Chapter 26

Honeys (P.O.V)

I looked deep and hard at Demi debating whether its a good idea to spill the beans or keep it to myself. "Well any day now Hon." She said anticipation written all over her face. "Demi I....I've been seeing someone..." I finally said. Her face lit up and grinned from ear to ear. "Oh my god who?!" She screamed jumping up a down squeezing my arm. "It's someone I'm not supposed to be seeing and it's kind of twisted I know your going to judge me and think I'm sick, but Demi understand I love him." I explained heart filled. "If you love him why would I judge you I'm more then happy for you no matter who it is." She smiled genuinely. "Well you see it's Adam." I said waiting for her response. "Adam who?" She asked. I knew my stepbrother would be the last person on her mind. "You mean Adam, Adam? As in your step brother Adam?" She looked shocked. "Yes, that Adam." I was ready to hear her scolding and criticism. "Wow I'm actually kind of jealous." She looked completely composed and normal. "Man wish I snatched him first. I mean have your seen the kid damn he's hot." She mumbled more to herself. "You mean it's not wrong and I'm not a sicko?" I asked. "Of course not. There's no. Blood relation I mean he is your brother through marriage and name and that hasn't happened yet so no relation their sweetheart." She explained.

I felt a weight lift off my shoulder. I was so happy to have such an understanding Friend like Demi. "So why is this wonderful news causing you such depression and making you into a complete emo?" She asked. "Dylan...Demi Dylan is making me like this." I answered. "What about Dylan? I won't push him on you anymore since you're taken." She is smiling nudging me with a wink. "He found out about Adam and now he's blackmailing me threatening to tell everyone if I won't be his sex partner and I'm scared..." I started blabbering out in panic. "I'm a virgin Demi I don't want to do it. I'm scared Adam will find out and hate me and I also don't want to give Adam a bad reputation. I can't do this anymore I'm going crazy-" "snap Out of its woman." She said slapping me. "now calm Down and slowdown, Dylan is a dick head Chad told me he could be insensitive sometimes, so you don't worry about him. I'll deal with him. Now your going to trust me, go home after school clear your head and everything will be fixed by tomorrow. I promise." She said hugging me tightly. Somehow I felt a lot better. Even if Demi was saying these things just to calm me down it was working. "Thank you Demi I love so much." I said hugging her back. She cupped my face looking me in the eyes. "Don't worry about Dylan...can you promise me that?" She asked. I nodded in agreement. "Good now let's go it's lunchtime and my fat ass need to eat." She said hooking her arm with mine as we walked off. I glanced over at the team and Dylan was talking to a few guys. Somehow my heart felt at ease. I could smile now. We arrived at the lunch cafeteria. Thankfully Dylan was still in practice. We saw a group of girl and chad in the middle. As soon as he laid eyes on Demi and me he walked away from the group and greeted us he gave Demi a kiss and held her. I looked around and notice the girls who had his attention lost it completely to Demi and they were bitter. It's funny most of these girls are Friends with Demi. I walked off giving them time to spend and decided to go out or lunch. I don't want to be a third wheel all the time. I walked out the school and down the street. McDonald's was out of the question since I had gym next period and I couldn't afford to get sick. I noticed a small café, I've never seen it must be new. so, I decided to check it out. It looked so fancy and nice it was lavished and sparkling. I walked in and a woman jumped in front of me. "Can I help you ma'am?" She said with a huge grin and a few other waitresses. She either was in pain or loved her job extremely. "Um yes I was just looking. could I get a table please.?" I asked. She wore a cute little maids' outfit that was so outdated it was almost adorable. "I'm sorry Hun but this store is for fortunate customers we don't serve the less fortunate." She murmured. "I was insulated and couldn't believe what she was saying to me. And the other girls laughed. "Excuse me?" I said growing angry. "I know you heard so no point in me repeating my self." Her face was that of attitude. "I think you should turn around and head to the cafe down the block that's more of your suiting." She pointed at my outfit. "Listen you don't have to be so rude." I said. A hand rested on her shoulder. a familiar voice followed. "Kendall do we have a problem?" She turned around and that's when I got a good view of the failure voice. " again?" I said sounding obviously shocked. "Ah Honey what bring you here my dear?" He Asked sounding elegant and well together. "Wait sir you know her?" She gave me a disgusted look. "Why of course Honey and I are mutual friends." He winked at me. "Seriously what mutual friends could you possibly have with her?" She pointed towards me. "Oh Kendall darling I don't pay you to ask questions that don't concern if this is the way you speak to a friend let alone a costumer then I have no use for you to be here." he said coldly causing me to stare wide eyes In awe.

I couldn't believe he was defending me. "But sir I didn't-" "ah shhh." She placed his finger over his lips shushing her. "Please gather your things... You're dismissed." He said to her. "Kevin!" She shouted. "I don't believe we are on name bases leave now or ill have you removed. " his harsh words echoed through the entire shop. To say I was shocked would be the biggest understatement. She just stared around embarrassed and tear filled she made her way towards the staff room. "Now do any of you ladies have anything else to say?" He asked looking at the other waitresses. They both shook their heads at the same time. "Good now back to work." He clapped his hands. He smiling as fixed his posture.

"I apologize about that love." He said acting completely normal. He just embarrassed scolded and fired a girl in front of the entire cafe and it didn't faze him. "Please come in. I welcome you to my new shop I opened." He said. "You did? Wow it's really nice." I complimented. We sat down, and he said I could have what ever I wanted I couldn't decide since they had an incredible menu selection, so I ordered almost everything to try. The two waitresses from before we're asked to serve me Kevin is must be petty making them do it even though they hated me. But I was enjoying their misery serves them right for condemning me. "Can I ask what you were doing at my school this morning?" I asked him curiously. "Ah yes about that I was looking for Dreams high. But stumbled upon yours." He chucked. "Dreams isn't that the extremely rich private school for extreme rich kids.?" I asked knowing the answers to the question. "If that's what you like to call it then yes." He laughed. "Wow so do you go to that school?" I asked. "Of course, not that's the school my cousin attends." He answered smiling at me. He has such a dazzling smile and pearl white teeth. And the way he stares at me makes me blush instantly. "Oh, I see." I sighed feeling somewhat awkward. That's when there was a huge commotion at the door. People wear snapping picture and screaming. "What's going on." I asked. "Ah he finally made it…. He can never lead a quite peaceful life always causing such commotions." Kevin said as he stood up and walked towards the crowd. I lifted my head trying to get a better look and my eyes landed on Adam or should I say Dark Scorpion hand In Hand with some girl. I felt a sick feeling in my stomach. She was blonde and looked stunning she looked like a typical Hollywood girl with six-inch heels and such expensive looking clothing. Why was Adam here with another girl? I watched as Kevin greeted them and sat them down. As if I was completely forgotten about. After a few words exchanged, Kevin finally noticed me and headed my way.

"Your friend is here care to say hello?" He asked. By the look on my face he understood that I was intimidated by the girl. I just stared at them ignoring Kevin's question. "She's Alicia Ford in case you're wondering." He smirked. I looked up at him. "She's pretty isn't she? She must be his new girlfriend." He said with smirk. I was feeling more and more annoyed. How could he be with someone else wasn't I his girl? "Come let's say hello." He said grabbing my hand and pulled me over.

"No I don't think I want to." "Nonsense he's your friend isn't he? Don't be shy." He insisted. Finally, we stood above their table. "Look what I have found Dark, an old friend." Kevin said holding my hand. Adam looked shocked as he started at me. Then his eyes dropped to my hand holding Kevin's. "what are you doing here?" Adam said wide eyed. I didn't answer I was so embarrassed an emotion filled. Alicia stared at me up and down and with complete disgust. "This is nice isn't it." Kevin said clueless. Adam glared at how I was still holding Kevin's hand. That's when I quickly released it. "Well Dark don't be rude introduce your new girlfriend." Kevin said, "no need I have to go." I said quickly racing out. I don't Know what hurt more the fact he was on a date with a complete hotty or the fact he didn't even Chase after me to explain. I was too hurt to even cry. "Honey wait up." I heard but it wasn't who I wanted to come. I stopped and turned around to face Kevin. "what happened back there?" He asked. "Nothing why." I said with blank tone. "You seamed kind of something going on between you and Dark?" He asked amused. I didn't respond "must be hard to be stuck in the friend's zone with him having new girlfriend huh?" he said with a half smile. I looked at him with a blank expression. "Well not to worry he will soon realize you're the right girl for day. Or I just might steal you for myself." He winked at me. "I have to run back but I hope to see you soon." He waved off. I arrived at school and went to gym on an empty stomach first I skipped breakfast now lunch. Not to mention I didn't even eat anything yesterday. I completely lost my appetite. "Alright ladies. Line up time for warm ups. Coach announced I stood next to Jessica and started our regular stretched. "You don't look too good these days you alright?" She asked. "I'm fine just busy with things." I said. "Oh, speaking of which isn't the play like two days?" She said pulling her arm back. "Oh, shit I fully forgot about the play.." I suddenly blurted out. "Oh my god are you even ready?" She asked concerned. "Um yea of course." I lied when truthfully I had no intention of going on stage to make a fool of myself not to mention Adam has also been skipping out on rehearsal. even Demi is not ready, what are we going to do. "That's a relief I can't wait to see it." She said smiling. Before I knew it gym was over last period was study session, so I decided to go home early might as well study at home. I arrived at my house and I noticed my mother sitting on the couch with a whine glass and three different bottles of whine emptied. Was she drinking? "Mom." I shouted and raced over to her. She was totally and completely a living disaster. I grabbed the glass out of her hand. "No Honey give me that." She said barley able to move. "You just got out of the hospital with a miscarriage and you're drinking alcohol!" I said angrily. "I'm perfectly fine whine is like water dear." She laughed with her eyes half closed falling over the couch. She was totally drunk and out of it. I can't believe this is the mother I knew. I helped her up as she stumbled all over the place. I took her up the stairs and into the bathroom, helped her to the bath tub cleaned her up and helped her in bed. She was sound asleep before I knew it. Before I walked off I heard her groaning as if she was In Pain. I looked back and saw her hand over her face and tears role down the side of her face. "I hate you Andrew I hate you so much." She cried softly. I closed her door and sat in my room wondering how my life ended up like this. I looked through my phone and saw over ten missed calls from Adam. My phone must have been on silence this entire time. I wanted to call him back, but I had a gut feeling telling me not to. I was so mad at him I just tossed my phone aside. I heard a knock at the door and knew it was him I made my way down stairs and stood in front of the door. I reached out ready to see his face. I opened it with a racing heart and only saw Demi's smiling face. "Hi." She chirped with an exited wave. "What's up Dem." I widened the door welcoming her in. Why was she all dressed up and looked so nice wearing a cute black dress.

We made our way towards my room. "So.. Guess what?" She said with excitement written all over her face "what?" I asked. "Tonight, is Friday night correct?" "Correct and?" I answered. "Well Chad is throwing a party at his house and we are going." She finally said. "We...Whose we?" I asked hoping she wouldn't drag me along. "Can you come for just an hour please Honey pretty please don't make me go alone." She begged. "you're not alone it's your boyfriend party how are you alone?" I asked. "Exactly it's his party meaning. He's going I be busy hosting his party and the whole ball teams coming an all the jocks and everyone I need my Best Friend to be there." She pleaded. I know I wasn't going to win. "Ugh Demi I hate you." I whined. "Yes... Now let's fix you up." She said rushing to my wardrobe. Flipping though all my clothes I rolled my eyes and laughed. She's really my best friend. "Oh, la la look at this dress." She picked out the dress my mother got me for my birthday. The not so cute one.. "No way I'm not wearing that." I said holding my hand up. "Yea you are it's so nice and you're going to looks so hot in it." She commented. "No way in hell that's not my style. Do you have any idea how long that's been sitting in my closet?" I stated. "Please wear it for me just this once and ill never ask you for any other favour again." She begged giving me the puppy dog eyes. " fine." I moaned in annoyance. She sat me down on my bed and pulled out her makeup bag and started painting my face. She straighter my hair and I borrowed a pair of my mother heels. "Perfection." Demi said standing before me looking me up and down.

I stood up and looked in the mirror. I was shocked to see I actually looked good. The dress was short and Super tight hugging all my curves giving me a body I never knew I had. It was strapless and olive green. All and all I looked fabulous and I was loving it. My mothers' heels wear green and matched so nicely. "We are ready...lets go Chad must be furious waiting all This Time." She said, "wait Chads here?" I asked but she ignored me as she led me down the stairs and out the door. As soon as she opened the door there he was sanding there with his hand up as if ready to knock. The one I've been trying to avoid. "Hey Adam, what a surprise." Demi said sheepishly. He just gave her a half-hearted smile, but his eyes were glued to me. Staring me up and down analyzing every inch of me. It made me feel uncomfortable. I figured trying to pull my dress drown. And rubbed my bare arms in awkwardness. "You look nice." He said surprising me. "Ill go wait in the car." Demi said when she felt left out. "I'm going too." I said trying to rush off, but Adam grabbed my arm. Causing me to almost fall in these massive heels. "Can we talk?" He asked. "About what?" I said with slight attitude in my tone. "About today...that girl-" "you mean Alicia?" I said cutting him short. "Yes, Alicia it's not what you were thinking." He tried to explain but I honestly didn't want to hear any excuses. "My friends are waiting Adam I have to go." I said jerking my arm back as I walked off. I knew I was being mean but what choice did he give me. he's the one for seeing another girl after I pored my heart out to him.

We arrived at chads house. It was normal house nice and big. With a swimming pool in the back. As soon as we pulled in there's already a huge crowd in front of the house. I guess the party already started. We stepped out of the car. And first thing I did was cling on to Demi. I didn't want to be alone at this kind of places. Everyone was wild drunk already who knows how they would be in a few more hours. "Hey sexy how come I've never seen you around." A Radom guy said grabbing on to my waist. I tried pulling away, but he held on to my tight. That's when a strong hand pulled him away pushing him so hard he stumbled. "Don't disturb my guest punk." Chad said defending me. I was so touched he protected me. He grabbed my had and we walked in the house hand in had with Demi on his other arm. As soon as everyone saw his face they started cheering him on. And my eyes landed on Dylan pushing his way through the crowd. "Let's talk." He whispers in my ear and pulled me away. I looked over at Demi with a slight cry out for help, but she was laughing along with Chad an kissing.

Dylan pulled me to a room and shut the door. My heart was beating out of my chest. I was sweating my makeup off and I couldn't even breath properly. He tossed my on the bed. "You look incredible if I must say." With a devilish grin staring at my cleavage. I quickly placed my hand over my chest hiding them. Then he chuckled Coming closer to me. I shifted in my seat afraid. He got closer and closer until he was inches away from my face. His deep eyes where frightening. But I must say he had fabulous skin for a guy. Clear and even, with a hint of glow. His lips were so pink and smooth looking. He had long thick lashes. And shinny healthy looking hair. What am I thinking checking him out he's about to rape me and I'm here detailing his looks? He got closer and licked his lips. I could feel his breath against my lips. I closed my eyes knowing he was going to kiss me. And I don't know why I can't fight its as if my body is frozen in fear. Suddenly the door swung open slamming it against the wall. Both Dylan and I jump in eyes went wide I could believe my eyes...