Chapter 10

Honey's (P.O.V)

I woke from my sleep and my pillow was drenched in tears. I wasn't only hurt I was insulted. As I was lost in thought my phone rang. "hey movie is done what's up?" Demi said sounding gitty as ever. " Demi." I cried her name. "what's wrong hon?" she said sounding sincere. "oh, I'm talking to my friend.... ok I'll meet you in the car just give me a sec." she said as she spoke to someone. "Sorry you where saying?" she turned her attention back to me. "who was that?" I asked. "just a friend." she replied hesitantly. "So, you went to the movies with just a friend you could have called me, Demi cut the bullshit who is he?" I said teasingly. "Fine I can't ever lie to's um...." she trailed off. "spit it out woman." I pushed. "Dylan." the sound of his name made my heart skip.

She was out with my crush the crush I was madly in love with for so many years the crush she knew I liked. My hand shook as I wanted to throw the phone against my dresser. " Honey are you ok?" she asked. Am I ok? Am I ok? you date the one guy I like, and you tell me if I'm ok? She not only crossed the line of friendship she crossed the line towards trust. It was like Jr. high all over again. "you're re a real friend Demi. " Without saying another word, I hung up. and shut my eyes as tear flowed out. She tried calling back a few more times but I had no intention of answering her calls. I felt pooch licking my ear and cheek. "Thanks for making me feel better." I rubbed his tummy. As he rolled over and wagged his tail. My stomach growled startling poor pooch who was now on my lap. I was starving I didn't eat lunch because of him and I didn't eat dinner nether because of him yet again.

I needed to eat something quickly before I passed out. I don't care if I see him down stairs I need to eat. I got up and pooch followed me downy the stairs. Every step I took my heart triple it's pules. So, I took one last step and headed towards the living room. And in surprise he was gone. Maybe he's in the kitchen, I made my way to the kitchen and empty he wasn't there neither.

That's when I thought maybe he's using the washroom. I walked over and noticed it was slightly open. Did he leave? I was ecstatic, I was beyond happy that I quickly shut the door and locked it. As I made my way to the kitchen I started to become overwhelmed with a feeling. Was it guilt? Deep inside I felt the opposite feeling I felt a minute ago. Maybe I hurt him when I said those words to him or maybe I took it too far when I slapped him. Maybe he will hate me now. This was the second time I hit him today. Wait what am I talking about? Why do I care suddenly this is what I wanted right? Then I thought. This was my chance to get my food and go. I rushed to the kitchen and made a quick microwaveable jigs dinner. I ran up the stairs as I passed the washroom I noticed it was slightly open and no one was in there. Where could he be? I was about to walk away when I noticed my dairy on the bathroom seat. "it can't be." I mumbled to myself. As I I walked in and took a closer look. It was my dairy indeed. "IM GONNA KILL HIM!" I screamed. I was furious. He went through my private notes. This can't be happening I had too much private stuff in there. he had the nerve to open my dairy and read it. if I see him I'm going to kill him. I took my dairy out and went to my room. I ate my meal then I was off to lala land.

I woke for school the next morning. I didn't realize my mother didn't come home last night until I notice there was no breakfast. I got dressed and I was out the door. I had a feeling in my stomach. I didn't want to see Demi especially after last night. My phone was going off the hook last night and I know it was her. I walked to the bus stop and noticed her standing there. I turned on my feet walked the other direction. "HONEY!" she shouted out. I picked up speed. But she ran up to me as he grabbed my shoulder and spun me around. "please talk to me." she said sadly. "what Demi? what do you want to talk about huh? The fact you back stabbed me or the fact you don't respect me?" I said coldly.

"Why wont you let me explain anything?" she said. "There is nothing to explain Demi just leave me alone." I turned around and continued to walk. "why are you always so judgmental huh, you always assume things. You're not a good friend." She shouted out. "excuse me?" I said as I walked back to her. "im not a good friend? Are you forgetting who betrayed who? You know about Charly and you still did this to me." I cried unable to control my emotions. "I didn't go out with Dylan Honey, I didn't ok." She was now also in tears. "Eric asked me to out and I said yet. Once I arrived Dylan was already there. he wasn't with me he was with another girl. when his girl ditched him, he hung with Eric and I. Eric got food poisoning after the movie and went home so Dylan was my ride him. that's when I called you." she explained barley through tears. She wasn't lying I know when Demi lies and this time she was telling the truth. "I would never hurt you Honey don't you know that? you are my best friend your closer to me then my own sister." She cried. "Demi I'm so sorry I just don't know what to do anymore." I cried. She walked over to me and hugged me. "don't worry I know you have been through a lot. I'm sorry for calling you a bad friend." She rubbed my back. "No, I'm sorry for not trusting you." I murmured.

We arrived at school patching back up our friendship. Once we arrived I saw Chad standing at the doors as he shifted straight when he saw us walking towards the school. He started to blush when he saw Demi smiling at him. "hey Demi, how are you?" He said cutely. "Fine and you?" she asked. It was like I was invisible to these guys. I walked away and made my way to our locker I saw Dylan laughing it up with a few guys as his eyes landed on me I began to blush and quickly turned away as I began to turn the nob on my lock. "Hey your Bonny, right?" I heard Dylan say I looked up to lock eyes with him. so, I'm finding out Dylan is not so bright. Or he's real forgetful we have already been through this introduction thing yet he still things I'm Bonny. "it's Honey." I corrected. "Yea well I'm having this game tonight would you like to come." He asked me. no way, did he asked me to come to his game? He would usually ask Demi but really me? that's when it hit me. Sean asked me to his birthday party before he dissed me and humiliated me in front of half the school. "Why do you want me to come?" I asked. "I figured…well if maybe you came Demi would too." He said. I watched his cheeks turn pink. "I'll see if I can." I said closing my locker and walked away. I didn't want him to see I was hurt.

I entered first period class and took my seat. Demi was going to be late I know for sure since Chad got a hold of her. I noticed Eric looking around for Demi. I noticed our Teacher Mr. Johnson standing next to the drama teacher Mrs. Crow. Why was she in our class room? "Alright today class won't be so boring because we will be working on a play." The Mr. Johnson announced. "great." I murmured as I rolled my eyes. I hate plays because I can't act nor, can I even sing. I can't do anything. So back in middle school our teacher got me to always be an extra like a tree or more embarrassing, The back end of a donkey. And last year the school threw a play and I pretended to be sick to avoid my role as the hen that layed golden eggs in jack and the bean stock. Everyone cheered because they loved putting on a performance for the school. Demi walked in just in time.

"We will be doing Romeo and Juliet…Demi would you like to be Juliet." Mrs. Crow asked her. Demi looked around as she saw everyone cheer her on. "I uh…. I was thinking someone else take the leading role this time." she said looking at me. she better not be thinking what I think she's thinking. "Oh well since you're our school favorite play star I hoped you would do it." Mrs. Crow said. "Well Honey really stepped her acting up so maybe we could give her a try since she really wanted to do it last year." Demi said pointing to me. I couldn't believe she just did that. "is that true Honey, did you want to me lead this year?" Mrs. Crow asked. "I - I…uh …." I stuttered. "She would love to be lead miss." Demi stated. I was too shy to speak out but when I get her alone Demi is dead meat. "Alright that's great now all we need is Romeo that's always so hard to find the perfect person for this role." Mrs. Crow said shaking her head in shame. She's right Romeo is always so hard to find. The guy who played him 2 year ago was terrible he was so nervous he started saying Juliet's line. And the guy before him was a clown who just goofed off all day.

Chad or Dylan would have been perfect for the role, but they are too busy with the football and basket ball finals which are always around the same time as our play we are lucky if they even make it to the play premier. "Auditions for the roles will be held in the gymnasium starting tomorrow…. now I'll be handing out scripts for you all." Mrs. Crow started handing out the scripts and rolls everyone will be playing. My heart was racing as she handed me mine. I opened the front cover that read. 'Juliet' once class was over Demi and I made our way to our lockers. "You are a complete and total bitch Demi." I snarled. "what. Why?" she said acting innocently. "why would you nominate me to be Juliet you know I can't act not to mention I have stage fright." I explained.

"come on your like the prettiest girl in our class your perfect to be Juliet." She was lying I know she was there are plenty of pretty girls in our class. Why would big ears be Juliet? I rolled my eyes and through my books in the locker and grabbed my gym clothes. "I got gym I'll see you at lunch and you better not ditch me this time." I said before jugging off. "Don't worry I won't." She laughed. I got to the gym and changed into my gym clothes. Coach ordered us to do warm ups as usual; once we were done we played a quick game I was getting the hang of this whole Volleyball thing. I actually scored my fist goal. By the end of class I was now the best player in class. Coach was impressed as she setup our first match against Morvellah high. The high school a couple of blocks down. To say I'm nervous would be an understatement. But I could say I'm confident we have chance of winning.

Gym was over, and I worked up quite an appetite. I walked over to my locker and saw Demi waiting for me as she chatted away with some girls. "ready?" she asked me. "yea, where are we going?" I asked. I'm really craving McDonalds." Demi said. I really didn't want McDonalds I had it yesterday well some of it before Adam came and ruined it. "Sure, McDonalds sounds good." I smiled.

"Who do you think will be a god Romeo?" Demi asked as we walked down the street. "I'm not sure but he has to be cute, good actor, tall, and a smooth talker." I explained. "not to mention mysterious, handsome, mature, and sing like an angel" She added. "too bad a guy like that doesn't exist." I stated. We both looked at each other and started laughing. "hey, isn't that your step brother." Demi pointed to a few guys crossing the street. When I took a better look, it was him Adam and his friends. I still wanted to get pay back for what he did. And that is reading my diary.

"ADAM!" I shouted as I started running towards him. he turned around and once he saw me he started running. I chased him down the sub way. now was the chance to redeem my honor as a track star runner. He caught me off guard the first time. I ran as fast as I could. "Why are you running?" I screamed. "why are you chasing me?" he shouted. He was fast really fast we ran for what seemed like a mile. "would you just stop?" I shouted. But he kept running. I knew this was going to go on for ever. So, I cut my way to a small tail I jumped over a small brick wall, I ran up a hill and I saw him running underneath the hill I quickly jumped down the hill and landed on him I sat on him pinning his hands down to the floor. "how the…" he screeched in surprise "you…are…so …busted." I said each word slowly gasping for air as I tried to catch my breath. "Why the hell did you chase me for no reason now you-...." He stopped and looked down at where I sat. he raised his eye brows up and down. Giving me a perverted look. I quickly jumped off him. "you're such pig." I insulted. "I didn't know you wanted me that bad you pin me down." He chuckled.

Why does he always do this? tease me. didn't he make it clear he didn't fine me attractive last night? "what do you want anyways?" he asked. Standing up. "Why did you read my diary?" I asked. "why would you think I read it?" he defended. "because you left it in the bathroom stupid….do you have any idea what you have done? You violated my rights as a woman." I explained. He started laughing hard. "what's so funny jerk" I huffed. "You Honey…you're too funny." He laughed. I didn't have time for his stupid jokes. I crossed my arms in annoyance tapping my foot on the floor waiting for him to stop laughing. "Alight, alright I didn't read much just stupid stuff about crushes…besides how old are you why do you have a diary?" he asked. "never mind that, are you sure you didn't read anything else." I asked hopping he didn't. He paused as he gave me a serious look.

"I didn't read anything." He said lowly. I looked at him. why did I feel a split emotion in his eyes? Was it just my eyes playing tricks on me? "Hey, I'm sorry about what I said to you last night about your mom…I know I'm stupid because I don't even know anything, yet I assume things. But I really didn't mean it…really." I apologized. He stared at me long and hard his icy blue eyes glared at me. he was really a cute kid I mean extremely good looking his dark hair shagged over his forehead his pink lips. Why was he so quiet it was killing me? say something already anything. "I got to go." He said pulling his eyes away from mine. "where are you going?" I asked. His back facing me. he didn't answer. "Adam wait." I shouted as he turned at a corner. I rushed to the corner and he was gone. Where could he be? And what was that serious look for anyways?

He's such a strange person sometimes I wish I knew what was going through his head.