Chapter 16

Adam's (P.O.V)

I was getting ready to leave the school, but this teacher stopped me for the second time asking me if I was still interested in this play. "I'm sorry but I'm not interested." I tried to explain to her "please just one line that's all you have to do for me and ill leave you alone." she promised. but for some reason she started gathering other students. one quick show and im out of this school I thought. she escorted me to the gym as annoying girls started flocking around me. I stood in the Center. I haven't seen this play in years my mother use to force me to plays all the time because she loved them so much, so when this teacher asked me to do a little demonstration I guess it was a piece of cake. As I was saying the few lines I saw the door suddenly creep open as Honey and her friend walked in as soon as she saw me she froze in place and started at me. It was strange to be watched so hard I've never had stage fright or anything but when Honey glared at me it made me feel nervous and a bit off edge. I think its because she's going to think I'm interested in this role even though I swore on my mother's name, I never do that unless its serious. I looked at her eyes widen When I recited my last query I saw her face turn red. The class cheered me on and complemented me. "That was most certainly the best performance I've ever seen in all my years of teaching." The teacher with curly hair said, "Thank you." I said to her I looked up to see if Honey was still there and she was. She quickly rushed out of the gym, I guess she was just as uncomfortable as I was. "You got the part son im indeed convinced you are Romeo. Here is the scrip." She handed me a bundle of papers. "Come by for rehearsal any time." She said placing a hand on my shoulder. "What.. no, I can't I'm sorry, but I have to refuse." I handed her back the script.

"It's such a shame your more then perfect." She said I was more annoyed with the crowd of the girls. I don't Blame them come on I'm a stage performer. I'm Dark scorpion. "I'm sorry." I smiled and walked out of the gym I looked back and saw a train of girls following me. I made my way to the boy's washroom. To get rid of them. I quickly dialled the number of Ryan to pick me up. I needed to get the hell out. "Sorry man im in dance rehearsal." He said. "What about Joey?" I asked. "he's here too." He answered. I hung up. That's when a guy walked through the wash room doors Wearing foot ball gear. He was taller then me, blond hair, and a second one walked in with brown hair. They both looked me up and down. "These girls here for you?" The blond asked. I didn't respond I turned to the sink and turned on the tap as I washed my face. "You are playing that Romeo role eh?" The brunet asked. I shot a look at him through the mirror. "You here to use the washroom or question me?" I said with a strait face. Clearly showing I was irritated by them I hate stupid guys like them all sports no brain. I wiped my hand with a paper towel tossed it in the bin next to them. And walked out. "Cocky bastard." I heard as I was walking out. It sounded like the brunette. The girls screamed once they saw me and followed me down the hall. I had to lose the girls but how. The bell rang singling class to begin. I was over come with relief as they all said their goodbyes to me. Some even asked me to have lunch with them I told them I wasn't going to be around until lunch. I left the school grounds and called Rose to meet up later for lunch. I got home to change. I threw on a plain black shirt and jacket with black jeans.. I waited down the street so Rose wouldn't know where I live. As she pulled up she smiled at me when she rolled the window down. I jumped in and road off. I was glad to see her. I kind of missed her. Glad she's by my side and always there when I need her. I kissed her and watched her smile. She's beautiful her big eyes her long hair and killer body. " why have you been ignoring me?" She asked and that's when the annoyance began. She's always nagging. "I've been busy Rosé now stop asking." I assured her signalling I was annoyed. She pouted her lips at me.

My phone began to ring, and I was surprised to see Honey on my screen. I quickly picked up and heard Honeys soft voice mumble something.. "What?" I asked, Rose staring at me with anticipation. "I need help Adam." She said almost like she forced those words out. "What's wrong." I asked worriedly. "Please just come." She pleaded with a tone almost like she was crying. I sat up from my seat "Where are you?" I eagerly asked. "who's that?" Rosé asked but I put my hand up to her face signalling her to shut up. "I'm at shawl hall." She said, and I quickly hung up I told Rose to drop me off at my agency pretending I had a meeting to get prepared for. Once she dropped me off I got dressed back as Adam I took a cab and rushed over to shawl hall store. Hoping she was ok


Honey's (P.O.V)

I'm dead meet Adam is going to kill me once he finds out im calling him over for nothing but disappointment. Demi kept pushing to convince Adam to be Romeo. "Call him, he has to do it there's no way we're letting him go." She said squeezing my arm.

"uh no, why would I want him to play one of the leading roles of this play." I refused "please Honey we need to make this play the best so many people are coming to see it and collage students are coming too." She explained then that triggered a thought in my memory.

The student that found pooch for me that day I ran away. The really cute one from T.K. E university. " are they really?" I asked with a wicket smile. "Of course, and I bet your mystery man will be there too." She said catching my message. And before I knew it I was dialling the devil's number. Every ring was a pound to the chest. I can't believe I'm calling him and after the wicket lie I made Adam was on his way over. It's nerve wrecking the possible feelings I have for him are nothing more than siblings. Pushing all thoughts of liking him out of my mind. He's far too young and he's my soon to be little brother. I can't like him it's not possible. I told him to meet me at Shawl hall it's a nice clothing store selling all the latest Trends I could never wear not in a million years.

"While we are waiting let's try some cute clothes on, we have to find a hot outfit for the concert." Demi said excitedly. "No, I'm fine ill help you fined something." I murmured. "No, no, no,, we are finding you an out fit first. Are you forgetting its a double date with Chad and Dylan?" She reminded, and I knew she was right. "We have to make Dylan fall for you on this date." I started blushing, and now I was excited.

"Fine but you have to give Chad a chance Demi he really likes you." I said. "Fine ill do it now try this on." She said handing me a small white shirt sleeveless and a small peach coloured skirt. "Your kidding right?" I raised and eyebrow.

"Why what's wrong with this?" She asked. There was so much wrong with this out fit. It was too short it was way too revelling, and it had skank written all over it. But I can't tell Demi that, so I took the outfit with a smile. She grinned and led me to a changing room.

As I struggled to get the small skirt past my thighs I herd voices as if Demi was speaking to Someone. Must be the sales clerk. I ignored it and put on the small top. When I looked in the mirror I was shocked how my body looked. It made me have curves I thought I never had.

I looked surprisingly good. I felt like a skank, but it looked good. Made me feel kind of like a bad girl "You ready I want to see how you look." demi shouted from the other side. "In a sec." I said admiring myself."

I stepped out, "what do you think?" I asked her but when I looked up I had a mini heart attack. There wide-eyed staring right at me. Was Adam. I could feel the blush started at my feet and working its way to my face, blood rushing to my head.

"Wow I never knew you had that kind of a body." He chuckled. Staring me up and down. I immediately without a second thought, ran back in the changing room slamming the door shut. Placing a hand over my racing heart I took a glance in the mirror and saw my face flushed bright red. Why was I breathing so hard? "What wrong woman you look good come out already." Demi said knocking on the door. "Yea you call me out here and you hide." Adam said. "I-ill be right out." I stuttered. Once I changed I walked out trying to avoid eye contact with Adam. He followed us the check out paying for everything. Demi was impressed and I was just curious where he gets all this money

"So... What's this about?" He finally spoke after a long awkward silence. "Well Honey had something she wanted to ask you." Demi said pulling my arm towards him. What a traitor we where in this together yet she throws me in front of the lion.

"Well I-I" I paused when I realized I was afraid to ask him. "Yes?" He asked raising an eye brow making him look even more intimidating. "I was wondering.... Um.." I trailed off. Looking into his icy blue eyes that look so deep I could get lost in them. "Just say it already" Demi pounced suddenly shocking me. "would you like to be Romeo for our play." Demi stole the words out of my mouth. But Adams eyes were on me. I knew it he was going to kill me. I kept looking down avoiding his piercing eyes.

Why isn't he saying anything but staring at me I'm so uncomfortable. "So, let me get this straight.... You called me making it seem like an emergency. Making me leave my girlfriend for this?"

He spoke but after the last few words I couldn't get my eyes off him. Did he say girlfriend? I know I heard him say it before but does Adam really have a girlfriend? I felt disappointed in a way it kind of hurt. "Sorry about that but we really need your help for this play." Demi spoke, and I was grateful because I was in no condition to talk. There was this feeling I didn't like.

" sorry no can do, I can't skip around in tights that's not my style." he said. " please you're like the best actor I've ever seen right Honey?" She nudged me with her elbow bringing me back from my thought. I looked up to only meet with Adams eyes.

"I'm sorry Adam you don't have to be in the play. I was just hoping you would. " I apologized. He glared at me long and hard with a serious expression. Why wasn't he saying anything. it was uncomfortable. finally, He turned away and rubbed his hair in frustration messing it up. He pasted around talking to him self with one hand under his chin the other on his hip. As if he was deep in thought. Demi and I looked at each other and shrugged. Wondering what he was doing. He walked up to us "fine... Ill do it. Just one stupid play right." He asked as if he had a war with himself. "That's all just one role." I assured. "But.." He said suddenly having a creepy smirk. "But what?" I asked skeptically.

"You ow me for this." He smiled at me. Demi started giggling. "What do you want." I asked not liking the look in his eyes. "Ill let you know when the time comes.... If that's all you called me for ill be on my way.... Ladies ill see you at rehearsal." he laughed suddenly leaving. I felt goosebumps all over my body. "You see I knew he would say yes to you." She laughed. But my mind was scrambled. Too much going on. After going home. Demi said she we should go visit T.K.E university to see Amy so she could give us a ride to see a Romeo and Juliet play that's showing at the famous arts theatre. She said it would be a good idea for us to watch it, get some idea of what I'm doing. " you ready?" Demi asked standing at my bedroom door. "When did you get here?" I asked sometimes questioning her speed. "Your mom let me in. By the way she seems so much happier then the last time I saw her." "Oh yea?" I rolled my eyes knowing what she meant by that. I agree with her ever since Andrew came along my mother is a different person. I guess I should be happy. But I always still have my dad in the back of my head.

"I'm ready shall we go?" I held my arm out for her. "We shall." She laughed hooking her arm with mine. We left the house telling my mom we had to go rehears. We made our way towards the bus stop near by.

"What do you think of Eric?" Demi suddenly asked. I could see a blush coming on her face. "I uh... Think he's nice." I answered honestly. "Demi do you like Eric?" I asked. But she didn't answer me she looked sad. "I do but he is already seeing someone." She said with a low tone. "So what, your Demi anyone can fall in love with you." I said trying to lighted her up. "No, you don't understand he's really in love. With her every time we hang out all he ever does is talk about her. I've never seen a guy so in love before." I could see a tear drop rolling down her cheek. I gave her a hug rubbing her back. "Don't worry you will find someone who loves you more than you can imagine." She smiled wiping a tear "your right I am Demi after all." We both laughed. We finally arrived at T.K.E University. We stood at the front gate and stared at the view it was a hug school with huge brick walls and beautiful grade,. A bird fountain and students all over the place. Some studying some chit chatting. That's when we noticed Amy walking towards us. Hand in hand with a guy, as they came closer the male figure was my mystery man. Amy was dating him? No way. I don't mean to be rude but he's way out of her league. What's with these sisters first Demi who's on the chubby side gets almost ever guy and now Amy gets him. This is all too much. Second heartache of the day. I'm so misfortunate