Chapter 13

Honey's (P.O.V)

I woke to a rude awakening by my mother. She came in to my room spreading the curtains apart letting the sunshine in my room. "wakey, Wakey darling! Its past afternoon and you are still sleeping. Up you go." She pulled the blanket of me. "it's Sunday let me sleep." I whined. "We are going to have dinner at Andrews house tonight for Dinner." She said with her hands on her hips. "do you plan to sleep the day away?" she asked. I rolled over placing my pillow over my head. I didn't want to go to his house. It was such an awkward encounter last night. "come on get up and start getting ready, please dress nicely." she pulled my pillow off my head I stood up lazily groaning in annoyance. she said to dress nicely. What a joke I was over the whole lady look. Last night didn't go so well so back to my jeans, T-shirts and good old convers. It's all about convers I mean the point in life is to be comfortable and relaxed right no point in wrapping your body in a tight seaweed dress and pin pointed heels if you can't breathe or even walk.

" Can't you go, and I stay home?" I whined. "No Honey it doesn't work that way we are going to be a family soon and you have to learn to get along with them." She stated. I rolled my eyes knowing there is no point in arguing with her. She always wins. "Before we do that you have to finish your homework you didn't do homework for while young lady". I had math homework due tomorrow and my mom knew I hated math and that I was completely hopeless at it. I freshened up then started working on it. I pulled out my text book and note book and started my homework but then I got distracted I flipped though my FaceSpace page just browsing I found myself creeping Adams Page again. He didn't post anything new. I got off social media and attempted to do my homework again. When ever I start my math homework, I start to daydream that's how boring it is this time I started thinking of Adam. He's so handsome I can't get his face out of my head. His smile his eyes I get lost in them whenever I investigate them. The way he touches me it feels so good. He makes my mind blank out. He makes my knees weak. The sound of his voice brushing against my ears. Was I falling for him? why was I thinking of him so much.

"Honey are you done yet?" My mother shouted from down stairs. Shit I didn't even start, i spent half the time fantasizing about Adam. Wait this can't be happening he's fourteen for god's sake. Snap out of it Honey he's just a kid. I got up and threw my books in my backpack. "I'll do it later." I murmured to myself. I jumped in the shower and took a nice hot shower considering the amount of sweat on my body from last night. I got out and blow dried my hair and put it down like I always do. I put on a normal pair of jeans and a plain white T-shirt. My mother came into my room and gave me a look of disapproval. "What?!" I shrugged "no way are you going like that." She marched over to my closet and flipped though it she picked out another mini dress she bought me last year for my birthday this one wasn't so cute as the last one. "How come you never wear this?" She said laying it on my bed. "because it's ugly." I mocked "what do you mea? it's adorable." She said admiring it. "No mom It's looks like Someone raped a ballerina and stole her dress." I walked to my dresser and picked out a short jean shorts and a navy-blue shirt. She looked at it and gave up. "Fine that's a lot better than what you have on hurry up or we will be late." She rushed.

Once we arrived at his house I was nervous to see Adam again. The whole awkward tension between us was too weird. Seeing him might make it worse. As I stepped in Adams house I felt a warm feeling the house was huge I never knew a House like this existed in Morning-Ale Valley. It was like a holly wood house the type movie stars or music icon own. "Heather, Honey welcome." I looked over at Andrew welcomed us. He wore a long sleeve navy blue sweater that was tight emphasizing his muscles. And a pair of blue jeans. What do you expect from the father of Adam. They were like hot father and son.

I wonder how his mother looked. I bet also very beautiful. "Hey sweetly." My mother hugged him and gave him a kiss. "Adam is not here right now but he will be here soon." Andrew said looked directly at me. Like I care where he is. I nodded at him. "I was just getting dinner ready." He said to my mom. I looked around their massive house. I knew they were rich but how? I wonder what Andrew does for a living. I was confused why he had maids running around and not a chef. "I sent the chef home because I wanted to make this dinner myself." He said with a shy smile. Of course he has a chef Why did I believe he didn't. "Let us give you a hand." My mother said volunteering my help. "That would be great." He said smiling at me. "Yay..." I rolled my eyes. "I'll help you in the kitten and honey can set the table." My mother suggested. "That's a great idea honey." He said as he wrapped his arms around her waist. "Why can't one of the maids do it-" I suggested. "Honey that is rude now I asked you to do." my mother snapped. "Sorry about that Andrew she's just not use to this kind of living." She smiled. "That's ok Honey is right I'll get someone else to do it." He said. "No Hun, Honey is more then willing...isn't that right." She gave me a death glare. "I'll do it." I said half smiled before I made my way the dinning room. One of the maids helped me find plates and all the utensils. everything looked so expensive the plates the spoons forks I wouldn't be surprised if they were gold plated. I felt a pair of eyes on me I didn't look up not until I heard. "need help?" I looked up and saw Adam standing before me with that annoying yet cute smirk. I didn't know how to Answer. his sudden appearance was too sudden. I haven't even prepared myself for this. I always need to mentally prepare my self when I'm in a sticky situation. When I'm around Adam it's even worse like I don't know what he will throw at me. he gets me so worked up. "Why are there so many forks. And spoons?" I asked trying to make light of the awkwardness. he laughed setting my heart at ease. Why was I happy to see him smile? "glad you're in a better mood." I said smiling back at him. "yea it was thanks to you Dumbo." He suddenly said causing my heart to skip.

"what did you call me?" I said anger rising in me. he did read me diary I hate this kid so much he lied about reading anything personal. This is the most personal things in my diary next to the one about my father abandoning me at school. I chased him around the table he was still laughing but I was dead set on catching him and killing him. when I realized we were going in circles I jumped on the table and caught him. I wrapped my arm around his neck squeezing him tightly. Was I really that weak that he was just laughing until he turned red? I commanded him to apologize. But he refused. That's when he quickly slipped his head out of my arms and twisted my arm around my back. how the hell is this kid quick like that. He made me apologize instead. I resisted at first, but he kept twisting my arm. "IM SORRY ADAM!" I screamed causing Andrew to come in. asking if I was alright. Adam played it cool acting like nothing happened and I did the same. That's when Andrew offered me a tour to Adams room. I was excited to see his room. Adam made up an excuse saying his room was dirty that he didn't want me to see his room. I feel like he's hiding something. I told him I didn't car that my room as just as bad. My mother came in mentioning something about dinner conversation, but I didn't pay too much attention I just wanted to get into Adams room.

Let's just say I was curious about Adam I know nothing about him, yet he knows my life story because of his snooping though my diary. I guess getting even would be nice. I bet his room is full of stuff for me to snoop through. "Wait let me go check to see if Fib got out." He said as he leaped over the chair and ran up the stairs. "Who's Fib?" I asked Andrew. "His pet scorpion always gets out." He said with a smirk. Why would anyone want a scorpion as a pet is t even an animal or an insect? Whatever it is, its disgusting. I don't think I want I go to his room Now. "Boys always have the strangest interests." My mother shook her head.

"That's not half of it he has and iguana and a tarantula too." Andrew added. Now I was certainly going to a pass out. I hate lizards let alone spiders. God this kid is sick. After a few moments Adam came back down with a grin. "All ready for you." He said smiling confidently, I don't trust his smirk I bet he hid his spider somewhere waiting to jump scare me. I followed him up to his room as he opened the door. His room was enormous a king size bed. With black and silver sheets and blanket was black. His curtains where black. His wall was a dark green color. And it was all just so depressing. First thing I saw was a cage near the windowsill. I took a better look and it was a tarantula. I was beyond happy it was in the cage. but the scorpion getting out all the time is what concerns me. I noticed another larger cage and saw the lizard sitting in there. another relief escaped me. that's when I saw an empty cage next to his bed. now I was about to panic. "damn I guess Fib got out again I wonder where he it?" Adam said with a chuckle he held a malicious smile. this was not good what if that thing stings me and I die from poisoning? That's when I saw something crawl form under the bed. I screamed and ran towards the door. but Adam was blocking the way out. I hid behind him squeezing his arm. "catch it!" I screamed. he was laughing as he walked towards the thing and picked it up with his hand, "now lock it up." I demanded. He smirked at me as he started to walk toward me. "don't you dare." I threatened. "come say hi to Fib." He said. "ok…hi Fib, now put it away." I said about to freak. "ill scream and tell your dad what you're doing." I threatened. "fine, fine, fine relax its just a Scorpion." He mumbled something else I didn't catch. He walked over and placed it in the cage. Thank god he didn't take that joke too far. I would have died from a heart attack. When I made sure he locked it up well. I began my snooping. I noticed something hung on his wall a huge poster of that singer Dark Scorpion. "Great another scorpion fan". I mumbled. surprised he even heard me. "You're not a fan?" He asked suddenly stopping in his tracks.

"I'd rather stick needles in my ears then listen to that depressing music." I said. to my surprised he grabbed me by both shoulders and shook me. "How could you say that? His music is real, and it comes from the heart." He said. "Great you're not only a fan you're Groupie too?" I said sarcastically laughing. "Do you even know what music is?" he said making me look like the kid. He was sounding a lot like Demi now. I pulled away from his grip and began to look for some dirt on him. "I'm not a fan, sue me." I shrugged wondering around his room. I could feel his eyes following me. "then you are still far too young to know what music is." he said. That's when I came actors a few dark scorpion CD, I rolled my eyes and looked away. I could still feel his eyes on me, I turned back to see Adam glaring at me. "Looking for something?" He smirked like he knew. "Nope just looking." I gave him a closed mouth smile. Then Began to scan my eyes around. That's when I heard a clock sounds as I turned back at him I saw him locking his door. As he grinned at me "you do know your in the scorpion's cave, right?" He took a step towards me. I drew back with a step. " s-scorpions don't live in caves idiot." I corrected. Do they live in caves or holes? I don't even know I was just nervous. "He kept walking towards me. As I kept walking back that's when my feet hit something casing me to fall back and land on his bed. He crawled on top of me pinning my hands to the bed. He was inches from my face now his breath mixing with mine. His warm body against mine, I was shaking, oh god please don't let him feel my shaking. All I could do was look in to his deep blue eyes as his pupils danced. I could feel his legs at my thighs. I didn't want to struggle or fight him. he tore from my gaze as his lips brushed my ear slightly I could hear his breathing as it heated my neck. God I was going to pass out. My legs got numb as his lips touched my neck, Stealing a small gasp from my lips. I felt something warm and wet run down the side of my neck. It was his tongue this was not healthy for my heart.

His hands ran down my arm as he slid his hand under my shirt. This Was going too far but I didn't stop him I wanted more. I could feel his warm hand rub my stomach slowly and gently and around my waist. His hand caressing my bare waist was so good. I got the courage to look at his face once more. he didn't have that playful look he usually did when he teased me. It was serious this time.

he took his other hand and blushed my hair back and placed it on my chin. He leaned close to my face oh god this was it he was going to kiss me. He leaned in closer I closed my eye ready to feel his lips against mine. I could feel his breath as he breathed heavily on my lips. I was going to lose my first kiss to my step-brother. Oh god im so ready for this. My heart was racing and pounding against my chest. That's when his phone wrong startled us both we both jumped Adam landing on the bed flat on his back staring at the ceiling as his chest moved rapidly. I sat up as my heart beat slammed against my chest. The phone kept ringing as Adam laid there, wide eyes at the ceiling "you going to get that?" I asked him as I rushed out of his room. I slammed the door behind me. I placed my hand over my pounding heart. As I made my way back down for dinner. If that phone didn't ring god knows what would have happened.