Chapter 14

Adam's (P.O.V)

I got home and walked thought the front door only too see heather in the kitchen cooking with my dad. Its like she lived with us now. I don't care that she's always here but what bothered me was she was acting like my mother. "Dinner is almost ready sweetie can you help Honey set the table?" She asked. It's only been a few weeks and she's acting like she runs my house telling me what to do. "Of course." I smiled at her and made my way to the dining room. I saw Honey standing there holding plates in each hand and forks not knowing what to do. I was worried about her since last night, but it looks like she is coping well, she's stronger than I thought. "Need help?" I teased. "Why are there so many forks and spoons. Is this really necessary?" She said in complete confusion. I couldn't help but laugh some more she looked more confused than sperm in an ass hole. "I'm glad you're in a better mood." She said giving me a warm genuine smile. I could feel my chest bouncing and my face heating up. Her smile was pretty I think it's the first time I've seen her smile since I've met her. "Yea it's thanks to you Dumbo." I said cutting her smile.

She gave me a shocked expression. "What did you call me?" She said trying to keep her voice under control. I started laughing. "You have read my diary you liar." she screamed with anger. "I couldn't help it." I said through hard laughter. She ran towards me with a fork and a spoon in each hand I ran around the table in circle, so she wouldn't catch me. "Stop running so I can kill you." She snarled. "And what are you going to do with that fork and me?" I teased knowing I was just adding fuel to the fire. "Adam you selfish lying punk, I can't believe I trusted you." She cussed. She was making me laugh. That's when she jumped on the table and jumped on me. I wasn't expecting that. We landed on the floor as she held me in a headlock. "Say you're sorry." She demanded squeezing my neck.

"Never." I said still laughing. I took her small arm and twisted in behind her back. over powering her. She was so weak and small. "Ah ow, ow, ow let go." She squealed in pain, "You say you're sorry." I ordered. "What!?.... For what?" She shouted. "For always giving me a hard time." I Answered. "Why do I have to apologized you're just as annoying-a ahh" she screamed as I twisted her arm a little harder. "Ok. ok I'm sorry." She said. "I can't hear you." I smirked. "I said I'm sorry." She repeated. "Louder Honey I can't hear you through your panting." I teased.

"IM SORRY ADAM!" She screamed. I released her in complete satisfaction. "Is everything ok.?" My dad asked as he walked in. "Everything is fine dad." I assured him. "Honey is everything alright?" He asked as he looked at her massage her wrist and her face clear red. "I'm fine Andrew." She smiled, with a fake smile. "Alright well Adam why don't you show Honey your room while heather and I finish up." He asked. What?! Why would he ask that? Does he not remember I'm Dark Scorpion and my room is loaded with my clothes shoes posters CD's and songs I wrote. is he trying to expose me? What should I say? "Sorry can't, my room is a mess." I quickly answered. That was the best excuse I could come up with and boy was it every a good one. Besides Robyn would kill me if anyone found out my identity.

"That's ok my room isn't all that clean either. she said giving me an evil smile. did she know I didn't want her in my room? "yea its fine Adam she is your sister you will be living together soon." my dad said. both Honey and I looked at him with shocked expression. "what?" we said at the same time. who was moving in with who? "yea we where going to wait until dinner to tell you guys so...surprise." he said with a smile. Heather walked in. "we can still save it for dinner because we have more news to tell you guys." she said rubbing my dads arm. I looked over at Honey who was annoyed as I was. "Now go show Honey around Adam." my father continued. "yea Adam. Show me your room." Honey grinned. all eyes were on me. what could I say. man, I'm screwed.... big time. She followed me to my room.

I closed the door to play with her once more. she looked at me skeptically as she drew back. I must distract her before she looked into my drawer of songs I wrote.

I could tell she was up to no good eager to see my room. I walked towards her as she tripped over my backpack landing on my bed. I got on top of her teasing her once more. But looking in to her innocent eyes made me lose control. I couldn't hold back. Kissing her neck smelling her sweet scent. I wanted more of Honey. Why is this happening? My heart is racing I was completely blacked out her heavy breathing was making me excited. I should be feeling this way about Rose my girlfriend the one I loved for years... When she gasped for air, I knew I was going to do something I was probably going to regret. I looked into her eyes round and full of purity. and down at her thick lips moistens with lip-gloss Slightly open ready for my lips to run against it. I so badly wanted to taste her lips.

I leaned in as she closed her eyes. I've kissed over hundreds of girls I thought it was passionate when I kissed Rose, but this is different. And I haven't even kissed Honey yet.

I close my eyes and lower my head to feel her lips against mine but That's when my phone rang nearly scaring me to death. I jumped off her complete out of thought and lost of words. "You going to get that?" She asked bringing me from my deep thought. As she rushed to the door problem ready to pass out from what I just did to her. I got up and grabbed my phone. It was Rose. I silenced It, I wasn't really in the mood to talk to her right now. I'm not feeling like myself. I bet she wants to hang out or something. She is becoming too Clingy lately. expecting me to spend time with her on my working days.

She's getting too use to me. She only called me on my days off I don't know what she's up to now. I brushed my hand through my hair as I saw something on my bed. It was a cell, Honey's cell. I picked it up and saw she had a text from someone named Demi. I didn't want to read it, but Honey always intrigues me I flipped her phone open clicked on the new message.

"Find anyone who wants to be Romeo yet? Mr. crow said he doesn't have to be from our school. Also tell me about Tyson."

I wonder what's she talking about. I scrolled up to read the rest of their conversation They had. So, I guess her school is having a play,Hhoney is Juliet and they need a Romeo. This seems interesting. I closed her phone back up and made my way down the hall and to the dining room. Honey was already sitting down so was my father and Heather as usual they where deep in conversation as Honey gave me and awkward look and quickly looked away. I guess I was feeling a little awkward myself which isn't like me. I made my way to the empty seat next to her. She shifted in her seat uncomfortably. I picked up a glass of water and saw from the corner of my eye that Honey was staring at me. I looked at her as she started to turn bright pink and looked away. I chuckled a little. She was so cut and innocent. It's like she the younger one.

Heather cleared her throat to get both Honey and I's attention.

"Alright as you already know we are going to be living together as a family." Heather said happily. "Of course, that's after the wedding." My father added. "When Is that going to be?" Honey asked the question I was thinking. "We haven't set a date yet, but it will be soon." Heather explained.

"What about our houses?" I asked. "Well we figured we should sell both houses and buying one big house four all of us." Heather explained. As if our house isn't big as it is. "Seriously. We have to move?" Honey stole the words out of my mouth. "Why can't they just move in here?" I asked my dad. "Or why can't you guys move In With us?" Honey challenged. "Because your house is small." I stated the obvious. "Well I'm not moving so forget it." She said. "neither am I." I said back "Alright kids this is what I mean. If we get another house no one fights about who lived with who." My father said too us. Honey kissed her treeth as she picked up her fork and started eating giving up the argument.

"Is that the news you where saving for dinner?" I asked Heather. "yes that, And then there's." She started rubbing her belly. My father soon rubbed her stomach. "We're pregnant!" She screamed out. Now honey and I where shocked more shocked then when they where telling us they where getting married. "God seriously! You're like a hundred." Honey said making me choke in laughter she was right though. "Yea aren't you guys too old to be having anymore kids.?" I asked them. "I'm only 41 Adam." My father laughed. "And I'm Only 46." Heather said confidently.

"Wait what? Your older than Him?" Honey asked. It's like she's reading my mind. "Only by a few years." She answered holding my dads' hand as they rubbed their noses together. Honey turned away in disgusts. As I did the same. "There's nothing wrong with that if you're in love, age is nothing but a number." My father said as he put his arm around her shoulder.

I think I'm losing my appetite. Now I'm getting a little brother or sister? This is too much for one day. I guess I'll call Rose back and get the hell out of here. "Excuse me." I said getting up from the table as I made my way back to my room. I tossed on my bed and dialled her number. "Hey babe why don't you ever answer?"

Rose answered within the first ring. "Sorry i was eating dinner what's up." I said to her. "Well you should turn the tv on that bitch is talking about you." She said thorough the phone. "What bitch?" I asked confused. "Kasey Kay." She answered. I flicked the tv on my wall on and turned the channel to Pop gossip. That's when I saw my picture on the screen.

The host spoke about me. "Does Dark Scorpion want to start a war with todays teen pop sensation Kasey Kay?" The hostess announced. "Wait, when did I ever start a war?" I asked more to myself. "You shouldn't have said that about her music." Rose sounded worried through the phone I turned back to the tv once Kasey started talking. "I don't want to say I dislike Dark's music but its a little too far fetched for my taste poorly written. And as for Dark as a person .... at the moment, I'm disappointed in him, I expected more I Guess he still has some growing up to do." I could feel anger rising within me. I clinched my fist real tight. Staring at the screen Kasey with her large sunglasses her bleached blonde hair almost white. Lipstick reddest I've ever seen. As she sat on the white sofa of Pop gossip. "I have growing up to? she's the one looking for attention on tv by making a fuss over all this." I shouted walking around in my room frustrated. I stopped once the hostess began asking more questions. "What do you think Dark Scorpion meant by your music Is cheesy?" asked the Hostess "I believe jealousy drove him to it. I ranked higher than him, so he just did it for attention I guess." She shrugged. Kasey is a slow talker and just plain annoying with her calm attitude and mono tone voice.

"Is there anything you would like to say to Dark if he's watching?" The host asked. "Just that an apology would make him a better person." She answered facing the camera.

I bet she's staring directly at it behind those lard black sunglasses. "Alright folks there you have it strictly from pop gossip live. We have Kasey Kay here live on the Dark Scorpion issue. I'm your hosted Angela stone, we hope to see you soon. Dark scorpion has some explaining to do." Both the reporter and Kasey pointed to the camera like they where pointed at me.

"Maybe you should apologize Kasey can ruin your career, Dark that's why I don't mess with her." Rose spoke I didn't even notice she was still on the line. I was just angry about this whole thing. "I'm Dark Scorpion Rose, I don't apologize to no one. Especially for speaking my mind." Just as I finished that sentence. I heard my door creek. I looked over and saw Honey staring at me. My eyes widened. shit im done for, Did she hear anything? of course she has I was fully screaming I'm Dark Scorpion as the tv was on full blast.

"Hello Dark you still there?" Rose said but I was too busy looking at Honey. Her eyes focused only on me we stared at each other for what felt like hours. "Dark... Dark?" Rose screamed but I still held the phone to my ear unable to speak.

"I think I left my phone here. have you seen it?" She finally asked walking in and searching with her eyes. "U-u h yea it right here." I said handing her phone back. "Thanks...did you read my texts?" She narrowed her eyes at me. "no, I haven't." I assured her. "Good" She smiled and walked away. my heart is racing what do I do? She can't know I'm Dark...not now.