Chapter 25

Adam's (P.O.V)

After taking Honey home I couldn't sleep. I wasn't too happy with myself for many reasons. Main one being I'm letting the one person I care so much about suffer and there's nothing I can do but watch her hurt. I can't tell her what my father is doing, and I most definitely can't tell her about that woman.

My phone has been ringing off the hook lately. Rosé raped my answering machines and wont stop texting both my phones. I've been avoiding her because I can't face her. She even harasses Robyn on the daily to get a hold of me. I sat back and just thought about what my mother would do at times like this. And knowing the person she is she probably would want me to talk to Rosé and not break her heart. I guess bright and early tomorrow I must finally break things down to Rosé before it gets out of hand. And focus on making Honey happy. I woke up to my TV on full blast. My father was sitting in front of me staring at me. "What the hell old man what are doing in my room and turn that shit off." I said throwing my pillow over my head. "Would you just look at this.." He snapped pointing towards the tv. It was that stupid hostess of hot gossip again. She had guests on her show this time. And as usual I'm the hot topic. "The questions on everyone's mind is.... when is Dark scorpion going to perform at his up coming concert? Is it cancelled? What's going on with Rosé... So much Is going on we don't even know where to begin folks." She continued to ramble on. I rolled my eyes and rolled back into bed. "No more stupid gossip I don't care. You should know how these people are dad." I moaned as I put my Blanket over my head. "That's not the issue here Adam. Why have you been ignoring Rosé and why have you been skipping rehearsal your concert is in a few days and you're not even close to being prepared." he growled at me. "I've been busy" I lied. "busy with what? Chasing girls? do you know how many times Rose got Robyn to call me asking what happened to you... don't mess with a Good Girl Adam." He shouted. I was growing angry and annoyed. I threw my blanket off as I sat back up. "How could you be such a hypocrite...what do you know about a good girl? You managed to mess up everyone of your relationships and this one isn't going so smoothly either." I said harshly.

"Don't you dare start with this again." He warned. "No dad you wanted to talk right? so let's talk. Why is it you never grow up and be a man... When mom died you've become mindless and can't hold on to one woman. Heather is trying and your fucking this up." I shouted. "Don't talk about my relationship I'm your father." He huffed angrily red faced, veins popped up from the side of his head. "Since when do you even care about me anyways since mom passed you've ignored me and treated me like a roommate...." I continued "Of course I care I'm your father." he said. Now clinching his fists with fury "Then man up and start acting like one." I said wishing I took it back, but it was too late. The look in his eyes was that of a raging bull. He wanted to kill me. I've never spoken to him this way I've always respected him and never said a word about his past relationships. That's when I felt his fist lock on to my jaw. He punched me for the first time in his life. It was painful, and my head was spinning. "You want to act like a man fine ill treat you like one...stand up a fight me like a man Adam. Come on then man up son." He said standing before me. I looked up at him. Wondering where my father had gone. He came to my face shouted. "Did that hurt would you like another one?" He held his fist to my face that's when I got a whiff of his breath it reeked of alcohol. Why was he drinking so early in the morning? I stood up and looked him in the eye. Standing my ground. I wasn't going to back down.

"Go ahead hit me.. But know I'm more of a man than you'll ever be." I said coldly. He just stood there locking onto my gaze for what seamed like hours. Then He turned around and walked out. And slammed my door hard causing my picture frames to fall over. I sat back down and was pissed off with the rude awakening. I massaged my aching jaw. Wondering how he could punch me so casually.

"I'm not sure but rumour has it he's seeing someone else...he was spotted leaving a party with singer Ivy Lynn. -" The tv was still going so I grabbed the controller switching it off. As I threw the controller against the wall smashing it to pieces. This was a perfect way to start off a bad day. I got up and washed up I came downstairs and noticed he was gone. Since when did he care about Rosé or my career? I shook the thought out of my head and places an ice pack on my jaw. "Stupid old man, finally lost his mind." I mumbled to my self. I looked in the mirror and it was bruising and swollen. Now look what he did, how could I shoot a video or concert like this? I got a call from Robyn ordering me in the studio right away, she said something about Macy wanting to shoot me again and get another little interview. I bet she just wants to be the first to get the inside scoop of Dark Scorpion and Rose Rumors. For some reason I agreed and made my way over. "What is wrong with you boy? Your girlfriend is driving me nuts." Robyn greeting me before I even walked in the front door. "What ever." I said walking right passed her and poured myself a cup of coffee. I don't normally drink it, but I really needed it. "Adam?" Robin said tapping my shoulder. "I turned to her and looked at her. "What?" I said bluntly. "Did you get in a fight? What happened to your face?" She asked trying to touch my jaw, but I pulled away. " it's nothing. I gave her half smile. "Nothing... could this be nothing do you have any idea what Macy is going to do if she sees you like this? You're a performer kid take care of your face it's the pillar holding your career.!" She shouted. "Nah it's ok nothing make up can't cover I'm sure you guys are pros right?" I chuckled knowing I drive her crazy. It's fun messing with her she always reacted to everything I say.. "Adam I love you, you're a lot like your mother but if you keep this up I might end up killing you this better be gone before the concert." Robyn said brushing her white hair. "I need time Robyn I already have so much going on what more do you want from me?" I asked.

I don't think I'm ready for the concert. Not with the way things are now I can't perform. She ignored me and pulled out files of models. "We are holding an audition for the cover model that will be posing with you." She put her reading glasses on as she flipped though resumes and profile of models "model for what shoot?" I asked. "The one Macy wants to shoot, she wants you posing with a girl this time." "I don't care anyone will do." I said walking off towards my dressing room.

I dialed Honeys number to check up on her and see how she's doing. But only reached her answering machine. "She must be busy at school." I murmured to myself. "Dark?" I heard someone call from behind me. It sounded like Rosé my eyes widened. I was not in character again. Her timing was always perfect. how could she be here now? Not at a time like this. If I turned around then my cover is blown. "Uh...ah yea Rose ill be right out just wait out side." I said trying to imply her to leave. "No, we need to talk right now." she said slightly raising her voice. I could hear her foot steps getting closer. So, I walked forwards a few steps. I noticed my mirror dresser facing me getting a clear view of Rosé behind me. "Shit." I shifted as I grabbed a piece of paper holding it up to my face. "Dark are you hiding from me? Just face me and talk to me." She was now pissed. I could tell by the tone of her voice. "Rosé just leave." I said huffing as I distance my self from her. She grabbed my shoulder and tugged at my shirt. But I quickly pulled away. "You can't keep running away from your problems Dark stop being such a kid and talk to me." She ordered now sounding serious. "I want to break up." I finally said. Still facing my back to her. She went silent for a second before speaking. "What?.... why.." She said I could tell buy the hurt in her tone she was breaking like a shattered glass. "Where is this coming from is there someone else?" She continued. "No Rose there isn't.... I just don't think this relationship is going anywhere. I'm sorry but I think we should end it before one of us gets hurt." I explained. "Too late for that." She cried as she ran out of the room. I finally turned around just in time to see her run off tears filled. But why did I feel so bad. Was it because Rose was my first Real relationship or was it just remorse for hurting someone.? "Whoa what was that?" Robyn said standing at the door entrance. "Why was Rosé so upset? Did you dump her Adam?" She asked I just nodded. "We'll that's a relief it's about time." She said as she let out a breath of air. I looked at her confused "wasn't she the one that always wanted me, and Rose together said it made my image better dating the hottest model. Why is she agreeing with me now? "What's gotten into you old woman age finally caught up with you or what?" I said. "What do you mean?" She said raising an eye brow. "Weren't you the one that was against it when I wanted to break up a while back?" I asked. "Business kid." She explained walking away I guess she had no logical explanation. I shook my head. I wonder what Honey is up to I hope she's ok. And I'm anxious to see her....

My bitter all that's on my mind.


Honey's (P.O.V)

Roaming the school halls ducking and hiding from Dylan. I didn't want to see Demi either. She's on Dylan's side and wants me to so badly be with him. Little does she know he's sick and twisted.

I Passed a few classrooms when I realized class had already started and I was late wandering around the halls. so, I raced down the hall running at top speed trying to get to my class just when I turned into the next hall I bumped into someone, I fell back so hard causing me to land on my back painfully. "are you alright love?" I soft yet masculine voice said to me. I looked up and saw a helping hand in front of my face. I automatically took it and stood up. He was someone I've never Seen before Yet looks so familiar. I know I've seen him somewhere but where? He had blonde hair and green eyes, A charming smile and wore such elegant clothing. what was he doing in this kind of school looking like some high-class rich boy. "We meet again Honey." His British accent sounded so good yet again familiar.. wait how did he know my name? He took my hand and place. A kiss on my palm. That's when it hit me. It was that guy from the hotel that Demi and I got lost at. "Kevin?" I said unsure. "I'm flatters you remembers my name considering Dark scorpion is a friend of yours." He chucked making me Blush. He was extremely cute. I couldn't help but flirt can you blame a girl. "What are you doing. Here?" I asked, "it's a long story love." He smiled "so how's my friend Dark doing haven't heard from him in a while." He asked causing me to get lost in thought. Was I with Adam or was I with Dark? Should I explain to him or is Adams going to get mad? "Are you listening to me love?" He asked breaking me from my daze "He's fine. Busy, busy guy he is." I smile. Awkwardly. "That's good...could you be a dear and point me to the direction of the principles office?" He asked. "Of course, just take those flight of stairs, walk all the way to the end of the hall and it should be on your left." I explained. "Thank you dear I will be seeing you real soon." He smiled once more taking my hand and placed a peck on It. He winked at me before he walked off. I could feel my face heating up. "Honey!" I heard a sudden voice call out causing me to jolt in surprise. I turned around to only see Demi waving at me as her, Chad and Dylan made their way towards me. I could feel my heart racing as soon as I laid eyes on Dylan and not in a good way like 'oh my god he makes my heart race.' But in a bad way like 'oh my god I'm going to have a heart attack and die.' Kind of a way.

"Where have you been I've been calling you all morning." She said smiling sheepishly as she jerked her eyebrows up and down referring to Dylan who smirked at me. "I've been busy Demi." I explained with little to no energy. She soon caught on. "Is everything ok?" She Ask concerned. "Yea you don't look too well are you not feeling well." Chad said stepping towards me. Up close Chad wasn't so cute, and neither was Dylan I've been around so many good-looking people like Adam and all his friends that Chad and Dylan looked very unattractive to me. "Is everything ok Honey?" Demi asked once more. But I couldn't get my attention of Dylan as he stood behind Demi and Chad waving the picture of Adam and I around. I wanted to just die and end all this misery. "Honey!" Demi raised her voice catching my attention. "Demi I have to go." I said jolting off before Demi and Chad could see the tears in my eyes. I entered the First Ladies room I saw. I looked in the mirror; I was a complete mess, how could I let my self get like this. I didn't like it one bit. My phone rang, I dug in my pocket and answered it. "Hello." I greeted trying to condole myself. "Hey how are you feeling." I soft gentle voice asked. "I'm good Adam." I said just hearing his voice made me happy to the point I cried even harder. "Are you ok hon?" He asked. "I'm....fine." I broke down. "What's wrong Honey why are you crying?" He asked. I stayed silent. I couldn't speak I just cried. "Honey talk to me." He pleaded. But I didn't respond I held my hand over my mouth hoping he didn't hear me cry. That's when he finally hung up I guess he was annoyed or busy.

After a few minutes of crying I gained composure and was out the door and into class. Demi stared at me. Wondering what had gotten into me. After class was over I gathered my things and made my way to the door, but someone pulled me back by the arm causing me to stumble back a little. "We need to talk now." Demi demand. Obvious anger in her eyes. I guess I can't dodge her anymore.

She led me to the foot ball field outside were the boys from the foot ball team were practicing and sat me on the bleachers. "Explain." She finally said I looked around and noticed Dylan on the field waving at me and blowing kissed. Demi saw it and smiled. "I have to go." I said standing up, but she only pulled me back down. "No, you don't have to go you will stay and explain what this is all about."

I rolled my eyes at her, but she was pretty persistent "since when do you keep things from me? I thought we where best friends Honey." "We are Demi but-" "then why are you treating me like a stranger?" She cut me short. "You ignore me you give me the cold shoulder and you don't even smile at's like you became a different person.... what has our friendship come to?" She lashed out at me. I could see hurt in her eyes. "Demi you don't understand the stress I'm under and the things I'm going though." I said fighting back the tears.. "How am I stupider to understand if you won't tell me you know I'm there for you." She was right she's always there for me and always stood by me when I was going though trauma its not fair to her. "Fine Ill tell you everything." I sighed and looked at her as she glared at me with anticipation. If I'm going to tell her everything that means Adam and I's relationship.

So here goes.....