Chapter 21

Adam's (P.O.V)

Should I have not done that. But what does she want from me we can't be together she's going to be my step sisters. But for some reason why was I so mad? She can date who ever she wants its not like I care so what's wrong with me? I'm not myself these days. The only way to end this is to be cold to her I'd rather have her hate me. Last thing I need is this specially with my career taking off I don't have time for these heart fill emotions. I'm staying focused from now on, no more distraction. If I just stay distant then things should be fine. I made my way to the studio to write a few songs. "What's wrong with you?" Robyn asked when I brushed past her without greeting her.. "Nothing lets just get this over with." I said not in the mood to talk. "Having a bad day? Let me guess Rose asked you to marry her." She teased laughing. I looked at her and placed my head phones on my head. "It's ok kid there's plenty of fish out there if you catch the wrong one through it back and fish for another." She explained still cracking up. "Can we just work." I said annoyed. "Temper, temper." She teased. After recording the first song Robyn commented on how I did a good job and that I was more determined then usual. I felt like I was in my zone, I was angry for some reason I can't figure out It is making me feel my music more. I sat down and picked up my note book of songs. And began to write. After a few minutes of peaceful writing I recorded it. The studio is where I feel at peace. All my worries and stress disappear.

"Alright tremendous job son now the concert is coming up soon so that mean you have to be here everyday for rehearsal. No more slacking no more skipping lessons.... understood?" She points holding her hand on her hip. "Yea, yea I know." I answered. "Why are you so life less today was your fight really that bad with Rose I've never Seen you like this Adam." She placed a hand on my forehead as if I was sick. "It's not Rose I just have other things on my mind." I said pushing her hand away. "Well let's hope it won't interfere with your performance this week." She pointed her finger at me once more.

I walked away to get something to drink I flipped through my phone and found a few missed calls and messages from Rosé and Joey even Ryan, that's when I noticed a text message from Honey. I opened it and it read. "I don't care if you refuse but I need to talk to you."

I stuffed it in my pocket and races out. I don't want to see her right now or talk to her. My mind is set on my career. I ignored her message and went to dance rehearsal to check on Ryan and Joey. I Walked in and noticed Rosé there and this time I was Adam once more not Dark. "Shit." I said when she looked at me. "Who's the kid?" She said with attitude. Joey looked at me his eyes went wide. Ryan did the same.

"Oh, this is my little cousin. "Ryan said walking over to me. "I told you Adam I'm not getting her autograph so go home.... ha-ha kids these days he just loves you." He said to Rosé and she kept looking me trying to analyze me. I hid my face from her. "I don't have time for kid groupies run long kid." She shook her had at me. wow, Rosé is a real bitch. "What is wrong with you didn't you get my message rose was here." He whispered in my ear. "No, I was busy recording." I whispered back. "Ill be leaving now see you guys." I said waving to them before walking off. How am I kicked out if my own studio because of Rosé? I mean she shouldn't even be there unless I'm in character. I guess I have no choice but to go home I'm tired and head is killing me. I walked a few blocks, it was getting chilly and clouds filled the sky. I guess its going to be another rainy night. When I arrived, I noticed someone standing in front of my house when I got closer it was Honey. "What are you doing here it's about to rain go home." I said unlocking the front door. "We need to talk." She said persistently "there's nothing to talk about just go home." I murmured.

She pulled on to my arm causing me to turn around stopping me from opening the door. Her big watery eyes staring at me. Then it started to rain not gently but harshly. "Please talk to me... What have I done wrong for you to be so mad at me?" She said a tear escaping her eye. Why did I get a sick feeling when she cried like this in front of me? "Don't do that." I said gently. "Do what?" She asked. "Cry!" I shouted. "Don't cry like that its embarrassing aren't you ashamed of yourself crying for no reason. Always's annoying." I said harshly. Why was I saying this I don't want to be like this to her? I don't even know why I'm so mad. But seeing her with that guy made me angry.

She looked taken back and shocked. "Fine...I won't bother you anymore." She said hanging her head trying to hide her tears. She must really me hurt by the look she just had. She turned around and ran down the block in the crazy, freezing rain. What the hell is she doing her house isn't anywhere close.

Where is she going in this weather? "Dammit" I cursed under my breath before chasing After her. She kept running I finally caught up to her grabbed her hand pulling her to stop running. She faced me with red eyes and a broker expression...I'm such an ass. I can't believe I'm doing this to the person I care about..


Honey's (P.O.V)

I ran and ran down the street soaked and freezing but I didn't care. I just wanted to leave. Adam was just being mean, how could he. I suddenly felt a hand around my wrist pulling me to stop running. Since when did he chase after me? "What Adam? You don't want to be bothered so ill leave you alone." I said through my tears. He stared at me still holding my hand. He looked incredibly cute in the rain.

His hair messed and soaked. Shirt stuck on his body. He reached out placing his hand on my head. "Why are you so annoying. Why do you make my heart race, why can't you be just another girl? Why did you make me like?" He said heart filled. With the same sad eyes, he had that night. What was he saying how did I make him? Ill take this opportunity to tell him how I feel. "Adam I don't care if your younger than me, I don't care if you're my step brother..." I can't believe I'm about to say it. "Adam I....." I'm going to say it. "...I" here it comes. "I love you." I said it. I actually told him how I feel.

He stared at me with wide eyes. Still as a statue not moving. Then he finally looked down. Cover his hand over his mouth. I leaned in looking at his face wondering what his thoughts were. He wrapped his hand around my neck pulling me in for a hug squeezing me tight I couldn't breath. "Idiot." He whispered faintly. It felt so good I didn't want him to stop. He was so warm and gentle I really do love this kid. I hugged him back wrapping my arms around him. He looked at me deeply brushing my wet hair behind my big ears. I quickly put my hand over my ears. He chuckled and kissed me for the second time. I don't know what it is about the rain, but it made this kiss so passionate.

His lips tasted so sweet. His tongue once again swam in my mouth and then he bit my lip gently. "Your beautiful with your Dumbo ears." He said smiling down at me. I felt so happy I could fly off this earth. He didn't say he loved me back but it's ok. If he accepted my feelings I'm ok with it. I felt his hand run down my back down to my butt. "If I see anther man touch my property I won't forgive you." He said taking a hand full and squeezing my butt. "Owe it hurts." I said slapping his hand away. He laughed and leaned in for another kiss. His kisses were like candy sweet and tasty I wanted more. I pulled his neck making him kiss me more. His eyes a little startled. But kissed me back. "Let's go it's cold I don't you getting sick." He said holding my waist.

I stopped and stared at him. "What's wrong?" He asked It was just like what dark said to me the night at the hotel. When I look close at Adam he looks a lot like Dark Scorpion. he even sounded like him too. "Nothing." I said shaking the thought out of my head. We arrived at his house. We went to his room I sat on his bed. He went over to his closet and took his wet shirt off showing his bare back. He had a hug scar on his back I never noticed before. I wonder how he got it. Besides For a kid he had a pretty nice body. Im so prevented to be checking him out like this. He dug through his drawer pulling out a black T-shirt and sweat pants tossing it to me. "Hurry up and change before you get sick." I stood up about to make my way to the washroom. "Where are you going?" He asked. "Going to change." I explained. "Your too shy to change in front of me?" He asked with a smirk. I immediately stated blushing.

"Of course, I am you pervert." I laughed but he walked over and shut the door behind me. "I think I'm allowed to see your body right?" He said tugging at my wet shirt. My heart began to race. "I uh." I said trailing off. "I'm kidding he said walking away and pulling down his soaked jeans. Showing off his red kelvin clain boxers. I'm not sure why but I was disappointed. I wanted him to continue.

I went into the washroom and changed in his shirt and pants. They smelled like Adam I couldn't resist but bury my head in the shirt and sniff it. I loved his scent. I got out of the washroom and went back to his room he was laying on his head with shorts on. His chest bare and hands under his head staring at the ceiling. I walked over laying next to him. Placing my head on his arm. He held me and we both laid there in silence. He turned to look at me and smile, kissed my forehead and put his head on mine. This was the happiest day of my life. To be here with the One I love having his arm around me. Is this what it felt like to have a boyfriend. Then that's when it hit me. Adam had a girlfriend last I checked. Was he still with her or had they broken up? I sat up suddenly pulling away from him. he sat up as well looking at me skeptically. "You alright?" he asks " you have a girlfriend?" I asked him. He looked at me long and hard then turned away. "Not for long." He mumbled. "Tomorrow I already planned to end things with don't worry." He rubbed my head and smiled. I hesitated was he doing it for me? Did I just break them up? I was feeling terrible but there no way I'm giving up Adam. We laid back down and I had my head on his chest so many thoughts were going through my head. I felt happy bad sad for her. Before I knew it I fell asleep. I was overwhelmed with emotions that I worn myself out.

When I woke up I had a blanket on me I turned to searched for Adam, but he was gone. I was still in his room and it was dark out. I wonder what time it was and does my mom know I'm here? I got out of bed and made my way down the stairs. It was dark, and no one was around. I heard someone at the door as if trying to unlock it. It sounded like a robber. I went over to the fire place and grabbed the steel fire pit poker ready to knock out the robber. I walked closer positioning the rail in swing motion. As soon as the door crept open I swung hitting the male silhouette on the arm causing Him to groan in Pain. I flipped the lights on and couldn't believe my eyes. Why was Dark scorpion at Adams house? He stood there rubbing his sore arm. I immediately started screaming. He quickly rushed over covering his hand over my mouth. "Shhh why are you screaming?" He said he was so close to me his Eyes right at mine. He released his had. "Man my arm why would you strike me like that have you gone nuts woman?" He said massaging his arm. "Adam?" I said unable to grasp what I was seeing. Also trying to make sure for myself. "What is it?" He said with Annoyed tone. Oh my god it really is him I can't believe this. "Why are you staring at me like that?" He asked. "'re." I stuttered unable to get the words out. "I'm what? What's wrong with you?" he asked stepping closer, but I kept moving back. "D-D-Dark.." I stuttered unable to speak considering I was completely shocked. "What?" He asked taking another step closer. Then he looked in to the mirror beside the fireplace and his eyes went wide. "Ah shit." He blurted out.... This can't be happening how is this happening?