Chapter 27

Honey's (P.O.V)

If there was a good time to die. This would be it. Dylan had me locked in a bedroom alone. And I couldn't escape. The look on his face said it all. He wanted to do something I would regret. His face inches from mine. That's when the door swung open I flinched at the sudden bang against the door there he was standing there rage in his eyes. He barged in grabbing Dylan and planting a fist to his nose. Dylan fell against the dresser. I could have sworn I heard something break in his face. But that didn't stop him he garbed Dylan by the collar and continued to punch him.

"ADAM STOP!" I screamed. He stopped and looked at me, I was so scared I didn't know what to do Dylan's face was covered in blood. Dylan took the chance that Adam was turned away and punched him on the lip and Adams jaw already looked bruised. Adam stumbled forward but he quickly gained posture and fought back. All I could do was scream. What could I possibly do if there are two guys fighting in front of me. And there was blood all over them. I couldn't tell whose blood was who. That's when I looked over and saw Dylan on the floor and Adam wailing on him. "Stop please." I cried. But he didn't listen. I quickly rushed over and grabbed Adams hand. "YOUR GOING TO KILL HIM!." I shouted. That's when Chad suddenly came running in grabbing Adam. Dylan was dizzy and couldn't stand. Chad punched Adam in the stomach causing him to groan in pain. I quickly jumped in front of him with my arms spread apart. "Stop Chad." I said tears covering my face. Demi came rushing in and quickly rushed over to Dylan who was still on the floor covered in blood. "what the hell happened." Demi said fear written all over her face. I was shaking all over this was all my fault. I caused this whole mess. And they way Demi looked at me she knew what I was thinking.

"Get the fuck out of my house." Chad said staring Adam in the eyes. But Adam looked like he wanted to fight Chad. I grabbed Adams hand to see if he was ok. But he snatched it away as he brushed passed me glaring at Chad he walked out of the room. I followed him. He walked fast it was hard to catch up to him with these heels on. He passed the people still dancing to the loud music one girl reached for him "where do you think you're going handsome dance with me." She grabbed his arm trying to dance on him, but he just pushed her so hard she fell over and landed on the ground. He kept walking and out the front door. "Adam wait." I shouted but he kept walking. We walked across the lawn and on to the street. I took off the heels as I ran after him. "I said wait." I pleaded grabbed on to his arm causing him to stop. "What do want?" He said angrily. I looked at his lip cut and bleeding. "Are you ok?" I asked him reaching for his face but he just leaned back avoid any contact from me. "I'm fine." He said quietly. "Why don't you go check how your boyfriends doing?" He said coldly. I held my head low and couldn't control the tears from coming out. "Stop crying would you, its annoying how you cry all the time."

I was shocked he was being so mean to me. "He's not my boyfriend you are." I stated. "Well not anymore." He said before walking off. "Adam please." I cried. Walking after him but I stepped on a piece of glass cutting my food. "Ouch." I shrieked kneeling down. Adam stopped and came back to me. Worry in his eyes. "Put on your shoes idiot." He said bending down to my level. And grabbing my ankle to get a better look at my cut foot. "I can't walk in them." I answered with shame. He dug in his pocket pulling out a napkin wiping the blood off. "Adam I'm sorry." I said but he didn't respond.

He turned around facing his back to me. "Get on my back." He said. "No, I'm fine." Get on." He ordered. And I quickly obeyed. I climbed on his back. wrapping my arms around his neck. He stood up, I can't believe how strong he is for his age. He just beat the crap out of Dylan and now lifts me up like a baby. The walk home was awkward and quiet. Adam didn't say a word and I was too scared to say the wrong things. "Adam." I called out. "What?" he said rudely. "Are you mad at me?" I asked. He didn't respond. I saw it coming anyways. I just rested my head on his shoulder and enjoyed the fact he was even holding me so close his scent was so nice and his body was so warm. "I'm not mad at you." He suddenly said surprising me. "Really.. Oh, thank you Adam thank you so much. I love you." I said last words escaped without me even realizing it. "Just shut up." He said making me even more embarrassed. Finally, we arrived at my front door. I got off Adams back and walked in my house. I turned around and Adam was already making his way down the street. "Wait!" I shouted. He stopped and looked at me. "Come inside." I suggested. "No, now go and sleep." He ordered. I didn't want him to leave so suddenly. I felt lonely and specially tonight of all nights I need comfort. "Ow my foot hurts I can't walk." I lied. He stared at me long and hard. I even did a dramatic limp. He sighed in frustration before coming back and lifted me up like a husband would his wife. His hand holding my back the other underneath my knees. I felt like a princess. He took me to my room and dropped me on my bed hard. "Gently jeez." I said. But he just rolled his eyes. "Now goodnight." He said. "Just a sec." I jumped off my bed and ran to my closet pulling the drawer pulling out my first aid kit. "Your foot seems fine." He said and I'm not sure if it was my eyes, but he smiled for a split second. I started cleaning his lip off. And there was small cut. I stared at his pink lips so much nicer then Dylan's. more full and kissable. I so badly wanted to kiss them. "Here let me look at your foot. " he said he started rubbing the good off and placed a band aid on it. "Adam I love you." I said heart filled. "I know." He said with a smirk. "And how do you feel about me?" I asked. He just stared in to my eyes.

"Sometimes I get the feeling you don't love me-" he shut me up with a hard-rough kiss. "You talk too much." He said before kissing me again. We fell on my bed and the kisses were intimate and good. He started kissing my neck small moans escaping me. He was breathing heavily as his hands explored my entire body. I was shivering from the excitement. It felt so good. I spread my legs giving him access as my dress rolled all the way up to my stomach revealing my under wear. I ran my fingers through his hair. That's when I felt something poke me. His little friend was saying hello though his pants. That got me excited. Tonight, I just might give myself to Adam, Body and mind.

I wrapped my legs around his and felt his buddy even more. Let's just say his little friend wasn't so little if I felt it though his jeans. His breathing was so rapid, every time it brushed against my neck I Had goosebumps. That's when Adam suddenly stopped. And jumped off me. "I have to go." He said as he rushed out of my room slamming the door behind him. What the hell just happened? I rushed down the stairs and he was already long gone. I was confused and a little disappointed, ok very disappointed. I don't want him to leave but he just up and left with out saying anything.

I thought he was excited too and wanted it just as bad as I did. I went back up to my room sat on my bed. So much was going through my head. The cut on my foot wasn't big but it did hurt a little. Every part of my body his lips touched was on fire. I didn't care that he didn't want to sleep with me tonight I'm just glad he doesn't hate me.

It wasn't late, but I somehow felt tired, so I called it an early night.

Morning came, I woke up to the smell of sweet, sweet bacon. I brushed my teeth and made my way down the stairs, I noticed my mother standing there holding a pan of fresh bacon and she had already prepared scrambled eggs. But aside from that my mother looks good. She wasn't a mess she was in a good mood all smiles and no alcohol. "Good morning sleepy head." She said with a sunshine smile.

"Uh mom, you feeling alright?" I asked. "Of course, now sit-down breakfast is ready." She said going back to her motherly instinct. I analyzed her, her hair was down and messy her skin was glowing she wore an over sized kiss band T-shirt and spandex shorts. It's as if she let all the stress go. "Geez Honey you don't have to stare at me like that." She said stuffing a fork full of eggs in her mouth. "I'm just glad to have my mom back." I smiled. "Awe Baby I'm sorry I haven't been around much lately. But now I'm focusing on you and only you." She said holding my hand, it made me happy. "Now go get ready for school young lady or your going to be late." She ordered. "It's Saturday mom." I teased she just laughed. "So, what I wanted to say is what are we going to do today?" She asked excitedly.

I was excited too I haven't hung out with my mom for a long time. That's when I heard the door bell. "Ill get it." My mother said walking toward the door. I took a mouth full of my mother delicious bacon and eggs. "Honey you have a visitor." My mother shouted. She came back to the kitchen with Demi behind. "I need to talk to you." She said grabbing my hand and pulling me to my bedroom.

"What is it?" I finally ask. "what the hell happened last night? Did you see Dylan's face? How could you let him get beat up so bad? Chad is so mad at you and I can't even defend you." She spoke but all that was going through my mind was anger. "Do you have any idea how stupid you look last night chasing your little brother and not the guy that got knocked to the ground?" She spoke. Every word she said just made me angry "do you have any idea what I've been through? You're not even going to listen to my side of the story yet side with Dylan?" I said angrily. "That's not what I mean Honey the problem is...." She suddenly trailed off. "What? What's the fucking problem Demi?" I said firmly. "Adam, Adams the problem..." She stated. "How is Adam the problem?" I asked. "Maybe if you guys broke up then you would live a normal high school life.... I honesty can't support this as much as I try it's not right." She said. I was shocked to hear her say these words. I was speechless. Just the other day she was so happy for me. Now this? "I'm happy you found someone but let's be realistic how far can this relationship go? Your parents are getting married so there's no way you guys could be together. I know it's hard and your desperate to fine someone but come on this isn't right." She explained. I was still at a loss of worlds. How do I respond? "I think Dylan really likes you he might tease you but he's crazy about you. And come on look at him he's cute I know Adam is way better looking but you have to leave that boy alone-"

"I think you should leave." I said coldly. "What?" She sounded surprised. "Leave now." I said pointed toward the door. "But honey-" "get out of my house now." I shouted with slight rage in my tone. She just stood there wide eyed. "I think you need time to think things through. get it together before one of you really gets hurt and I doubt that's going to be him." she said then finally walked out. My day is ruined thanks to her. How could she tell me to break up with the one person I ever loved?