Chapter 12

Honey's (P.O.V)

"What was That all about?" Demi Asked as I walked back to her. I wasn't so sure myself. I didn't respond to her question we went back to having lunch. The rest of the school day zoomed buy and before I knew it, I was on my way home. All that was going through my mind was Adam. I kept debating with myself what I should so. I got home confused. Should I call him and see what that was all about or just leave it alone? He was acting weird did he not accept my apology and was still mad at him? I wouldn't blame him if he was still mad. I said some nasty things to him and about his mom who I never met. my phone rang again it was only Demi who called me, so I didn't have to even look at the caller ID.

"Guess what?" Demi said with an excited tone. I rolled my eyes knowing she was probably excited about the upcoming concert that emo guy was throwing. "what is it?" I asked. "I met this great guy last night he's so cute and such a good guy. He is perfect for you." I could imagine the face she's making. "really? and who might this so-called cute guy be?" I asked with sarcasm. "he's the cousin of Tommy and I already set you up on a date with him." she was now screaming in my ear. Who was Tommy? Was the first question in my head. But I was not over the whole idea that I was going on a blind date with some guy I don know. "I don't know bout this Demi." I say skeptical about the whole thing. "oh, come on Honey why are you so boring you need a man in your life. I promise you he's a good guy, you wont regret it." I some how was curious about him. I've never been on a date before in my life. And she says he's cute then why not. "what's his name?" I asked the obvious question. "Tyson and the date will be Saturday so be ready look hot and rock his world. Got to run love yea." She said before hanging up. wasn't Saturday tomorrow? she knew I would give her a piece of my mind about the short notice. Tomorrow was way too soon. I'm nervous I need to mentally prepare myself and that can even take me weeks not to mention what am I going to wear? I started looking through my wardrobe. I was getting excited. What if he's the perfect guy for me. I can finally get over all the hopeless crushes I have on so many guys.

I didn't like most of my clothes. Everything was jeans or legging, or graphic T-shirts. I didn't have anything cute and guys like girls that dress cute. My eyes landed on the short summer dress my mother bought for me a few years ago that I hate. But when I tried it on it was perfect. It was tight around the bust and waist area and flowy at my hips and went just slightly past my knees. It was a beautiful peach colour that made my tan skin look glowing. Why didn't I ever give this dress a chance? It was so cute. I took it off and placed it on my bed I looked for shoes to wear but I didn't have anything nice to match this dress. I slowing went to mothers' room. She was out with Andrew again, so it was safe to take what ever I needed. Looked through her jewelry and took a beaded necklace and matching earrings. And thankfully my mother an I wore the same size in shoes. I found sandals that had peach colored flowers on. My look was coming together. I walked out with a smile on my face. For the first time in forever I was going to look like a lady.

Morning came too quickly. I got out of bed and took a long shower. I stepped out dried myself and tossed on my robe and started working on my hair. I straightened it and gave them curls at the ends giving a cute wavy flow to it. once that was done, I started on my face. Make-up wasn't my strongest traits. I did what I could "not too much." is what my mother always says. When I looked in the mirror I was impressed. "very nice job Honey." I complimented myself. I put the dress on and sipped on the sandals I put the finishing touches like jewelry and voilà! I was done. I looked like a different person. Like a real lady cute and colorful. I was in love with my look. I called Demi and she gave me the time and directions on where to meet him. it was at a restaurant that wasn't too far away, Thankfully I didn't have to walk too far. Or take the bus. I arrived at the restaurant doors and stood there I looked at the time and realized I was already 20 minutes early. All the nervousness was rushing back into my body. My stomach was doing back flips and I could feel my palms getting sticky and sweaty. "breath Honey just Breath." I reassured my self reminding my self to calm down. I went ahead and went inside the restaurant I looked like a weirdo just standing at the doors like some bouncer. I sat at a table and waited quietly. I waited and waited it was now past the scheduled time Tyson was supposed to be here by now. I couldn't help wondering what if he bailed because he saw me or something and wasn't interested at all. I was starting to doubt myself. I didn't want to feel bad for myself. He might be caught up in traffic. That must be it. I told myself not to be discouraged. I looked around everyone was on date. It was like this restaurant was designed for couples. I started smiling sheepishly to my self. Just the very thought of me being on a date with someone and considered a couple was making me giggle to my self I covered my mouth hoping no one thought I was a psycho sitting alone laughing to herself. "what are you smiling about weirdo?" the sudden voice startles me I widened my eyes and looked up to only meet a pair of bright blue eyes and a cocky smile. "what are you doing here I almost didn't recognize you. You clean up very nice might I add." He complimented. But I couldn't take my eyes off him. shocked would be an understatement. What was he doing here? I looked at the barbie doll looking girl next to him. she was stunning with her blonde hair and large lady parts. I looked down at my own small flat chest and covered them with my arms. She looked like she was my age yet physically more developed. Was this girl his girlfriend he was talking about? I felt intimidated by her. They looked good together. "did you get stood up or something why are you here alone and what kind of a man doesn't pick up his girl and give her a ride?" he said and looked around. "what do you want Adam?" I managed to finally say. "I just came to eat, and I see you here alone so want us to join you to make it less awkward for you?" he smirked. He was taking low hits at my ego. As if he didn't already hurt my feelings enough for one day. And here I was feelings sorry for him. he's back to his arrogant self again. Bipolar much? "my boyfriend is on his way now get lost." I managed to say though pressed lips. His blonde toy was giving me side eye and attitude, but I was already annoyed by him to care about her. He looked at me with knitted eyebrows and a frown. "alright then don't say I didn't try and help, enjoy your solo dinner." He shrugged and walked away. They sat down about three tables down from me. His eyes still glaring at me. I was now even more embarrassed that my date was almost an hour late. I should probably leave now to save myself the humiliation of a no show. I know Adam would get a kick out of this and would never let me live it out. Just as I was about to stand up a tall handsome guy walked in. he wore simple dress shirt and pant that was white. I stopped and looked in his direction he had that samurai haircut and a ponytail at the top, he looked street yet casual. He was just my type. Was he Tyson? I hoped and prayed to god and then my prayer was answered when he looked in my direction revealing a nice smile. he started walking towards me and it was like slow motion. My heart raced and my stomached flipped around. once he reached me, I was breathless. "you must me Honey? I'm Tyson." He said with a smile I just nodded like an idiot smiling at him. he leaned in and gave me a hug. I froze in place not able to respond, his embrace was so sudden. He smelled so good. I looked over his shoulder and saw Adam staring at us. He had a look on his face I couldn't understand and to be honest I didn't care. I was too over whelmed to care. "you are much more beautiful then Demi has mention to me." He compliments, and I knew my face must be red under all this makeup I could feel heat on my face from blushing so much. "thank you" was the first thing I was able to say. "you have a name that is just as sweet as you are." He said. I was about to pass out all these compliments were getting to my head. He better stop before I lose it. that's when I heard the sound of a chair dragging it was so loud the whole restaurant was staring. we looked over in the direction of the loud noise and Adam placed the chair between Tyson and i and sat down. Why didn't he just lift the chair he purposely dragged it across the room making that ruckus. So immature of him. I looked over and his date was just on her phone texting away. "what are we talking about?" Adam said with a sarcastic tone smiling at the both of us. "what are you doing?" I said to him in a whisper he ignored me and turned to Tyson. "word of advice bro. the man bun look is not a good look." Adam said insulting his hair. "who are you?" Tyson asked. "I'm her brother and you must be Luke the boyfriend?" Adam asked. I hid my face in embarrassment why was he doing this to me? He was now going to find out I lied about having a boyfriend named Luke. "um no again who are you?" Tyson asked. "I'm so sorry about this, excuse us for a second." I pulled Adams arm and lead him to the hall near the restrooms. "what the hell do you think you are doing?" I was now shouting as low as I could. "could you believe he still rocks a man bun ...who does that…ridiculous isn't it?" he laughed. I was not having it I pinched my lips holding back the need to swear at him. "that's not Luke is it?" he said with a smile. as if the jig was up, he knew it wasn't my make-believe boyfriend. "so what, this is someone else I really like so stop it and go back to your girlfriend." I said. He looked at me with serious look. "that guy is no good for you." He said. "and why is that?" I crossed my arms. "I know him ok, so end this date and go home." He said. Sounding like my mother. "stop lying he doesn't know you ok you're trying to ruin this for me." I said. "his name is Tyson Fudge, he drives a beat-up Honda civic, he goes to Armstrong High school, he works at McDonald's flipping burgers like the loser he is. Shall I go on?" he raised an eyebrow at me. I was so shocked he knew so much about him. I don't even think Demi knew this much about him. "you stalked him didn't you." I asked. "I have better things to do then stalk a loser." He chuckled. "then how do you know him?" I crossed my arms waiting for his response. " I hooked up with his twin sister once…or twice." He gave a wicket smile. as if proud of it. "you're disgusting. I don't have time for this." Started walking away but he grabbed my arm and I stumbled in his arms. I looked into his beautiful blue eyes. He was definitely better looking than Tyson I must admit. Even his clothes looked great tonight wearing all black and Tyson wearing all white. it was like ying and yang. "I'm serious Honey this guy is not good to girls he takes advantage of them and hurts them." He said with a genuine look I tried my best not to get lost in his ocean blue eyes. "thanks for worrying but I'm a big girl I can take care of myself." I pushed myself away from his arm. I walked back to Tyson he was on his phone and put it away when he saw me. "everything cool?" he asked with a smile "yea sorry about that." I sat down. We were about to order food, but Tyson didn't decide what to get. I was sipping some water when suddenly Adam sits down again in-between us.

"she has Herpes you know better watch out." He suddenly said I spit out all the water in my mouth all over the table. "what?!" I screamed causing the restaurant to look at us. Did he just say I had herpes what the hell was he thinking.? "he's joking I don't have herpes." I said to Tyson who had this disgusted look on his face. "oh, then was it HIV or something can't remember I know it was some kind of a sexually transmitted disease." Adam continued. I was so embarrassed I could cry. "um I think I'm going to get going now." Tyson said as he stood up. "No, please wait!" I tried to stop him, but he walked away. "oh, that's too bad. Drive safe in your 1980's Honda civic." Adam shouted out to him making the whole restaurant giggle. Tyson looked back with anger but continued out the door he looked humiliated, and I was sitting there trying to take in what just happened. I looked at Adam who was grinning like he just saved the world from a crisis. I couldn't let this demon ruin a chance to have boyfriend. Don't care what he drives or were he works. He was a nice guy. I stood up and ran out the doors looking for him. he was already gone. I was so disappointed. And furious with Adam. That's when I heard a voice coming from the side of the restaurant towards the parking lot. I walked over and slowly looked from the corner. I saw Tyson leaning against his car. Adam wasn't lying it was an old yellow beat up Honda civic rust covering most of the paint. He was on his phone and I could hear every word clearly. "yea man it was such a waste of time, her brother was there getting in the way. Fuck I just wanted to smash her you know…yea she was cute … you know me bro hit it then quit it no time for girlfriends. And I thought I was getting lucky tonight. Anyways man you still have that girl's number? call her and set it up I'm on my way." He said as he hung up, he got in his car and drove off. Adam was right this whole time he was just trying to protect me. I was so foolish to believe Tyson was a good guy but he's the scumbag of the earth. I was sad, mad, hurt at the same time so many emotions going thought my head. I turned around to only meet Adams eyes staring into mine. He walked towards me and whipped away my tears I didn't even know I was crying. He pulled me in for a hug and held him tightly. "let's take you home." He said. I hid my crying face in his chest. "I still hate you, you know." I cried. "I know." He whispered while rubbing my back. "best thing to do is pretend this never happened. Trust me it's better that way." He explained. This was the first he showed his compassionate side of him. he may be young, but he sure was wise. He didn't rub it in my face. The whole "I told you so" thing would have been sweet for him, but he didn't rub salt on my wounds. He was caring kind and understanding. He saved me from an even worse situation today. I was grateful. "what happened to your girlfriend?" I asked remembering the girl he was with. "that's not my girlfriend and I sent her home already." He explained. I was confused if that wasn't his girlfriend then was, he cheating? I guess all men are pigs some worse than others. Adam called a taxi once he made sure the driver got my address, he closed the door. He leaned in close to me whispering "you looked beautiful today." then started walking away. I quickly scrolled down the car window. "you're not coming?" I asked him. "nah I got some where else I got to be." He waved as my cab was on its way. I got a last look at his face he looked mad for some reason. He was frowning with his hand in his pocket. Why was he mad? I was the one that almost got raped tonight. I ignored it and rested my head in the cab. This night was crazy. I will take Adams Advice and Pretend nothing happened. I'll just tell Demi I wasn't into him, so she doesn't make things more complicated.