Chapter 17

Honey's (P.O.V)

"Guys you made it." Amy said. While My eyes were glued to him. He was still as cute as I remember even more cute I'd say considering its daylight. I can see his face better. I felt a push and I noticed both Amy and Demi staring at me. "Did you hear Honey?" Demi asked, "hear what?" I said obliviously. "Amy said she can't take us she has as an exam to write." She explained.

"yea I'm sorry guys..." Amy said apologetically. "No worries we can take the bus." Demi assured. "Ok we got to run good luck on the play can't wait to see it." She waved, and I watched them leave. "Demi!" I suddenly shouted. "What, what's wrong?" She said startled. " it's him I can't believe it it's him." I Cried. "Who, Keith?" She said with a confused look. "Why didn't you tell me Amy was dating my future husband. Why didn't Amy introduce him?" I started blabbering. "calm down first off she did introduce him to you, you were just spaced out the whole time second of all how the hell am I supposed to know its him you liked. And thirdly he's too old for you!" She shouted while shaking me back an forth. "Your right I guess I had false hope." I frowned. "It's ok you still have Adam right?" She teases but I shot her a look of 'ill cut you if you joke like that' After many bus rides we arrived in front of the theatre I was kind of excited. It was disappointing when we were told the show has already started. And that seats were sold out. another misfortune for me. "On the bright side we are close to the movie theatre lets go catch a movie." Demi suggested. "Sure, why not." I said we walked a few blocks until we had no idea where we were. "Demi are you sure we are going the right way I mean I've never been to this part of the city before." I asked.

"Don't worry I've been downtown plenty of times it's just down the street." She said confidently. After what seems alike hours of walking I was sure we were lost. I had enough of walking, I stopped in place. " we are lost aren't we?." I asked her. "Uhm.. Maybe just a little lost." She laughed. How could she be laughing at a time like this. It's getting dark and my moms going to get worried I know she will. "Ill call someone." I said digging into my pocked and almost cried when I noticed my battery had died.

"Don't worry I still have 5% left on my phone." she said I wonder who she's going to call. It better be someone reliable. "Eric is at his cousins house, Brenda is busy with her boyfriend, Amy is obviously in class with exams..." She went on and on with names of her friends and how they are busy. "Hmm I guess I could call Chad or Dylan but I'm not sure if they are in practice...-"

"would you call someone you don't have a fully charged phone you know." I shouted growing impatient. "Fine I'll call Chad it's worth a try." She said holding the phone up to her ear. "Hey Chad, it's Demi..... I'm good and you?..... That's great you're not in practice today? That's a relief... listen Honey and I have a little problem... You know Honey my friend... The one that's always with me."

I rolled my eyes imaging the look on his face how am I always invisible. " not her…the other...come one she's the one that hates the music prodigy.... Yea her. Well we are-.... Hello. Hello chad?... Damnit I think I lost him." She said pressing on her phone. "maybe if you didn't spend so much time chatting this wouldn't have happened, dammit Demi what are we going to do now?"

I was now scared. No phone it's dark out, chilly and I could feel my stomach growling from hunger." What could possibly go wrong." And just then I jinxed myself. It started with a simple rain drop on the nose and within a second it was hailing. We ran into a hotel to shelter from the freezing violent rain.

"Honey." Demi said tapping my arm. "What is it I'm not in the mood to talk I'm so mad right now." I huffed. Crossing my arms for warmth. "Just look at this place." She said softly. "I said I'm not in the mo-" I stopped once I turned around and saw the hotel. It was gorgeous and dazzling.

The front desk woman was staring at us with disgust in her eyes. "Oh, my lord this place is ...Incredible." I said with awe. It was all fancy huge crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling golden baseboards and framing. Beautiful marble floor and incredible decorations. "Did this kind of place exist in town?" Demi Asked. " I have no idea." I answered. " can I help you ladies?" The lady at the front desk asked. She was in her Middle Ages with her hair tied back and it was bleach blonde. Her lipstick was dark red, and she wore the hotel uniform which was nice and fancy. "Uh no we are just waiting for the rain to clear out." Demi answered. "I'm sorry but his is not a shelter now run along." She said swinging her arms as if shooing us out. "Could we at least use the phone then please we are kind of lost." I asked. "That's nonsense. It's not a public phone please leave." She held the door open And stopped once she saw a group of people heading towards the doors. "Call security they are back." She screamed to another woman at the front desk. She quickly closed the doors and told us to go sit on the couches near the fireplace. "What's going on?" I asked Demi. Who looked just as confused as I was. "No clue they look like reporters to me." She Said peaking over to get a better look. "Reporters? Why would reported be here?" I asked more to myself. That's when two men wearing black walking in pushing their way through the crowed. I couldn't believe my eyes it was Rose who walked in. This was the first time I saw a celebrity up close. Then when the second person walked in I was almost deafened by Demi's screaming. It was Dark Scorpion. It was crazy when he heard Demi scream he turned and looked right at me and his eyes went wide as an owl. As he stopped in his tracks. "Oh my god he's staring at us Honey!" Demi went psycho fan. Why was he still standing there staring at me? He's so incredibly cute I can't help but stare back at him. Then the gaze was broken when Rose walked over to him and pulled his arm towards the elevator of the hotel. I sat back down with my heart racing. "Did you see that! Did you?" She was tugging on my arm. "This has to be a dream I just saw my Dark in Person." She continued. I was focused on those eyes those deep blue eyes that looked so familiar. the paparazzi kept snapping picture of them even after they were gone. "I can't believe this I'm so happy I can die right now, and I would hold no regret." Demi wasn't in her right state of mind here, she is crazy about Dark and im focusing on how we are going to get home. After what seamed like for ever. The paparazzi cleared out and reporters were all gone. Couple of body guards stuck around to make sure a psycho fan doesn't jump out of no were like Demi. I looked over at her and she was red as a tomato and smiles wide as joker. "Demi focus, we need to get home." I said snapping my fingers in her face. "No, I think I'm going to camp out in front of the hotel for a bit." She said still in a daze. And smiling like a fool. "No Demi our family must be worried." I tried explaining but it was useless. "what Family? I don't have a family." She said spaced out. "Excuse me ladies here is the key to your room." The front desk lady said handing us a card. "Uh no sorry we didn't pay for a room." I said. Was she crazy how could we afforded this place. "No sweetie it's already been paid for, so you don't have to worry about that." She said placing the card in my hand. Demi and I looked at each other. In shock who could have paid for our room and why? "Who paid for it, if I may ask." I asked. " who cares I'm freezing let's go." Demi said snatching the card out of my hand and racing towards the elevator. "All expenses are paid as well so feel free to go nuts with room service." She smiled at me. She gave me the creeps just a few minutes ago she was completely evil now she's. sweeter than sugar. "Ok" I said skeptically as I walked towards the elevator. "Something didn't sit right with me. "Could you believe Dark was in this elevator a few minutes ago" she started screaming in my ear. After getting off at the 8th floor the hall way was incredibly long and quiet. We searched for our door number. "806 it's right here." Demi pointed out. "We swiped the card and the door clicked open. When we slightly pushed the door open we were stunned by the view. It's was huge this can't be a hotel room. There was a living room a kitchen and a bed room, it was the best room I've ever been in. "This is amazing Honey." Demi screamed jumping on the bed. "Holly crap look at the view." She yelled as she swung the curtains open. "I can't believe This is happening isn't this crazy." She seamed happier then a child at Disneyland. I sat on the bed "Demi something is wrong isn't it suspicious someone paid for this room and we don't know who?" I asked. "You're right." She said reality finally kicking in. "I wonder who?" She rubbed her chin. "Wait come to think of it.." She paused with a serious look on her face. "Dark is somewhere in this hotel oh my god we are staying in the same hotel as Dark and Rose let go find them. "she said with excitement I sighed in frustration. "would you focus for one second." I shouted but There was a knock on the door, Demi and looked at each other with fear. "Room service." I male voice said. And relief escaped our breaths. I opened the door and they had tray and trays of food rolling in. Demi's mouth watered, and my stomach growled just smelling it. They placed it all down and walked away closing the door behind them. Demi was already digging in with her mouth full. I didn't hesitate to wait either. I was too full to even breath. I got up to take a bath because I was wet and sweaty. I got in bathroom leaving Demi while she was still eating, and she was now having dessert. I undressed and ran a warm bath filled it with bath soap and pampered my self. I sat in the tub and it felt so good. Maybe I should stop worrying and relax. I got out the tub wrapped a towel around my hair as I put on a Robe that the hotel had laid out. I came out to only find Demi past out on the bed. I went over took the fork out of her hand wiped off the chocolate syrup from her mouth and put the blanket on her. I couldn't sleep for some reason. So, I decided to stand out in the balcony. It was a starry night peaceful and the rain was all done. I felt at peace, I took the towel off my head; the towel was a little damp. I turned to my left and noticed Someone standing on the balcony next door. He was shirtless. With nothing but a towel around his waist. I blushed when I noticed he was naked underneath. He turned and looked at me. And my eyes widened as well as his. It was Dark Scorpion. I can't believe we were next door to Dark this entire time. Wait he's staring at me again. His dark make up and dark hair was really good on him. I quickly turned away when I noticed I was checking him out. I slowly looked back at him and he smiled gently with a small wave. I looked around to see if that smile and wave was meant for someone else, but it was just the two of us. He looked so familiar but that's impossible. There's no way I met Dark scorpion before. So why did he look so familiar. "You should go inside, its chilly out." His sudden voice startled me. "You're the one that's half naked." I teased, and he chuckled in a cute way. That go me blushing. "Yea but I hate to see a cute girl get sick." He smirked. And that's when it hit me. Demi was right he looked so much like the devil Adam Hayes. Wait he called me cute. Did I hear right? Dark Scorpion called me cute. Me Honey...cute. "Thanks, but I'm stronger then I look."

I laughed and soon he did was nice chatting with him he was so mature and laughed just like a normal person why did all that tabloids say he was a cocky person he's actually really sweet. "What are you doing out here come back to bed." Rose suddenly came out wrapping her arms around his neck. Kissing his back. Darks face expression changed. "Who's this?" She said looking at me with attitude. "Just someone I met." He said wrapping his arms around her. "Go back and ill be in a minute. He kissed her, her rob wasn't tied and when the wind blew I saw everything. Let's just say she was butt naked. This is unreal I jut saw Rose naked. Too much is happening. " sorry about that." He said giving me an apologetic smile. "It's fine you better go your girl friend doesn't seem patient." I gave him a half-hearted smile and walked into my room. I turned out the lights and went to sleep. I laid in bed next to Demi and started thinking about how sweet he was. And him calling me cute was replaying in my head over an over again. I don't know what to say but I see Dark in a whole new light

Morning came, and Andrew was on his way to pick us up. We used the hotel phone to call my mother and she sent Andrew to pick us up. I'm not sure how but he somehow found the hotel we were at and told us he was on his way. We got ready walked out the room "oops my phone." Demi ran back in to get her phone. As I waited the room next door opened and Dark scorpion and Rose walked up. I felt her piercing eyes glare at when Dark said, "good morning." To me. I nodded and held eye contact with him. I felt butterflies in my stomach please don't tell me this was my new celebrity crush. As they walked past me. His hair cut, his Hight, his smile his eyes, the way he smiles. It was all so similar.

"Adam" escaped my lips very faintly. That's when Dark stopped in his tracks and turned around. "What did you just say?" He asked. With a pale look, and shocked expression "Ah no nothing just talking to myself." I smiled. "Come on we got to get going before paparazzi show up." Rose said pulling on his arm. And with that they were gone. What was that about. His expression freaked me out. "Already! then lest get going. It's a shame we have to leave all this luxurious life behind." Demi shook her head. "Let's go Andrew should be here already." I said. We arrived at the lobby and Demi went psycho fan again as soon as she saw Dark at the front desk checking out. We walked up "still here?" I asked him teasingly and Dark backed away without saying a word. I was kind of hurt, he acted like I was some kind of a disease. he wouldn't even face me. Why was he acting like this? Last night he was an actual person now he's hiding his face from me. I guess I was wrong about him after all, he's still a celebrity asshole. Brushing off the thoughts, Demi got an autograph picture with him and I got nothing but dirty looks from Rosé then they were on their way. "What groupies." I heard Rose say as she walked off hand in hand with Dark. It didn't seam to bother Demi, but it bothers the hell out of me. Who does she think she is anyways? That stupid stuck up toothpick. Maybe she needs a cheese burger to make her happy. Stupid starving model makes me sick. I watched Andrew pull up I'm not sure if it was just my eyes or I could have sworn I saw Dark speak with Andrew. I guess I was just seeing things. I watched them jump in a black SUV and drive off. " ready to go hon?" Andrew said. I nodded. And follower him Demi got in the car, but I wasn't ready to leave just yet.

"Once second I forgot something." I said running back into the hotel. "Excuse me I need you to tell me who paid for our hotel room?" I asked the blonde lady from last night. "I'm sorry that's confidential I can't tell you." She said. "Please just this once and you'll never see my face again." I begged. She started thinking. "What's your relationship with Dark scorpion?" The other lady standing next to her asked me. "Sarah!" The blonde shouted. "I'm sorry but you wanted to know too right Jane?" Sarah said. "Ok....fine ...last night we got a call from Dark scorpion telling us to get you two a room.... I'm not sure why but we didn't question it." She explained. My thoughts went blank. Was I hearing right. Dark paid for our room..... Why?