Chapter 11

Adam's (P.O.V)

I just came from a smoothly bar with the boys and I see a charging bull anyone in their right mind would start running right? Besides she's a fast runner so I got to put in effort to run. As we passed the sub way I turned around when I didn't hear any foot steps behind me, slowed down. To my surprise she wasn't there I guess she's was easier to lose then I thought.

But that's when I looked up and saw her pounce on me like some panther. How did she get up that hill anyways? When she landed on me I had a clear view of her face, her nose was almost touching nine. Her drown eyes glared at me. The freckles on her nose I never knew where there. Her beautiful brown hair dropped at her sides as it flowed over me brushing the side of my face. I've never thought I would say this, but honey is very cute. I felt a pain realizing she was crushing my balls. I smiled at her causing her to jump off. "You're such a pig." She said with a disgusted look. "I didn't know you wanted me that bad, you pin me down." I laughed.

When she asked about the dairy I knew I shouldn't lie to her, but I did. And when she apologized I felt even worse. I know I'm in the wrong too and I should be apologizing to her too, but I didn't know what to say to her. Especially when I looked into her drown eyes I could feel my heart racing and my face heating up. "I got to go." was all I could say as I walked away. I saw my driver parked at the curb of the street I jumped in. Once I caught up with the boys again, "what was that bout?" Ryan asked. "Nothing" I responded. "What did you do to her?" Joey started laughing.

"dude did you kill her cat or something?" Ryan was now also laughing. "Would you guys shut up." I said angry. "Alright calm down just joking." Joey said. "Hey, she's pretty cute...why not hook me up." Joey asked. I looked at him. "Yea if you don't mind I wouldn't mind taking her home for the night." Ryan added. For some reason I was bothered by what they said. I could feel anger raising with in me. "Don't ever talk about her that way." I Threatened. "She's not that kind of girl.... I don't want any of you near her." I continued. "Dude relax we were just kidding." Ryan defended raising his hands up. "Yea man we didn't think she meant that much to you." Why was I getting worked over Honey? Then Joey said something that got me thinking.

"Since when are you guys all lovey dovey as brother and sister huh." He's right since when do I care about bitter honey? I guess she's just too stupid and innocent I have the need to protect her but be the soon to be brother instinct. I shook my head. "never mind let's just go we got to video to shoot." I said walking towards my driver's car. He usually parks in alleys so no one would see me get in his car and come out as Dark scorpion. "Alright see you at the studio." Ryan said as they started walking towards Joey's car.

I got in and started to change into my dark leather clothing as I strapped on my spike bracelets and chains. I smeared some eye liner on my eyes and squirted a hand full of jell an ran it through my hair. Once I was ready we pulled into the studio Just in time. I walked out, and paparazzi was already waiting for me, it does get annoying sometimes. "Dark, give us a smile this will be on the front cover of plex." One man said my body guard pushed though as he reached me. He led me though the crowed. "Dark this way. "Dark look this way" "dark five us a smile." They kept shouting. I stopped raised my hand and put up a peace sign as I smiled at them. They started taking more pictures as they cheered. "Dark when will you release your new album?" One asked. "Soon." I said as they raised a mic to my face. "What's your future plans?" Another asked. "well you will be seeing a lot more of the near future." I answered. "What's your real name dark?" A female asked.

" what ever you think it is." I winked at her as she started blushing. "Do you have plans working with Kasey Kay?" She asked. "No, not really a fan of her work." I said giving a smile. "Alright that's enough" Robyn appeared out of no where and pulled my arm. I waved at them and blew the woman kisses. They started blushing and giggling. We arrived inside, and Robyn spun on her feet with eyes of fire. "What did I tell you about speaking to paparazzi Adam?" She hissed.

"What's the big deal.... you got to learn to lighten up." I taped her shoulder as I walked past her towards the snack stand. " you don't get it do you? They are conniving people who live off making celebrities miserable.... they take every word you say and twist it making you say the complete opposite." She swung her arms around dramatically. "God Robyn relax I didn't even say anything bad." I said stuffing a donut in my mouth.

"No you didn't but that's not what it's going to say tomorrow on the cover of some magazine....and what did you say about Kasey Kay?... You're not a fan? god Adam are you trying to start some sort of a conflict between us?" She said red with rage. "What? I didn't say anything I didn't mean. I don't like Kasey Kay; her music is cheesy why lie about it?"

I continued to scan for something else to eat. "Kasey is one of the biggest names in the industry right now Adam and by saying that you're going to be hated by a lot of Kasey fans you don't need that tight now since your new to this world She is also sighed to Mystro Inc. Label they are huge don't make an enemy of them kid." I rolled my eyes In Annoyance. "I don't care Robyn I'm not going to be fake and say I like Something when I don't.... I'm as real as it gets." I spread my arms out and smiled at her.

"Your going to drive me to an early grave Adam" she cried as if she gave up. "and stop eating so much your going to get fat. They want Dark Scorpion not Fat Scorpion." She said pulling a fry out of my hand. "hey, I got beef with you too woman." I said picking up another fry. "why did you give Rose my private number? huh as if I need her bugging me on my days off too." I scolded. "didn't you say you liked her huh? ... she asked me if you had another phone she can reach you at since you never pick up work line and I gave it to her." she explained. "you're selfish you know, that right?" I said to her pointing my French fry in her face. "never mind that, lets go." she she spiked the fry out of my hand again.

We walked into the set of our first video shoot. Ryan, Joey and a few other girls where already to go as they put on the finishing touches to their outfits. Everything was dark the set was in a dark forest with spider webs everywhere and dark black scorpions on each corner of the room. Robin sent me to hair and makeup, and Danny set my clothes out for me. Once I was already I walked on set and grabbed my mic and started singing the words to my lyrics. Ryan and Joey are my backup singers. As the girls danced on me with little to no clothes on, I can't complain the girls are sexy. Man, I love my job.

Once our shoot was done a few of the back up dancer girls came up to me asking for pictures and an autograph. I took the picture with them as they all wrote me down their numbers asking me to call them. I love older woman; they walked away after so many flirty and touching me. I went into my changing room and looked though my phone.

I had a missed call from my dad and a few from Rose. I dialed my father's number and called him back. "Hey Adam, where are you?" He asked. "Just leaving the studio what's up?" "I'm inviting heather for dinner this weekend come help me out. I need the place to be nice and clean." He asked. "Sorry dad I'm going out with Rose." I lied so I wouldn't get stuck helping him. "You can't make plans we are having a family dinner this weekend plus the house is a mess." He said. Then that means Honey is coming over too. "Honey is going to be there Adam I need you make sure she doesn't think we are a couple of pigs, you can't skip out." He said reading my mind. "why can't you just get the maids to do it?" I asked. "do you really want to scare them away thinking we are some rich people that can't even clean up after themselves. Come on son use your head. I sent the maids home for the week. Its just you and me buddy." He laughed. "I'll be there." I said before hanging up.

Robyn came into my changing room holding flyers. "what that?" I asked as I washed my face. "we need to start preparing you for an upcoming concert." She grinned. "I thought we postponed it till spring?" I asked. "well your fans are demanding you do it as soon as possible. And so, we always have to make the fans happy." She explained. So im guessing this is going to take up Valentine's day as well. Damn you Robyn you always know how to win. "Fine I'll be in early tomorrow." I said not ready to argue.

She smiled in satisfaction and skipped out. I changed into my clothes washed off the dark makeup and walked out the front doors of the building. that's when I came face to face with Rose. I was me Adam, no dark clothes, no makeup, my hair was flat and messy. I'm screwed now, I'm definitely found out. she stared at me up and down. "Move brat you're blocking the entrance." She sneered at me. I stepped aside and watched her enter.

Did she really not recognize me? Do I really look that different that my own girlfriend couldn't even recognize me? And why was she so cold. Rose is usually a sweet nice girl I've never seen her act this way before. Yea I read the tabloids of her being a nasty person to her fans but who really believes what's written in the papers? When I'm with her she's an angel. My private phone buzzed in my pocket as I pulled it out it was a text from Rose. "Where are you Hun? I'm at your building" I flipped it shut and made my way towards a cab parked down the street. My driver had gone home for the day.

Once the cab had dropped me off in front my house I made my way to the was locked and I left my keys in my room. After a second knock Heather came to the door and let me in, she's already getting settle in I see. She was at my house almost everyday now. I avoid coming home because its no longer the place I can hide myself. This is such a drag. Looked at my father giving him a look of annoyance. I thought he needed me to help him out. Why was she here? I started making my way to my room. Moments later my father walked in to my room. "sorry Buddy she just showed up I should have told you, but I forgot." He smiled trying to lighted the mood, but I was in no mood to argue.

"its cool." Was all I said. He left my room with a skip. He must really like this woman. I got a message on my FaceSpace messenger, it was from a girl I use to talk to last year. She was hot, but she wasn't very smart so that's why I didn't call her anymore. She was the typical blonde hair big boobs no brain type. "hey Adam, long time have any plans tonight?" her seductive voice was reminding me of all the fun we had. How could I not join her?