Chapter 20

Honey's (P.O.V)

"Honey why aren't you at school?" My mother asked walking into my room. I didn't say anything to her. i couldn't control my crying. He could clearly hear me crying. "Honey dear what's the matter?". "Nothing." I buried my head into my blanket. She sat beside me and rubbed my back. "Do you want to talk about it?" She asked. I didn't respond. "How long do you plan to hide everything from me." She asked, I didn't answer again. "Fine don't talk, just listen" she sighed then. Continued ".... I know you miss your father, Honey but your old enough to understand the truth now I didn't tell you sooner because I wanted to protect you from the ugly truth." she said as I lifted my head from my pillow and sat up. She never spoke of my father before, so this caught my attention. "Do you remember that day I picked you up from school, there was a letter on our door. It was the day your father disappeared leaving you at school." She sighed. Of course, I remember how I could forget I'm traumatized ever since. "On that letter was the reason your father parted from us.... I still remember almost every word he wrote on there. hurts till today how he betrayed us...he wrote.... that he was no longer a part of our family that he wanted to marry his see he already had a child and he wanted to be with then. I'm sorry baby." She said brushing my hair aside. "I don't believe you." I said unable to grasp her words. She stood up and walked away minutes later she returned with a crumpled letter in hand, she handed it to me. "See for your self." She said crossing her leg over the other. I looked at her skeptically before I began to read. "Heather. I didn't know how to tell you this, but I figured writing is the best way. I've been seeing your Friend. Brenda for the last ten years. I never should have let it happen but I'm in love with her. Her daughter karri is my daughter. I'm sorry I deceived you this long. And so today I chose to move happily with my family. Please take care of my Honey I love her so very much. Goodbye forever." I immediately tossed the letter aside and hugged my mom. my heart ached painfully squeezing my chest. "I'm sorry Mom. I'm so sorry." I cried. she brushed my hair with her fingers and held me tight. I was already hurt this was just too much. How could my father do this to me, to my mother? Brenda was a good friend of my moms and her daughter Kerri was my friend Too and now I'm finding out she was my half sister. I used to wonder why people said we looked alike. I always wondered why my father was so nice to them and went above and beyond to support them. But I was too young to notice anything. "I didn't want you to know so I kept it to myself forgive me." She said almost in a whisper. I must have been the worst daughter to constantly blame my poor mother for his absence. I wonder how she felt every time I told her she chased him away. The more I thought about it the worse I felt. She suffered worse than me. Her husband of so many years was having an affair with her friend and secretly raising another child. And he had the nerve to introduce Karri to me as the neighbor's daughter. I've always wondered why Brenda and Kerri moved away so suddenly. We held each other for a few minutes Until she finally pulled away. "Now enough of that, what's the really reason your crying today." She said crossing her arms. "What do you mean." I asked. "Oh, please Honey I was once a teenage girl I know the difference between heart break tears and past memory tears... So, question is, who is the boy making my baby cry like this." She nailed it how did she know it was a boy that made me cry but how could I tell her it's Adam that made me cry and I'm in love with him. I can't say 'hey mom by the way I'm in love with your stepson.' She would think I'm sick or something. I looked at her unable to speak. Then she raised an eye brow. I sighed and began. "Well...he's really cute I've liked him for a while, just today I found out he doesn't like me plus he's seeing another girl." I explained. It wasn't a lie but I just bended the truth a little. "Hmm let me give you some wisdom..." She said shifting her seat more comfortably. " When I was your age I liked this boy, he was the most popular guy in school he was dating one of most beautiful girls in school and she was my Best Friends. Her and I were like in a competition all the time, everything she did I topped it and everything I did she tried to do the same. We competed in cheerleading, arts club, volleyball, you name it we even competed in the stupidest things like who dressed better or had better shoes it was ridiculous. Always trying to beat one another to see who's more popular or who's better at almost everything. Until she won the heart of Joshua. For the first time in my life I felt defeated, but I couldn't let her win it wouldn't sit right with me I couldn't accept the looks she gives me when Joshua and she walked by hand in hand. ..... so, you know what I did?" She said with a smile and suddenly went silent.

"What happened next?" I said in anticipation. I was always curious about my mother's high school life. How did she live her life, was she as pathetic as her daughter or as cool as Demi? "What did you do mom?" I shouted growing impatient. She laughed and continued. "I walked right up to him at prom in font off Everyone in school and asked him out. best Friend was shocked I did that knowing they were dating..." She suddenly stopped. "What happened next?" I asked eagerly "he kissed me and held my Hand in front of the entire student body and said. "It's about time you asked... I don't know how much longer I could wait." Both my mother and I started screaming. I couldn't believe my mom had game and was that popular in school. That explains all these handsome men she dated after my father had left. "So, my lesson to you is if you really want something it's not going to just come to you by sitting around crying. You must get up be strong, brave and grab the bull by the horns... Don't give up, if he doesn't like you now he will love you later if he dissed you today he will kiss you tomorrow. you just have to show him your charm a better side then his girlfriend." She explained. "Besides your my daughter I know you have more to you then this." She said bumping shoulders with me." What ever happened with Joshua and your friend?" I asked curious and wanting more. My mom should right a book about her past its so interesting. "I broke up with him in a month or, so I think. And dated someone else. I realized I only liked him because my friend had him and since we always competed I felt the need to defeat her." I was shocked how petty my mom was, but I loved it. "and as for my friend she switched schools after the humiliation at prom. I took the title of queen of our school once she left." I laughed, and she did too. It was nice having this little chat with her I never knew she could be so cool. It was like she was my Friend not my mom. "Thanks mom." I thanked giving her a hug. "Oh, anytime sweetheart, that's why I'm here." She's right I'm not going to just sit around and cry about it. Adam needs to clear things up with me instead of making things so awkward and complicated. He acts like he likes me when he teases me but then turns around and says I'm nothing but a sister. First thing I'm going to do tomorrow is call Adam and get some answer. I don't know if I can thought ..... I'm too nervous, but it's worth a try. What else can he possibly say that would hurt me more than he already has.

I woke in the after noon because I was never a morning person. I noticed my mother was not home again. She must be out. it was a new day I was refreshed and ready to take on the world. My mothers' words of encouragement gave me core strength that revived my dead soul. I stood up from my bed and stretched. "Okay Honey it's a bright and sunny day time to take the Adam bull by the horns." I walked to my window parting the curtains to reveal the sunny day, but my smile dropped once I saw the dark thunder clouds filling the sky. Was it going to rain today? this was downing my cheerful enthusiasm. "we are not going to let a little sprinkle stop us we can do it girlfriend" I cheered myself on. I Was about to head out when I had that feeling again you know the butterfly type of feeling in you stomach. I sat on my bed for an hour hesitating. "Maybe after lunch I will go and see him." I murmured. I went down to the kitchen and made myself a full meal of macaroni and cheese with hotdog slices. After I ate, it was time to go. I stood up, but hesitation hit me once more. "this is a bad idea." I started to doubt myself once more. I noticed "Ugly little liars" was paying on the tv. It was my favourite show. "maybe after this episode I will go, no more procrastinating Honey" I said to myself. Once the show was done I decided to clean the house a bit. "mother always said a lady must be clean and live clean as well can't have messy house can me.?" I murmured to my self. Once I was done I looked around and the house was nice and clean. I noticed it was starting to get dark out. I have used up every possible excuse I could fined. I had no choice but to see him now. I was nervous, but I needed to do this. I needed closure. I thought I should text him first to give him heads up. So, I messaged him "I don't care if you refuse but I need to talk to you." That was it I sent the message there was no going back now. I tossed on my coat and headed out. Once I arrived at his house I stood at his door. "this was definitely a bad Idea." I murmured to myself. what was I thinking coming to his house? I better leave before I look like a Robber or stalker. I turned on my feet to make a quick get away, but I only turned to meet a pair of blue eyes. Adam stood in front of me. Busted it was too late I was caught. There was no way to escape now I had to take charge and grab the bull by the horns. I stood straight correcting my sloppy posture. I had to be brave even though his gaze was so intimidating I stood firm. After all I haven't done anything for him to be so mad at me. I was the victim, but Adam just assumed and ran away with his imagination, that's not fair to me either.