Chapter 24

Honey's (P.O.V)

I waited for the cab to show up at the front door. I was a little disappoint that I had to leave. But my teammates were so understanding it made me feel at ease. They even scored taking the lead on the score board. It put my mind to ease knowing they had a winning chance.

I was also shaking in my boots to see Dylan tomorrow. I guess that nurse has been through more in life she might know what's best. What if I do just sleep with Dylan will he keep it a secret? Finally, the cab arrived, and I was home in no time. I unlocked the front door and placed my gym bag on the floor. Mom was not home so I was relieved, I didn't want anyone to see me like this. That's when I heard a ruckus in the kitchen. I Slowly walked over and noticed Adam standing there chewing on a slice of pizza. my heart dropped to my knees. He smiled once he saw me. "oh hot, hot that's friggen hot. Talk about fresh." He chuckled dropping the slice on the counter. I quickly coved my hand over my nose. Hoping he wouldn't see it. I quickly turned on my heels. "What are you Doing here?" I asked keeping a distance. "What do you mean I obviously came to see you." He chuckled. "What are you hiding anyways?" He asked. "Nothing, just go home please." I ordered, and my hand accidental touched my nose cousin me to screech in pain. "Are you alright?" He asked his voice sounding close. So, I walked forward. I felt hand wrap around my waist his face to my ear. As he whispers. "What are you hiding from me." He said turning me around it was no use hiding it he already knew something was up. I faced him my face inches from his I looked down for some reason I was embarrassed. I felt his hand under my chin lifting It up until my eyes met with his. "Who did this?" He asked with concerned eyes. "No one I just had an accident at a volleyball Game today." I said softly. Still keeping my eyes down. "Then why hide this from me?" He asked his voice had a gentle tone I've never heard before. "I didn't want you to think I'm ugly with a bruised nose. I said sneaking small glances at his eyes. I felt his lips gently press against Mine as he kissed me softy. He pulled back. "No matter how you look you will always be beautiful in my eyes." He smiled. I couldn't help but hug him tightly. I was so happy to hear those words coming form his mouth. And I don't ever want to lose Adam. I really love him. So ill do what Dylan want me to do. No matter what I won't lose Adam.

We laid on my bed and talked about his up coming concert. He even agreed to make Demi's dream come true by giving her back stage passes and VIP access. I know she will freak out getting to meet Dark Scorpion. He cuddles with me holding me. Until my phone rang in my pocket. It was a blocked number I was a little skeptical to answer it considering I don't answer private numbers. "Pick it up would you it's annoying." Adam said clearly annoyed by my ring tone.

"Hello?" I answered "So Honey, .. did you think it through?" A sly boyish voice spoke. I knew automatically who it was.


I was in complete shock. My heart rate was increasing rapidly. Sweat was shooting down my back like bullets. I slowly turned to look at Adam. He glared back at me skeptically. He knew something was wrong and the look on my face didn't do me any justice. "Who is it?" He asked with an eyebrow raised. "You still there Honey?" Dylan chucked trough the phone. "It's just Demi, ill be right back." I said as I got up to be in a more private area where Adam wouldn't hear my conversation with him.

I entered the hall and made my way towards my mother's room. "How did you get my number?" I shouted. I could hear him laughing "I like it when you're feisty save it for when we are in the bedroom." He teased. I could imagine the look he had on his face. "Besides its not hard for me to get what I want, and your girlfriend was more then glad to give me your number." I could just see it the evil smile he would have on. "Look Dylan ill do what you want just promise me you will leave Adam out if it." I pleaded. "Adam? So that's the kids name? I knew I saw him somewhere. Isn't he playing Romeo at our school play?" He asked. I kept silent, I didn't want to answer him. "This is great I could crush that cocky kid and his attitude." He laughed. As if he worked up some devious plan.

"Dylan I told you I would do as you leave Adam alone." I begged. I could feel my eyes being flooded with tears. I didn't want to cry but it was happening. "Fine how about you come by my house tonight and have some fun im sure you know where I live since you stalked me for so many years." He chuckled. "Fine." I whispered before hanging up on him. That's when I broke down. I was going to lose my virginity to a complete asshole. I was scared, crying as hard as I possibly could. How could this happen to me? And I can't even tell anyone about it. Not even my best friend.

I buried my face in my hands and cried some more. That's when I felt hands wrap around me. I flinched in shocked and met eyes with ocean blue eyes. "Why won't you tell me anything?" His soft voice echoed in my ears. "I can't fix the problem of I don't know what's hurting you?" His expression was as gentle as ever. His hand moved from my shoulder and under my chin raising my head to meet eyes with him once more. "Adam please just don't ask me anything." I cried. "I can't tell you this...not now." I knew I looked like a mess tears everywhere runny nose and red eyes. Not to mention my busted nose. But he didn't seam to mind at all He just looked at me with concern. He looked into my eyes Long and hard as if contemplating what to say next. then finally spoke. "Just promise me if it hurts to much you will tell me, so I can save you." He said hugging me slightly. I was so glad he understood and didn't push for more information. My phone rang in my pocket causing me to freeze. Adam reached for it, but I quickly snatched it. He looked a little taken back but quickly hid the look he just gave me with a smile. The caller ID said Andrew. I released a breath of relief I didn't even realize I was holding in. Why was he calling me and not Adam? "Hello." I answered. "Honey it's Andrew I'm at the hospital with your mother please come quick." he said suddenly hanging up. "Wait what's wrong with my mom? Andrew?" But the line was dead. I was being over whelmed that I was about to pass out. "What was that?" Adam asked me. "Andrew said he's at the hospital with my mother." I cried. Adam suddenly grabbed my hand rushing out the door were a black car was parked and an older man standing in front of the car. "Stan take us to the hospital" Adam said opened my side of the door and gesturing me in. "who is this when did he get here?" I questioned " he's been here for while now get it." I didn't question but jumped in.

We drove down a few blocks I was caught in my own thoughts. I don't know what could possibly happen to my mother. I was growing anxious and scared. I clinched my sweaty palms tightly that's when Adam put his warm hand over mine. "Don't worry she will be fine... God wouldn't let you suffer the way I did." He said wrapping an arm around me. I rested my head on his shoulder. I'm not sure but it made me feel better, being with Adam that is.

We arrived at the hospital. I made my way to the room my mother and Andrew we're in Adam wasn't too far behind. She was laying on the hospital bed looking pale and thin. "What happened?" I asked Andrew with tear filled eyelashes. "Your mother just had a miscarriage." Andrew said with shaken words. My mother didn't even look at me she had her hand covering her face the whole time.

"Can you give me a minute with her please." I asked Andrew and Adam. They both nodded and walked out. I turned to her and felt sick it hurt me so much seeing her like this. "Mom look at me." I asked. She didn't respond. "Mom please tell me what's wrong how did this happen?" I cried.

I could see tears rolling down the aside of her face. She sat up and hugged me tightly. "I couldn't save the baby it's all my fault." She cried into my shoulder. "What do you mean?" I asked. "The doctor told me to stop stressing and I didn't listen now my baby is gone." She said completely ignoring me. "Why, why was I so stupid?." She continued. How could I not see her suffering all this time? I was worried about my self. And my own selfishness. "It's that woman I know it." She said with a spaced-out furious expression. "What woman.. Mom?" I asked her. She turned and looked at me shocked like she said something wrong. When she realized I was crying and hurt she changed her facial features "no one sweet heart I'm fine don't you worry about me." She forced a smile and she rubbed my head and shoulders.

"Is school going good. Are you finishing your home working on time and eating well?" She asked. I nodded I could see the effort she was putting in and didn't want to stress her.

"Now you get home and get ready for bed you have school tomorrow young lady." She ordered. "But I'm not leaving you." I pleaded. "That's nonsense ill be out tomorrow." She frowned. "Ok at least Andrew is here right? He can stay with you." I assured. She just gave me a lifeless glare when she heard Andrews name. I'm not sure if I saw right But I saw a glimpse of pain in her eyes. "Of course, Andrew is here." He forced another fake smile before she sent me off. When I walked out of the room a noticed Andrew walking around with one hand in his pocket and the other holding his cell phone to his ear smiling and whispering. I looked over at Adam he was staring at Andrew with disgusted and anger. But when he looked at me he rushed over and asked how my mother was. I didn't like the tension that was going on. "She's fine Adam doctor just wants her to rest." I said. He grabbed my hand. "Let's go ill take you home you look exhausted." he said. When I arrived at home it was quiet and depressing. I sat on my bed and stared at the ceiling. Wondering what's going on between my mother and Andrew. Why didn't he care she was ill and lost their baby? How could he be on the phone smiling like a fool while my mother was losing her mind. And Adam. Didn't look too pleased either. I turned to look at my phone and noticed a pissed call from Dylan and a text message. I opened it and began to read.

"Guess your not coming over. Too bad guess I can't keep my promise of keeping your little secret.."

Immediately I was flooded with tears. I hate my life