going too fast. the closet was dark, and it was just the two of us. "close your eyes Honey." he said to me softly. my heart was racing now. I did as he asked, and I felt cold wet lips touch mine. this was my first kiss I was kissing my crush Sean.

Then the lights quickly came on as I heard laughter. I quickly opened my eyes to find a big wet dead fish in my face. I screamed as I took a step back to fined Sean on the floor laughing and Charly at his side also laughing. "you think Sean will ever like you?" Charly said as she held Sean's hand. "yea I could never like someone with Dumbo ears." he cracked up again. I was crying as I was overcome with a painful emotion. how could Charly do this to me.? she was my friend my best friend, and she humiliated me in front of everyone. "go home Dumbo." Sean said coldly. "yea Dumbo go home." Charly said after him. I ran out of the house completely hurt and betrayed. I soon moved form that town and I never saw Charly or Sean ever again. So, can anyone blame me if I have trust issues?'' I closed the diary and sat back.

So therefore I never saw Honey with her hair up she always wears it down. I was now curious to see these so-called Dumbo ears of hers. I guess I kind of feel sorry for her. I've never experience bullying in my life. nor have I ever bullies anyone, but it must be painful. no wonder she's so bitter, I can't imagine what kind of person Charly must be to betray your best friend for a guy. I continued to flip though her book as my eyes landed on another chapter.

'September 1- I lost my heart.

First day back to school was the biggest heart ache of my life. I lost my father. It was a beautiful summer day I didn't think it would be the last time ever saw him. He dropped me off at school and assured me he would be right here to pick me up once class was over. My father was my best friend and everything to me he was my hero. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and I watched him leave all I could remember was his broad back walking away. Once class was over, like the naïve innocent child I was I waited outside for him waiting for his arrival. I sat at the school steps waiting for him to arrive. I waited and waited but no sign of him. The teacher would ask if I need help finding my parents, but I assured them he was coming. Hours went by as I sat in the cold rain counting every drop that landed on my sleeve until I was drenched. Finally, the teacher said enough was enough, so she called my mother.

Once my mother arrived she was already in tears. "What happened Honey where is your father?" she asked. I began to cry as well unable to answer her question I just said, "I don't know." She took me in the car and she began to call him. "The number you have reached as been changer by the authorizer, please try again." Was what I heard from the phone. I was young and had no idea what was going on. "where is he?" my mother said to herself. She looked furious, when we arrived there was a letter on the door of our house. My mother quickly ripped it off and began to read. Her eyed widened as she read she held a hand over her mouth and shut her mouth. she looked deeply hurt. She dropped down and hugged me. "mommy what's wrong?" I asked with teary eyes. As I sneezed from the cold rain and my soaked clothing. "it's ok Honey…. everything is going to be fine." She murmured, rubbing my back. Until today I still don't know what that letter said. But I have a feeling it had something to do with my father.

As time passed I would always wonder when he was coming back. my mother tried to convince me he wasn't going to come back but I was hard headed. And if anyone knew me they knew I was the most forgiving person ever. If my father ever decided to come back, I would forgive him in a heartbeat…. I just miss him with all my heart." I shut the book closed I whipped a tear from under my eye lid. I had no idea I was even tearing up. Why did this remind me so much of mom? The way my dad had to cover it all up, He wouldn't tell me a thing. "everything is going to be fine Adam" is all he would say. I wondered where she was when I came from school every day. He would tell me she's on tour. But tours didn't take years I thought. I found out on my own she dies through news papers and News channels which dad had to block off our tv. So, reading Honey's diary and about her Father, she must be feeling a lot of grief. I shouldn't have said that to her. How could I say those things to her after what her father had done? My private phone rang as I answered it. "Me again babe." a perky voice said. Didn't I just speak to her? "Hey how did you get this number?" I asked wondering how she got my private number. Only my father Robin and now Honey know this number. Besides she usually calls my work phone. "why can't I have my boyfriends' number huh? god Dark your such an ass, you don't even tell me you had another number. I have to go and get it from Robyn. Are you trying to seriously push me away? because sooner or later I will be gone out of your life." she hissed as if about to cry. I don't want to lose Rose she is someone I've liked for a long time. One of the reasons I agreed to be a singer is to be recognized by her. I still don't want to risk anything by telling her who I really am. so I must keep it a secret for as long as I can.

"Are you there? are you even listening to me Dark?" she said rage in her tone. "I'm here" I said softly. "Do you have any idea how hard it is talking to my friends and telling them I know nothing about my boyfriends? Its embarrassing." She hissed. "I'm sorry Rose but I can't tell you anything… at least not right now." I said hoping that would calm her down. "you better tell me something or we are through you hear me?" she demanded. "loud and clear babe." I smiled. "so, what are you doing now?" she said suddenly sounding sexy. "I'm babysitting a big baby." I said reminding her It's only been a few minutes since we last spoke. "well just ditch the big baby and come see me." how could I refuse Rose and her body? Besides Honey is already in bed she wouldn't even notice if im gone, its not like she wants me here anyways. "I'm on my way." I said as I stood up and made my way to the door. I left the washroom and out the front door. I know Honey hates me right now and won't ever speak to me, but I guess it is what it is…