Chapter 22

Honey's (P.O.V)

Dark glared at me or should I say Adam, taking small steps towards me. "Honey listen to me very carefully." He said holding his hands up. "No why do you look like Dark? What's going on? Are you really him? For how long? Am I dreaming?" I blurted out a bunch of questions. I was now hyperventilating. "Calm down I can explain everything." "No, you stay away from me." I said distancing myself from him. I was breathing heavily, and I wasn't thinking straight. "Breath Honey don't freak out." That was easy for him to say I was getting ready to pass out. "I'm Dark Scorpion." He finally said. Suddenly going silent waiting for my response. I stared at him, I nodded and guess what happened? I passed out cold.

When I woke up I was once more in Adams. Room I guess it was all a dream there's no way Adam could be Dark scorpion I mean come on. I turned over to my side and saw A pair of bright blue eyes and dark make up with that cute smirk. I guess it wasn't a dream after

"you're awake thank god you had me worried." He whispered, I jumped up and moved away. "You don't need to run way from me like that, it hurts my feelings...making me feel like I'm a monster." He teased pouting his lower lip. and I knew it was still my Adam underneath all that. "I'm sorry this is just too much to believe." I said still holding my distance. He stood and sat next to me putting an arm around my shoulder. I shifted a bit still uncomfortable with him, I guess he caught on and released my shoulder. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner." He ran a hand through his gelled spiky hair. Chains dangling down his hips with all sorts of diamonds around it I wonder how much all that jewelry cost. He looks hot, supper hot. And here I was wearing his T-shirt and sweatpants not very cute. "Why did you keep this from me, from the world?" I asked. "I have my reasons." He said his expression suddenly changing. "Can you please tell me?" I asked sincerely. He paused not saying a word, pasted around the room for a few seconds before walking over to me and sitting next to me "it all started about five years ago I was with my mother...she was a famous actress her name was Cathryn Hayes...-" " No way Cathryn Hayes was your mother? Shut up!" I said excitedly then quickly cover my hand over my mouth. He chuckled and continued. "Yes, she was after one of the premiers she drove us home just the two of us. That's when a car suddenly came crashing into us from head on..." He stopped and looked at the floor. I could tell it was hard for him to speak of his mother. I always wondered what happened to her. "it was an obsessed fan that stalked my mother and when we drove down town he took his car and crashed into us." He started getting coked up I placed my hand over his to ease his pain. "My mother and I serviced the accident we were both rushed to the hospital. That's when.." he Said with a crack in his tone.

"she was announced dead..... I was released from the hospital. I was too young to know what was going on, no one told me she was dead. The stalker survived and was arrested when they asked why he did it. he simply said if I can't have her no one can…. everyone I knew was sad always apologizing to me even my own father hid it from me... When I found out she was gone I lost myself, I gave up on life, I didn't care about anyone and so I became Dark Scorpion, he does and says things I never could but that all changed now that I found you. I don't feel alone anymore, I can now smile again genuinely nothing fake or forced." he explained as he put his hand on my cheek. "I can't let anyone know I'm Dark or I won't be at peace.... I trust you Honey." I couldn't believe he's sharing his horrific past with me not to mention trusting me with such a big secret. I didn't even realize I was cry until he wiped a tear from under my eyes. He leaned in giving me a kiss. I can't believe I'm kissing Dark Scorpion right now. Demi would die on the spot If she saw this. That's when my phone rang scaring the crap out of both Adams and I, I don't understand why my ringer is so loud. "He-hello?" I answered. "Honey where are you?" My mother asked. "I'm at Adams house what's up?" "You have school in the morning stay there ill pick you." She said before hanging up. Something about her tone was off, she didn't sound like herself. "Is everything ok?" Adam asked staring at me with a worried look. "It's fine my mom is on her way to pick me up." I explained. "Oh." He said. I stared at him, but he just retuned a confused look. "Shouldn't you go change into Adam?" I asked snapping my finger in his face. "Oh, right." He jumped up tossing off his clothes. I covered my eyes once he was down to his boxer. After a few minutes of cuddling with Adam there was a knock at the door. We walked down and opened the door for my mother. As soon as I saw her face I was shocked. Her eyes were red and puffy. she was wearing no make up, and her hair was a disaster. Not to mention the pyjamas she wore. This was not my mother; my mother was always put together no matter where she went. "Adam how are you son?" She said greeting Adam. "I'm good." He answered with and eye brow raised, I guess even Adam noticed how she looked. "Let's go Hon, Adam sweetie your father will be home in an hour would you like to come with us?" She asked him. "No, I'm fine don't worry about it." He smiled assuring her he would be fine. "Alright then you lock up until he gets home." She nagged. And with that we were off.

The car ride was awkward my mother was in a daze the entire time. She was unfocused and looked completely stressed. Was it the baby that was making her like this? I didn't bother asking her or mentioning anything I feared she might get offended. So, I left it alone. When we arrived, my mother went straight to her room and slammed her door shut. I walked up to my room. When I looked in the mirror I noticed I was still wearing Adams clothes. I started getting goosebumps when I remembered everything that happened last night. I giggled and smiled to myself like a fool. But I happy fool.

That's when I heard my mother shouting in her room. I quickly walked over and placed my ear against her door. "Why do you do this Andrew? We are about to start a family and you lie to me." She screamed every word clearly. "When will you become a man and stop all this?" She continued. "Do you want to call this whole thing off?" When I realized I was being rude and listening to her private conversation I went to my room. What was going on just yesterday everything was fine she was happy liked fabulous and now she is a train wreck. I didn't pay too much attention I got ready for bed and remembered I had school in the morning. I want to tell Demi everything that happened last night...well not everything.

"When do you plan to tell me everything?" Demi asked. "At lunch it's a log story. I explained. "Didn't I tell you Chad and I are having lunch together? Oh, and Dylan wants you to have lunch with him too." She winked smiling sheepishly. Was she serious That jerk wants to have lunch with me?

But then again I haven't told her what he did the other day. I rolled my eyes and made way towards the school. I guess it really is a long story. We reached our locker, it wasn't such a big surprise to fined Chad standing there waiting for Demi, but I was a little taken back when I noticed Dylan grinning at me. "Good morning ladies." Chad greeted but his eyes completely on Demi. I found it so cute how their love blossomed. I mean he's an athlete and Demi is .. well... just Demi. she has no skills or talents, hasn't worked out a day in her life and says gym is evil. I guess opposites do attract. "Good morning Honey." Dylan said with an annoying smirk. For some reason I lost all interest in him ever since he pulled that move. I don't like him like I use to. "Morning." I said half hearted as I opened my locker. I could feel Demi's burning eyes on me I bet she was confused. I know I would be. Just yesterday I was crazy about him and now I'm annoyed. "So, Dylan Honey says she would love to join you for lunch today." Demi smiled at me. My eyes went wide as I stared at her. "Really that would be sweet." He said wrapping an arm around my shoulder. Demi grinning so hard her face looked like it would rip apart. I was too shy to toss his arm off, I glared at Demi hoping she would catch my drift that I was going to kill her. "How about we leave you two love birds alone, right babe?" Chad said slipping an arm around. Demi's waist. "I agree...see yea." She twinkled her fingers at me. As they walked off. "I have to go." I quickly said escaping his grip. "Wait you don't have to be shy." He murmured. "I know you've liked me for a long time Honey you watch me play basket ball in the neighbourhood for years and stare at me in class.. I'm giving you a chance... So, don't blow it." His tone suddenly going cold as he continued. "Guys like me usually don't go for girls like you? I mean look at you." He chuckled. "You're not quite what they call hot. So im giving you a proposition or should I say more of an ultimatum.....Be my sex partner or ill ruin your reputation in school." His smirk grew bigger. "Just remember Most girls would kill to be in your position." My heart was racing in a bad way I felt nauseated I felt like I wanted to puke right then and there. I felt cold sweat running down my back. He was the scum of the earth. He was insulting me and making me feel terrible. "So, what's it going to be." He asked with his hands in his pocket.

I can't believe this was Dylan that I was crazy about for so many years. Why me, why was he doing this to me, why was he showing interest in me suddenly. "I won't do it you can forget it." I said trying to fight back the tears of anger. "Are you sure about that?" He asked raising and eyebrow. "Go ahead and ruin my reputation I never had one to begin with." I said confidently. "What if I were to spread a little rumour about you having a love fair with your little step brother." He smiled pulling something out if his pocket, it was a photo of some sort he held it between two fingers dangling it. "What do you mean?" I asked anxiously. With a sinking feeling, how did he know about Adam? He turned the picture around and it was Adam and I kissing in the rain last night at the park. I felt my heart drop along with my jaw. "Now how should I start this hmm. 'Brother sister forbidden love?' Nah what about sick sister dates little brother?' Or how about pedophile and incest Honey.... I like that one." He laughed out loud. "How did you get that picture?" I asked with shaken words. "Don't worry about it .. now ill give you time to think about it let me know by lunch."

He walked off... Just when I thought my life was finally going my way.