Chapter 18

Adam's (P.O.V)

Tired and frustrated would be an understatement at this point. I'm stuck doing this stupid play. I blame myself, I should have said no why I didn't say no. I couldn't refuse Honey I guess it's my way of making it up to her for invading her privacy and insulting her dad. I still feel bad about that.

"You're really acting different lately Dark." Rose said taking glances at me. "You call me out then you say you have some important meeting now you tell me you're free again.. And this has been happening a lot lately." I could see tears forming. "Look Rose I know your upset, but you got to learn that I need space sometimes. We can't be together all the time." I tried to calm her down but that was like adding fuel to the fire. She was now in full tears crying. I guess I made things worse. "You're my boyfriend why are you so cold to me?." She cried. I sighed and hugged her to shut her up. Emotional girls annoy me. I kissed her, and she slipped her tongue into my mouth. I could smell alcohol from her mouth so that explains her emotional ways today. She pulled back and ran her finger through my hair. "What do you say we get a hotel room for the night and ill take you to the studio in the morning?" She suggested. I gave it a thought. And felt bad for blowing her off lately. "That sounds good." I smiled We drove a few blocks until we arrived downtown where the Romero hotel was located. It was owned by one of my friend's father Antonio Romero not the greatest friend we had some rough bumps, but we are past it. They own hotels all over the country and so they always allow me to stay free when ever I needed. We got out and noticed paparazzi surrounding the whole place. "How did they know we were coming?" I asked myself. "Seriously these guys are fucking annoying." Rose said surprising me I looked over at her. This was the first time I heard her swear. She looked at me with shock. "I mean they are nuisance." She giggles placing a hand over her mouth. "Never mind let's go." I said brushing off what I heard. She flipped her hair and walk ahead of me enjoying the pictures being taken, smiling blowing kisses. Posing, then she proceeded I wasn't too far behind.

Once I entered the hotel I heard a ridiculously loud scream startling me near death. I turned, and I locked eyes immediately with Honey. What the hell is she doing here I said to myself. She stood there still as a Statue staring back at me. It was beyond awkward, but I couldn't look away. She was drenched wet her lips turned blue from being cold I assume. And she looked restless. Was she lost I mean this is far from home down town is no place for Honey. It's too dangerous out here.

"What are you doing." Rose said pulling my arm towards the elevator of the door. The door closed and Rose immediately startled touching me "So I'm going to rub oil all over your back and...." Rose whispered in my era while wrapping her leg around mine kissing my neck. I was dozed off. Thinking about Honey she looked weak. I still couldn't figure out what she was doing. "Seriously it's like you're not even there... What the hell, do you ever listen to me." Roses words shattered my thoughts. "What was that babe?" I asked, "what ever." She stormed off once the elevator door opened. "Rosé wait I'm sorry." I said walking after her. "No don't touch me." She snapped when I tried reaching for her waist. "You're so selfish and inconsiderate you have been treating my so bad lately I've had enough." She screamed causing a scene where people came out and looked at us. Some started taking pictures. I swiped the door opened and pulled her in she was still screaming. I guess I really didn't know how much I was hurting Rose. " you don't call, you don't want to hang out, your always busy, and you blow me off-" I shut her up with another kiss. "You think kisses are going to solve anything?" She asked pushing me away.

"No but your right I have been a Jerk lately and I'm sorry.... I don't want to lose you, but work has been crazy lately.... lets just forget all that and make tonight our night." I said holding her tightly.

"Promise me something?" She asked softly. "What's that?" I asked. "Don't ever leave me for another girl." Her big brown eyes looked deeply in mine. "Don't worry that will never happen." I assured her. Her lips parted to a Big grin. "Wait ill be right aback let me go freshen up." She said racing to the washroom. That's gave me the chance to call front Desk and ask about Honey. "Yes, sir she has been here for the last hour. They said they were lost." She explained. "Get them a room expenses sent to my tab." I said.

After getting that sorted out and making sure Honey and her Friend had a place to stay I made a quick phone call to my dad letting him know Honey was here and to pick her up in the morning.

"Are you ready for me?" Rosé spoke seductively I turned around and saw her with nothing on she was naked. Rosé was on the skinny side, but her body was smoking hot. She walked over to me wrapping her arms around me kissing me. Pulling off my shirt unbuckling my pants....

Let's just say the rest is 18+ the irony I know. I rolled over to my side unsatisfied. This was the first time I made love to Rosé with no emotion what's so ever. I looked at her as she started playing with her phone texting someone. I got off the bed and went out in the balcony to think. My mind has been all over the place lately. At least the rain stopped. I thought to myself. I closed my eyes and my mother came to mind. It was a time when she took me to a play on our way home. "Adam when you grow up do me a favour." She asked, "what's that mom." "Make me the happiest grandmother in the world...don't marry a celebrity but a normal girl that doesn't care about material things. Marry someone that makes you happy not someone who asked to take her shopping.... I don't want you to get involved with this life style." She smiled rubbing my head. "Ok mom." I answered. I opened my eyes fighting back the tears. I turned to only fined Honeys eyes staring back into mine. She looked cute with the hotel rob on with her hair wet. We exchanged a few words it was as I was walking on egg shells with her I didn't want her to know I was Adam. That's when Rose came out ruining the moment. I've never spoken to Honey in a real good conversation like this. It's usually a fight or she looks like wants to kill me. She never smiled at me like this. She was very beautiful when she smiled. "Go back in ill be in a bit." I said to Rosé getting rid of her, so I could talk some more with Honey. "You should go in your girlfriend doesn't seem patient." Honey said walking in. Why was she leaving. I didn't want her to leave so quickly. I walked in not even paying Rosé attention and went to sleep. I woke up early to check on Honey Rose was still asleep. So, I snuck out the room and place my ear against their door. I didn't hear anything so I'm assuming they are still asleep. I made a call to the front desk asking if they had checked out, but they didn't. I went back to my room and sat out on the balcony. Thinking about my life I know I'm still young, but I have so much stress on my back I don't know what to do. The death of my mother pays a huge role in my life. Since I lost her I've lost myself. I can't stop thinking of her and having Honey round makes It worse she's so much like her.

I got ready the next morning Rose was ready and ready to leave. I had my driver pick us up. I wanted to drop Rose off and just go home rest because I didn't get much sleep last night. I tossed and turned all night thinking. We walked out, and Honey was in the hall. "Good morning." I said to her and she smiled at me. Rosé was being rude I guess he was just jealous. We walked past her that's when I heard her say my name. "Adam" I tuned around shocked. Did she fined out I was Dark? Or did she know it was me this entire time and was playing with me. Or maybe that time she left her phone in my room she heard and was pretending this whole time. "Nothing, I was talking to my self." She said. Was I being paranoid or maybe I heard wrong. We left and went to the lobby to check out. "Good morning." The front desk ladies said with excitement. "Good morning Ladies." I said winking at them. They smiled and giggled. "Don't you have work to do I don't think it involves drooling" Rose snapped at the ladies and they looked shocked that she was being mean. "Cool it Rose." I said to her. She crossed her arms and rolled her eyes.

I heard screaming and knew it was Honey's Friend I couldn't Face Honey after her saying my name this morning. "Still here?" Honey said. But I kept my back to her. "Oh, please let me take a picture with you." Demi asked. I couldn't refuse so I took a quick picture distancing my self from Honey. I gathered my things and we made our way out the door. I noticed my father pulling in. This cant be good. I saw my father parked not to far behind my driver. I took Rose's hand and walked towards the car. "Hey sport." My father said. "Morning sir." I said trying to make it sound as we are strangers, so Rose wouldn't have a clue I continued to walk and soon my father understood. My father doesn't get why I like to keep this secret. He thinks I should tell the world who I really am. I explained to him countless times our lives wouldn't me the same if I did.

"I'm sorry I was late sir traffic was crazy this morning. Rush hour on every street." My driver apologized. "No worries Stan don't sweat it." I murmured. "No worries? Are you kidding me what if paparazzi showed up huh? You were suppose to come an hour ago don't blame your age on traffic your too old to be driving Stan." Rose spoke with poisonous words. "Rose!" I shouted in anger. "What's wrong with you?" I continued. how could she speak to Stan that way he's been in our family for 30 years he's been my mother's driver and he's now my driver. Stan is like family and for Rosé to disrespect him like that is going over bored. "I'm just saying how it is Dark, stop yelling at me." She defended. "Stan drop her off quick I've about had it with her." I said to Stan moving away from Rosé. She's defiantly not the same person I knew. "Why are you being like this?" She said running her hand through my hair kissing my chest. I pushed her way. "Don't touch me." I said coldly. Stan pulled up to her house and opened her side of the door. "Call me ok?" She said but I didn't answer her. Stan closed the door and she came over to my side of the door waiting for a parting kiss. "Drive." I told stand leaving her hanging. She gives me a headache, what did I get my self into, I should never have dated her. I got a text from my dad saying to go to Heathers house. To keep Honey company again. He and Heather must be going out again. I got Stan to take me home to change then drop me off near her house. I walked the rest of the way. When I arrived there, Heather was in the kitchen cooking lunch. "I thought you where going out with my father?" I asked her. "Oh, I am sweetie, I'm making lunch for you and Honey before I leave. " she explained. "My father is on his way do you have time?" I asked. "Oh no you're right jeez I'm such an idiot." She mumbled pasting around the kitchen. "You're going to have to order out then guys." She gave me an apologetic look. "That's not a problem you go and get dressed ill be in Honeys room." I assured her. " ok if your father comes tell him ill be right down." She said running up the stairs. I heard barking and noticed Honey's dog at my feet. I turned around and saw no one was around so I was tempted to kick it, but I felt bad. I hate animals. "Shoo get lost." I whispered. "Beat it." I pushed my leg against it. It sat down and looked at me. It was kind of cute. I picked it up. And it bega to lick my face. It tickled a lot until it snatched my hat of my head and ran up the stairs. "Hey come back here." I shouted an chased it. It went to Honeys room and sat on the bed. I looked around and noticed her room was kind of plain for a girl. No pink flowery stuff, no boy bad posters no celebrity pictures, nothing I looked through her pictures and saw many of her father and her. I guess this is who the man that a banded her was. He looked a lot like Honey. I placed the picture frame back on the night stand and sat on her bed. It was nice and soft . her whole roomed smelled like her. A delicate sweet smell. Then I began to wonder Why was honey in downtown today? Last thing I want is people I care about being there not since that tragic accident happened. Honeys can't go back there I can't let her be around those areas. My phones buzzed in my pocket. It was my work phone. Caller ID was an unknown Caller. "hello." I answered. "Good day My good friend." Kevin greeted. "Hey Mr. Romero, how's it going." I said. Kevin Romero's family were the owners of the hotel. It was a while since I've heard from him why was he calling me suddenly with a blocked number. "Nothing much just busy running the family business you know how that can be." He spoke showing off his fancy hotels. " yea I hear yea... So, what made you call me out of the blue when you disappeared for a few months?" I asked. " I just got back from a business trip I'm sorry I have been busy really." He explained. "Nah it's no biggie what's up." "I just wanted to greet an old friend what do you say coffee later this evening." He asked. "Sure, coffee sounds good." I answered and said my goodbye after making plans to be. I hung up, Honey walked through the door moments later. She stopped and looked at me as if she was startled...