Chapter 19

Honey (P.O.V)

"Why would he do that?" I asked the lady. "No clue." She shrugged. "Who's this?" I deep husky voice said causing me to turn around. And that's when I noticed a beautiful guy with blonde hair and bright green eyes. He wore a suit and was dressed very classy. He looked like he was in his Late Teens. "Mr. Romero." Both ladies said sounding shocked. "Is there a problem ladies." He asked with the cutest British accent. "Of course, not sir this is a friend of Dark Scorpion she was just asking a question." Jane said. I shot a look a look at her, Was she seriously referring to me as Darks friend? "Is that so?" He said looking at me staring me up and down analyzing my every move. I bet he was wondering how is she friends with Dark? "any friend of Dark is a Friend of mine." He said holding his hand up to me. "N-no I'm not his friend I'm just-" "oh please don't be modest I'm surprised such a pretty girl could be darks friend." He smiled cutting me short. His smile was absolutely adorable and pearl white teeth. I knew I was blushing, but I didn't care. "My name is Kevin." he introduced. "I'm Honey." I shook his hand and smiled spacious. "Honey lets go your step-dad is calling." Demi yelled from the door. She smiled and winked once she saw Kevin. I tried pulling my hand away, but he held on tight. "I hope to see you again sweet Honey." He said softly looking me dead in the eyes. Then place a kiss on the top of my hand. I walked off still able to feel his eyes on my back. "Who was that?" Demi asked.

"I'm guessing he's important the way the girls called him sir and Mr." I explained still in a daze. "Damn he's cute and we saw Darks what luck we have hey?" She giggled. "But my Dark is still way cuter." She laughed. We arrived at Demi's house dropping her off. then my house my mother came running out all worried and being the annoying mother, she usually is. After assuring her I was fine I walked up to my room and found Adam sitting on my bed. "Where have you been?" He asked looking at me "question is, what are doing in my room?" I said walking over to my closet putting my sweater away. He walked over to me slamming his hands to the wall pinning me in between. "I'm serious." He said suddenly with a cold tone.

"W-what do you mean." I said scared. "What were you doing wondering around down town?" His eyes where scary why was he acting like this. "How do you know I was there?" I asked trying not to make him anymore mad. "My father told me. Now answer me." He ordered. "I got lost I didn't wonder around." I tried to explain. He looked into my eyes. And stayed silent. Then he moved away finally giving me space. "Don't go back there it's dangerous." He said facing his back to me. I didn't like this side of him he wasn't the playful Adam I knew he was scaring me. "What's so bad about down town?" I asked curiously. He turned around faced me with an expression I couldn't explain it was almost as if he was sad. "Just don't go...please." He pleaded. His tone cracking. It was as if for a split second he was venerable. "Ok.. I won't ever go there" I obeyed. He smiled as if he actually meant it. "Come down guys we are leaving" Andrew shouted out to us. "Let's go down I'm starving." He said back to himself. I was relieved he was normal again but why was down town such a bad place, what happened there making Adam like this.

We walked down and said good bye to our parents. We ordered some pizza for lunch and decided to watch a movie since its Saturday. "What do you want to watch?" He asked sitting on the floor a crossed from the couch I was sitting on, flipping through my movie collection. "Something with romance." I answered. "Not going to a happen.. Let's try again, what do you want to watch?" He asked once more. "And I said romance." I repeated. "I'm not watching a chick flick, so you can forget it." He said tossing aside all my romantic drama movies. I got up sat next to him giving him a puppy dog face pouting my lip out. "What are you doing?" He asked with a disgusted look.

"I'm giving. You the puppy dog face." I Answered. "Well stop it you look creepy." He said looking away and facing the movies. Ouch that was rude and my pride was hurt. "How dare you." I jumped on him snatching 'ever after' out of his hands it's one if my favourite movies.

"we are watching. This one I don't care if its too much of a chick flick for you." I demanded. "Your crazy give me that ill throw it out." He said reaching for it. But I pulled away holding it up "no get lost." I said. He pulled me to the floor holding my hands down. His heavy Chest against mine. His noses inches from mine. All I could see was his blue eyes. He moved closer it was like dejavu. I closed my eyes then I felt him pull the movie out of my hand. "I bet you were hoping for a kiss huh?" He laughed. "You're so not funny." I jumped on my feet racing to the door. "We're are you going?" He asked still laughing. "None of your business." I snapped as I slipped my shoes on slamming the door shut. I left and went to visit Demi Adam was so annoying there was no way I could stay any longer he never takes anything serious. Always treats me like I'm the pervert when he's the one that provokes me. I'm innocent.

I arrived at house Demi's house and noticed Amy sitting in the living room with her boyfriend my crush from the university, Keith. They were cuddled up together reading a book. It was so cute I felt jealousy not because I liked him but because I wanted to find love like that. I'm sixteen and I've never had a boyfriend or even my first kiss I'm so pathetic. After staring at them I decided to not like him anymore. He's cute sweet and all but Demi is right he's too old for me plus he's taken. he really likes Amy the way he stares at her when she's not looking the way he holds her as if she will disappear if he lets go. It was real love. "Their cute aren't they?" Demi said standing next to me. I jumped startled. "When did you get here?" I asked with a racing heart. "I've Been here for a while anyways let's go I nee dot tell you something." She said pulling me towards her room. she sat me down on her bed and smiled. "What is it?" I asked. She turned on her phone and played a few messages. "Hello Demi? Its me.." It sounded like Chad. "I've tried to call you all night but no answer. I'm worried." Then the line went dead. Then she played another. "Me again still trying to get a hold of you hope you're ok please call me when you get this." He sounded worried. "Oh my god Demi poor chad." I said, "and that's not all he left eight more.." She said holding the phone to her chest. "So, have you called him back?" I asked. "No, not yet!" She laughed. "What the hell why not he must be really worried then call him now." I demanded. "I would but I'm scared." She tossed on the bed. "Scared of what?" I murmured. "Look at me Honey and look at him. He's good looking and he has a lot of pretty girls that like him.. I'm fat there's no way he likes me..." Her expression was sad. "Is that what this is all about? If he didn't like you why would he waste his time chasing after you if he could get any girl, weight doesn't matter your beautiful inside and out. You have the most beautiful personality I've ever seen... Chad sees that, and he likes that about you. Not only Chad but Dylan too, everyone in school likes you Demi and if you can't see that then your really stupid. Give Chad a Chance or tell him the truth it's not fair for him to chase you if you don't know how you feel." I said. She looked at me tearful eyes. "Your right." She mumbled. She picked up her phone and walked out of the room. I waited a few minutes and she came back in looking a lot better. "So?" I said anticipation Written all over my face. "I have a date with him tomorrow night and he asked me to be his date for the ball team party next weekend." She explained. I jumped up and started screaming. She joined me.

The rest of our night was fun we watched movies ate dinner and chatted about boys all night. It was getting late already so I had to go home I called my mother and she wasn't home yet. She told me Adam had gone home because he wasn't feeling well. How did he get sick he was perfectly fine when I left him earlier. I felt bad for leaving him alone so I decided to pay him a visit since he's sick. I hope it's nothing serious. I took a cab and arrived at his house I opened the door and it was open I guess he forgot to lock it. The house was quiet, and no one seamed to be home. I went up the stairs and searched in some rooms. his house was huge, so it took a while until I came across Adams room. It was slightly opened. Lights were off only thing I see was his window open and the moon light shining on his bare back. I push it open slight carefully hoping I didn't disturb him. that's when I saw him siting on his bed with nothing but sweat pants on. He held on to a Picture Frame in his hand and was staring at it. I looked at his face and I couldn't believe my eyes. He was crying. Without thinking I barged in he looked at me with shock. he turned away trying to hide his tears. I walked over to him standing above him. "what are you doing here get out." He said with his forearm covering his face. Clearly trying to hide it. I sat next to him.

"What's wrong Adam?" I asked. He didn't respond he kept quiet. "Get out." He said faintly. "I said get out." He shouted turning to me I now had a cleaner view of his face. It was red, and his eyes were watery. I've never seen him so broken. It hurt me to see him like this I looked down at his hand and the picture frame was his a beautiful woman and a boy it must be his mother and when Adam was younger she held him close. He must miss her so much. Remember my mother telling me she passed away I couldn't imagine losing my mother how did Adam endure all this pain.

"Adam I know how you feel." I said almost about to Cry. He's a kid after all he might act thought and senseless, but I never knew he was hurting so Bad. "I don't need your sympathy please leave." He cried with a crack in his voice. I placed both my hand on his cheeks. He stared me deep in the eyes. Tears rolling down his cheeks. His expression went from mad to sad. it was as if he finally let his guard down and wasn't hiding it anymore he was deeply hurt. I pulled him in and wrapped my arms around his neck. He burrows his head into my chest he cried like I never heard anyone cry before. He really held it

In this long. "It's ok let it out. You can't be strong forever." I said softly then I felt his arms Wrap around me. He squeezed me tight as he cried. "It's going to be ok...." I pulled back him making him look at me.

"Your mother is proud of you and I bet she's smiling down on you everyday... She couldn't have and a better son..... Just remember god loved her so much he took her back...she's in a better place." I smiled. He stared at me and I saw his lips part to a smile. That's when he cupped my cheek with his hand. And rubbing his thumb against my cheek softy. It was as if time stopped the way we looked into each others' eyes. It seamed like hours. Then finally he leaned in pulled me closer as well. My heart was racing my nose was inches from his. I closed my eyes knowing what was going to happen next.

We got so close I could feel our breaths mixing then It happen he kissed me I felt his soft lips press against mine softy. Then it got heated. He started kissing me so passionately. I didn't know what to do. I felt his tongue slip into my mouth. I was going to pass out it was the best feeling. I ever felt I pulled away breathing heavily he laid me on his bed getting on top of me. He started kissing my neck causing me to moan softly. it was like my body was moving on its own when my arms wrapped around his neck. He moved up meeting my face and began kissing me once more. His hands started feeling my breast cupping it and squeezing them then he moved under Neath my shirt touching my bare Breast. I had goosebumps all over from every touch. "Honey" he whispered in my ear I never thought my name sounded so good unit now. "Yes." I said softly.

He stopped and looked into my eyes. "I...." He began to say "..I. Think I-" "we're home " He stopped when we heard my mothers voice. He quickly jumped off me and I jumped off his bed. He turned to the wall covering his hand over this mouth as if deep in thought. His face red as a tomato

I walked out to greet them. This was the second time something like This happened. But today I kissed him today I made out with Adam. And I liked it.... a lot.

School was dull and boring volley ball competition was in a few days and I'm too spaced out to concentrate Kissing Adam was a huge highlight of my life. I never thought I'd enjoy it so much not to mention wanting more. But then I started to think about his girlfriend. How did she look? She must be older considering Adam likes older woman. Was he cheating on her with me? I mean he did kiss me, it wasn't me who kissed him. Then I started to feel bad. It's not fair to his girlfriend I shouldn't think too much about this. "Honey" the teacher sudden said breaking me from my thoughts. "Yes?" I said trying to sound like I was listening this whole time. "Can you please pay attention." She scolded. Demi looked and knew somethings Was wrong. Lunch time, Demi and I decided to have lunch out side under the old tree of our school. It was nice and shady besides I wanted to tell her all about my heated night with Adam. "So, what is it you wanted to tell me all day that was making you space out in class?" She asked stuffing sandwich in her mouth. "I kissed Adam." I said quickly. "What?!" She shouted almost choking on her food. "You did what? When? How? Where?" She asked excitedly. "It was in his room on his bed. He kissed me when I was hugging him...I don't know how to say this Demi, but I think I'm in love with my step brother." I finally said. And it was like I huge weight off my chest. "Are you serious? Oh my god." She gasped. "I don't know how it happened but one minute I hated him now I can't stop thinking about him...what should I do Demi he's too young plus my soon to be step brother." I cried. " I don't know what to say Honey you can't be with him since its kind of like incest. But on the other hand, there's no blood relation. Of course, your parents are getting married so there's no way you guys could be a couple." She thought with her hand on her head. " I'm sorry this is a tricky one." She said. "Yo, Demi!" Someone shouted out we both turned around and found Chad standing there waving to Demi. "You better get going your boyfriend wants to spend lunch with you." I teased bumping shoulders with her. "Are you sure you will be okay eating alone?" She asked. "Of course, ill be fine you better get going." I laughed winking at her. "Alright see you in rehearsal." She said running off. I'm glad things are working out between Chad and Demi, Chad is sweet, and I could tell his feeling a for her is genuine. "Hey Honey." I heard someone say. Dylan placed his hand on my shoulder. "Hey." I said shyly wondering why he was talking to me let alone had his hand on my shoulder. " I'm pretty excited about our date this week." He said pulling me closer to him. I started blushing when I was so close to Dylan. My crush for so many years. I forgot about him lately since Adam has been around. " what do you say we forget about the concert and go on a real date just the two of us." He said winking at me. His hand wet from my shoulder down to my butt. What was going on why was he acting like This. I tried to pull away, but he pulled me closer my chest against his. Our lips so close they could touch. He had an evil smirk. I felt a pair of eyes on me I tuned to only make my heart drop. Adam was standing there with his hands in his pocket. Staring dead at me. With a plain expression. I pushed Dylan off. "Adam it's not what it looks like." I said emotions filling up. He just turned around ad walked away. "Adam wait." I said chasing after him. "Would you let me explain."

"What is there to explain?" He said bluntly with a straight face. All jokes gone from his face. "Don't get it twisted last night was a mistake. It was nothing serious so why explain anything to me." He said harshly. "What are you saying." I said feeling the emotions filling my face. "I'm saying your nothing but my step sister nothing more nothing less. So, don't think we have anything." He walked off. His cold words still pierced my heart like an arrow. Why was he so mean suddenly? I didn't even realize I was crying tears ran down my cheeks as I watched him walk away. I didn't know I liked him this much. His words stung. How could I have been such a fool to let my self fall like this. He has I girlfriend I pretty girlfriends I bet, why would he want me big ears Dumbo. I texted Demi telling her I wasn't feeling so well as I want home. I couldn't be in school right now. I went home and locked myself in my room. I went under my sheets and cried some more. He was toying with my emotion this entire time. I hate him....