Chapter 15

Honey's (P.O.V)

Where should I start? I'm moving in with the devil now my mother is expecting I'm sixteen and still no love in my life. Why me god, why me? I got up from the dinner table leaving the two love birds alone I left my phone in Adams room. as much as I don't want to go back in there, I have no choice. I walked up the Stairs and heard him shouting on the phone about something. I leaned close and began to listen. It was tough making out what he was saying through the loud tv. Kasey Kay was on she was my favourite signers ever. Her music is calm mellow and beautiful one thing I loved was her sense of style. She always wore elegant clothing never revealing or sluty like that model Rose. Now she is one person I can't stand.

I could hear him shouted but was it ever hard to hear. I pressed my ear against the door to get a better listen but that's when my big head slightly pushed the door open. Adam's shocked expression scared me. I stared back at him wondering what he was looking at. Was it a private conversation he was having over the phone? "I think I left my phone here have you see. It?" I asked affaired he might bite my ear off for eavesdropping on him. "Yea it's right here." He said digging in his pocket. He was being surprisingly nice. "You didn't read my texts, did you?" I asked taking it out of his hand. "No, I didn't." He answered still holding his phone on his ear. I smiled and left the awkwardness yet again. I guess what happened earlier made him weird. After dinner my mother and I decided to go home because I had school the next morning. "I'll call you tonight." Andrew said kissing my mother on the lips. Adam was still in his room he didn't even come to see us off. Which I was hoping he did, Rude brat. I got home and looked at my phone I had a text from Demi and it was already read. So that lying ass hole lied again. Saying he don't read anything. Why do I always fall for his lies? The message was bout the school play as if I need her to remind me, I was going to be humiliating myself in front of the entire school Soon. And why does she keep asking me if found Romeo where am I going to find the dream guy we want? She's the popular one I should be asking her If she found him. Ill respond to her tomorrow in person when I see her so I can give her a piece of my mind. For now, I need to get some sleep. I woke for school the next morning. Tired. I couldn't sleep all night I was thinking about the play and how all the attention was going to be on me. I'm a shy person I don't do so good in front of a large crowd.

I woke with a sick feeling knowing today was rehearsal I'm nervous I don't think I could do this after all.

Pushing that thought aside I quickly got dressed and met up with Demi at the bus stop. "first thing is first. How did It go with Tyson?" she asked. I knew this question was bound to come up. "he was nice but not my type." I lied not giving full details. "oh, that's a bummer anyways good thing it didn't work out cuz look what I got." She was holding up four ticket with a huge grin I rolled my eyes immediately I knew what they were. "Aren't you excited?" She squealed.

"Not really." I responded bluntly. "Oh, come on we are going to have so much fun." She said jumping up and down. "When is it?" I asked her. "It's in a few weeks." "But the play is in a few weeks as well." I reminded.

" yea so what, the play is a day or so before, so we can still go to the concert." She explained. This girl is a die-hard fan of dark, isn't she? "Don't worry I'll explain it all on the bus lets go." She said pulling my hand towards the bus that just pulled up. We arrived at school and Demi made sure I was going to the concert with her. She even tried to explain how hard it was to get the tickets they are all sold out the minute they went on sale. She said she had to camp out in front of the box office just to get them how could I refuse if she went through so much trouble getting them.

She went off on how much she hated Kasey Kay. Just because Dark didn't like her. So, Demi and I had our little argument on the bus about who was better than Who. We even had a debate who sold more albums. And it was a close one but Kasey won because she was out for so many years and Dark is a new artist.

"Once we arrived Dylan and Chad where in the main halls all dressed in their foot ball and basketball wear. Man did they ever look good. They stood there chatting as a bunch of girls stood around them waiting for recognition. I guess I'm not the only invisible one. Once they looked over and saw Demi, they both lit up with smiles as they both shifts straight. " good morning Demi." The both said at the same time. Startled they both looked at each other. Chad running a hand trough his blonde hair. "Morning guys." Demi responded. "Hey Bonny." Dylan said. I don't bother correcting him anymore because at least I was acknowledged by him. I could see the other girls giving me looks. "It's Honey, Dylan not Bonny." Demi said with a chuckle. "Speaking of which do you guys by any chance have the 17th free?" She asked them. " not that we know of why?" Chad asked with excitement.

"Well Honey and I have two extra tickets to go see Dark Scorpion and we were wondering if you guys could join us." She explained. "Oh my god Dark scorpion I love him." One of the girls said jumping up and down. " oh my god you're so lucky Demi I'm like so In Love with him." Another one said. " I have all his albums my room is covered with his posters. I have his autograft t-shirt. You name it I have it. oh God he's so dreamy." She continued.

Am I the only person On This planet that doesn't like him. So, what if he's extremely good looking. He's still an Aragon jerk for Putting Kasey out like that. "He's so brave and bold says what ever that is on His mind. I know one day he and I will get married." The brunette said with both hand over her heart as she blushes.

They all sighed and stared into thin air admiring him. I could tell Chad and Dylan lost the attention they had earlier by the adjugated looks they had when Demi join the girls. "He looks emo to me." Chad said through pure jealousy. "More like a freak what's with all the dark makeup anyways." Dylan added. Now they where speaking my language. "Just listening to him makes me feel depressed." I said. Chad nodded in approval. "Tell me about it my ears feel like thy are bleeding when his songs come on the radio." Dylan said I chuckled and soon they laughed too.

this was the first time we had a decent conversation. And they looked at me as an equal. "You guys are the freaks how do you not listen to an angel sing." Demi suddenly said. "Yea you clearly don't. Know talent when you see it." The brunette said. I rolled my eyes when they kept going. "Anyways we don't have time for this we have practice." Dylan said walking away, "yea see you." Chad waved. "Hey Honey maybe we should go to the concert to laugh at pretty boy sing like a cow." Dylan shouted as he laughed out loud. "That would be great." I said back. As he gave me a wave.

I turned and saw a pair of eyes glaring at me. "what the hell was that?" Demi said winking at me. "Smart move getting Dylan's attention like than. How did you know he hates Dark?" she nudged me. "I didn't lucky guess." I said laughing. We walked down the hall and noticed people making a fuss near the gymnasium. Girls screaming. Guys with angry looks on their faces.

We pushed through the crowd of screaming girls. What I saw shocked me. there he was standing in the middle of the girls smiling at all the giggling girls, Adam Hays. As soon as his eyes landed on me his smile grew wider. I quickly hid my head hoping he didn't see me. "Isn't that your step brother?" Demi asked, "what is he doing here?" I said to myself. "What is with all this ruckus what's going on here?" Mrs. Crow the drama Teacher says. She's always reminded me of the hippy type with her long curly and sharp-edged glasses. not to mention her love and passion she has for art.

soon as she saw Adam she stopped and stared at him. "And who are you, young man?" She asked him. "I'm here to audition Am I in the right place?" He smiled at her. I couldn't believe Mrs. Crow blushed.

"W-w ell your most defiantly in the right place son." She smiled as she fiddled with her hair. "Oh, he's so cute." A tall random girl said. "He would be perfect for Romeo oh my god now I'm excited for the play." Her friend said. I couldn't believe this was happening why was he here why was he auditioning? "Oh my god Honey why didn't I think of it before. Adam is perfect for the role." Demi said slapping my arm in excitement.

I gave her a look of 'are you serious?' "Come on he's cute extremely cute he has an adorable baby face; his eyes are as blue as the ocean-" " you haven even met him yet how do you know he can even act or sing?" I said cutting her off. " we'll let me go introduce myself now then, excuse me" She said pushing me out of the way as she approached him.

I watched Adam avert his eyes away from Mrs. Crow and on to Demi who was in front of him in less than 2.3 seconds I don't know how she got there so quick. I walked over to formally introduce my friend since I was being rude.

"Hi I'm Demi. Honey's best friend." she said holding her hand to him. He shot a glance at me making me flinch as his eyes landed on me. So young yet such strong gazes he has. "I'm Adam it's nice to meet you Demi." He said taking her hand as he placed a kiss on the top of her hand Demi's face turned red. I never saw Demi blush unless it was Dark Scorpion. All the girls sighed and gasped when he kissed her hand.

"You have a very cute friend Honey." He said winking at me. I looked away from his eyesight, I felt a sick feeling in my stomach. It can't be jealousy. But I am kind of upset it's Demi its always Demi she gets all the attention from every guy I ever liked. Now Adam isn't even looking at me just when Demi walked up.

"oh, you're so sweet its hard to believe your only fourteen." Demi giggled. "Demi." I whispered knowing she was flirting. "What?" She asked. "Honey your teacher tells me you're playing Juliet." Adam said turning his full attention to me. I gave a half-hearted grin as I pulled his hand towards an empty hall. I could here all the girls gossiping about me. "What the hell do you think you're Doing?" I whispered angrily. "Auditioning what does it look like" he smirked. "Are your seriously out to make my life miserable? This is high school kid you can't audition." I said almost screaming.

"Really?... that's strange your teacher said I got the part." He chuckled. "No, you can't we already have a Romeo...a why aren't you ever in school? Does Andrew know you always skip school?" I threatened. "I don't go to school. Im home schooled." He smirked confidently.

"Then go home and stop following me." I marched passed him, but he grabbed my wrist. Pulling me back until I stumbled into his arms. He put his hand around my waist. "I know why your mad you just want some more of me." He whispered in my ear causing me shiver slightly. "I'll make you feel good." He nibbled on my ear. I could hear people coming down the hall, so I pushed him away. "You're sick." I shouted anger full. I had enough of him I'm not falling for his stupid games only he finds amusing.

He reached for my hand once again "I'll be here all day so let's get along ok sis?" He gave me a closed mouth smile. "Here." He said pulling money out of his pocket. "Real reason I'm here is to bring you lunch money your mom said you didn't take any lunch, so I figured you would need this. I wouldn't want my darling big sister going to school hungry." He teased. I snatched my hand away

"My mother knows I never take lunch she gave you this money to give to me didn't she." I pointed my finger in his face. "fine you caught me." he chuckled. "So, you're not here for the role of Romeo?" I asked curiously. "of course not, why would I torture myself like that." he gave a disgusted look. "I don't believe you." I said raising an eye brow. how should I not believe him after all those lies, he fed me.

"I swear on my mothers name. I jut said that as a joke." He said without a slight humour expression on his face. He was serious if he swore on his mother.

"ok" I said as I stormed off To My locker ignoring the painful glares from the girls in the hall. Demi followed me. "What was that about?" She asked. "What is what about Demi? I hate him I swear to god I do. He's not human so annoying I can't stand him." I screamed out Loud in frustration. "Calm down Honey he's not so bad I don't know why you're always complaining he's actually really charming and sweet. That's why he's perfect for this role." She said.

"Wake up and spell the coffee woman he's evil I thought he was nice to, but boy was I ever wrong." I fiddled with the lock trying to open it. " and he's not going to be Romeo he was just kidding. Thank god" I explained "Well I like him he doesn't bother me. He's actually really cute, wish he was a couple of years old I swear to god I would f-" "Demi!" I shouted cutting her off not wanting to hear what she was about to say. "What!?" She laughed with a shrug.

"don't tell me you never looked at him that way " "I ha-...ven't...." I paused when I thought about the way he touched me last night. It was a very intimate moment. "so, you have?" she said excitedly "of course not.!" I defended. "I don't blame you if you do, I mean he's gorgeous and he looks a lot like Dark doesn't he? the way he smiles there like twins almost.... OH MY GOD! I think I'm falling for your brother." She placed her hand on her cheek with a big smile as her cheeks heated up.

"No, he doesn't they both have dark hair and blue eyes that doesn't make them twins stupid your far too obsessed with Dark." I said. She rolled her eyes at me. That's when my phone buzzed in my pocket. I didn't bother looking at it I bet it was from him. We got to class but it was empty there was a letter saying we are in the gym. I guess it was intended for Demi and me for rehearsal.

We reached the gym and first thing we noticed was the whole class sitting on the grown including miss. Parson the teacher's assistant and Mrs. Crow and Adam was standing before them. It was like he was the only one in the room when I heard him speak.

"Its been a while but I'll say the lines I remember" he cleared his throat. Why was he still here? He made it clear he didn't want the part. He even swore on his Mothers name, why? Why did he lie even though he swore on her name.? Anger was rising in me I could feel my blood boiling.

" .... One fairer than my love? The all-seeing sun Ne'er saw her match since first the world begun....."Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight! For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night." My heart was fluttered. As it was racing. All anger leaving me as I stared at him with awe. he swung his hands like Romeo. With a hand against his chest the other in the air. It was beautiful. The seriousness of his tone the expression on his face. I could see only him like a beam of light shone on him. As soon as his eyes landed on me my heart was going to stop on me.

"for it is the east and Juliet is the sun." He said staring right at me. As a gentle smile formed on his lips. Everyone began to clap and cheer.

"Oh my god. He's amazing. " a girl said suddenly from the crown he was still staring at me and I was staring back. I felt a nudge surprising me. I looked over at Demi who was grinning and blushing. "He's amazing, isn't he?" She said. I looked back at him he was no longer looking this way. He was speaking with Mrs. Crow and miss. Parson and all the girls crowed him. His smile was adorable. His eyes lifted up at me once more. I quickly turned on my heels and left the gym. I had to or else my heart would have beat out of my chest. Demi follows me. "Are you alright?" She asked. As she looked at me place my hand over my racing heart. "I'm fine I need to go nothing is wrong with me." I said racing Down the hall. But that was a lie. I never thought I would say this but

I think..I..might... Like.. My step brother...