Chapter 29

Honey's (P.O.V)

Waking up to my mothers raging voice so early in the morning was slightly unpleasant. Well it wasn't early morning more like late after noon, I slept in. I went to her room and there she was screaming at the top of her lungs on her cell phone. She was wearing her silky robe and her hair was a disaster. And just when I thought she was getting better. We spent all day yesterday having a girl's day. Get did our nails made home made face masks and watched our favourite show ugly little liars. It was great day but now this is happening. "I KNOW SHE'S THERE ANDREW PICK UP MY DAMN CALLS." She screamed into his answering machine.

"What's going on mom?" I asked still half asleep. "This asshole and I are done if he doesn't answer me." She said fury written all over her red face. As her eyes wear blood shot red with tears over flowing. Her nostrils flared with every deep breath she took. It was too early for this drama. My head hurt from so much thinking and stress this was just getting ridiculous. "Mom maybe he's busy or at work." I sighed in annoyance.

"Are you kidding me Honey it's Sunday where could he be working and ignore me for three days? Ever since I got discharged from the hospital he's no where to be found." She snapped at me causing me to be startled. She did have a point where has Andrew been and why has he been so distant toward her lately? She kept calling and calling but all she got was his voice mail. "That's it Honey grab my keys I'm going over." She suddenly stood up grabbing a sweater over her pjs making her look insane. I was a little afraid of the way she was acting. My mother was never an aggressive person, but Andrew must really be pushing her. "Mom I think we should just stay here he could be busy that why he's not answering you." I tried soothing the flames. "Bullshit." She muttered as she walked out of the room. I quickly raced after her as I grabbed the keys. We arrived in front of Andrews house. I was nervous beyond belief. Adam and I haven't spoke since last night and now my mother is acting crazy standing in front of his house ready to raise hell. She quickly slipped out of the car and started banging on the door. I was so embarrassed Adam might open and see her like this. But to my relief a woman opened the door.

A very pretty girl she looked extremely young. Was this Adams new girl friend? is this why he dumped me? My heart began to shatter. It was like a heavy pressure compressing my chest. "Who are you?" The girl asked. "Move!" My mother shouted shoving the girl out of the way. "Andrew get your ass here right now!" She screamed as she barged in the house. "Excuse me who the hell are you?" The girls asked. I was too hurt to even fathom what was going on. "Heather what are you doing here?" Andrew came down surprised. His eyes wide as an owl. "Andrew Who is this crazy woman?" The girl gestures to my mom. "Who are you calling crazy? Bimbo." My mom snapped. "Heather please sweetie I can explain." Andrew said "sweetie? Andrew what's going on?" The girl pouted her lips as she crossed her arms. "I'm his fiancé Bitch who the hell are you?" My mom was furious. "Fiancé? I'm his girlfriend is this a joke?" The girl looked as if she was ready to cry. "You're engaged to an old ugly hag? if this is a joke this isn't funny." She whined.

Her voice was extremely high and annoying why was Andrew seeing such a young girl like her anyways. I know I should feel bad, but I was relieved she was seeing Andrew and not Adam. While I was stuck in my own state of mind I was quickly snapped back to reality when I hard a crashing sound and the sound of shattering glass. I looked up to find my mother destroying the house as she screamed out of anger. Andrew tried to stop her, but he was afraid she might take a swing at him. I was afraid too, Extremely. I quickly ran around the house in search for Adam. Hoping her could help me stop her.

The girl Was screaming at my mom calling her crazy. My mom turned her attention to the girl and a cat fight broke out. I quickly rushed over to my mom snatching one of Adam's videogame controllers out of her hand before she stuck it through the girl's head. "Mom stop please." I cried without even realizing it. "Let go of me Honey." She screamed. Face red tears running Down her cheeks and her hair was a wiled forest. The girl was kicking and screaming. I couldn't get in between them Andrew was useless he just stood there lost in thought I dialled Adams number. It kept ringing and ringing no answer. After the tenth time I knew he was ignoring me. I hugged mom tight, so she wouldn't move and whispered in her ear. "Please mom this isn't like you your scaring me."

That's when she froze and finally looked at me for the first time. The demon possessing her left her body. She placed a hand over my head. Her eyes no longer held anger and murder in them. She was calm and gentle. The girl wasn't quit done with the fight she charged at us. "Andrew wake up!" I shouted getting his attention. he grabbed a hold of the girl stopping her. "let go of me you ass hole ill kill her." she growled. "let's go Honey." my mother said as she walked me out without saying a word. But I knew she felt terrible for what I witnessed. "Heather wait." I heard Andrew call out. I loved how she was back in control. She looked at him and didn't respond. The ride home was awkward and silent we had not said a word to each other. There was so much to say but none of us had the courage to speak. When we arrived home my mother immediately Headed to her room. I sat down and knew she couldn't take anymore of this. Andrew was cheating on my mom this entire time. She's been through so much and he still didn't care.

Demi called me to patch things up. I couldn't stand staying mad at her. I know she should have at least talk to Chad. I mean he's mad at me for no reason I'm the victim here not Dylan. But we let bye gone be by Gone and picked up where we left off. I told her what had just happened with Andrew and his Malibu Stacy girlfriend. Demi was shocked she said at the same time she wasn't too shocked. "What do you mean your not too surprised?" I asked. "I mean come on Andrew is an extremely good-looking man that's successful. He's bound to get bored and find a young play toy." She explained.

"But still he made it seen like my mother was the only woman for him. He said he loved her vey much." "Yes, he's a guy after all they say what ever you want to hear. Your mom is beautiful but come on Honey she's serious and older. Guys like young and dumb girls. Besides I always thought blonde Barbie was his type it suits him well." She giggled. "So, what your saying is good looking guys all want pretty Barbie figures?" I asked.

"Of course it's a fact every guy wants them, but only hot ones get them." She sounded sure. "So, you're saying Chad is after the Barbie look too?" I teased giving her a dose of her own medicine. She went silent before bursting out laughing.

"Of course, he does, that's why I'm not getting my hoped up too high...I know what your doing Honey nice one." She laughed as we both laughed until our stomach hurt. "Hey, come with me to S.O.I tomorrow they are holding auditions for magazine photo shoots. Macy is shooting, and one lucky fan gets to get a picture taken for the front cover." She screamed in my ear. S.O.I was Adams agency I can't go there what if I run into him. And audition for a photoshops? come one now they want girls like Rose and super models they wouldn't give Demi and I the time of day. Not a chance. Wait now that I think about it Rose was Darks Girlfriend. Meaning she was Adams girlfriend. No wonder he lost interest in me Rose was one of the most beautiful girls I've ever see. "hello you there?" Demi called me back from my daze.

"yea sorry. So, you think they would cast us?" I asked knowing the answer. "No, no Honey it's all me who's auditioning. I get to pose with Dark I don't want no one else on that set but me." She said screaming his name. I knew it Adam was defiantly going to be there. "I don't know Demi I don't think I can go besides we have school tomorrow." I tried convincing her. "It's ok if we skip no one will know plus this is a one in a life time chance to meet Dark in person Honey don't poop on my dreams." She pleaded. "Fine ill go with you but we are not camping out side of the building Until you meet Ada- I mean Dark" I almost slipped. "Deal deal and deal!"

"Anyways I'm going to go eat something I'm starving call me later." I said before hanging up. I went down stairs and searched the fridge to find something to eat I forgot we haven't done shopping in months we where too busy running around that we just ate out a lot. I grabbed my bag and left the house I took the car and decided to do shopping myself. I have my license I just never drove due to the fact I'm not the best driver. I stuck the key in ignition and started the car.

I slowly reversed and accidentally ran over the garbage bin. Off to a bad start I see. I kept going and then finally hit the main road after running over a few bikes and mailboxes. But no one needs to know it was my doing.

I arrived at the grocery store my phone was ringing I answered. It was Adam. I was annoyed by him he ignored me then calls me just to get information. I wasn't ready to explain anything to him if anything I'm mad at him. I hung up on him and continued to do my grocery shopping. I Grabbed some eggs lettuce tomatoes. Some Juice, pasta. That's when he called again. "What do you want Adam?" I Lashed out. "We're are you?" He asked sounding serious. "I'm at Grocery plus." I Answered, and he quickly hung up on me. I gathered my item and was ready at the checkout. Waiting for my turn. That's when I heard screaming. People started running around towards the entrance. I look up to see what was going on. That's when I saw Adam no scratch that, my eyes land on Dark Scorpion. There was a crowd of people following him screaming and asking for autographed they had their phone in his face recording and taking pictures. My eyes went wide What was he doing dresses at Dark? Is he crazy? As soon as he made his way through the store doors he began to look around his eyes landed on me. I tried to hide by ducking low and holding a cereal box in front of my face. But he made his way over snatching the box out of my hand and tossed it a side and grabbed my hand

"We need to talk." He said as he dragged me to the doors Everyone was gasping and shocked he was talking to a nobody let alone holding my hand. "Wait let go my stuff." I yelled. But he didn't Listen. I don't know how but paparazzi showed up lights and cameras in my face. Yelling out a million questions. Why was Adam careless like this? "My groceries." I cried.

"Never mind it get in." He pushed me in a limbo that was parked in front of the store. "Have you lost your mind? What's gotten in to you?" I scolded he didn't look at me. "Robyn will kill me for this." He sighed as his head rested in his hands. I could never get over how cute he looked as Dark he wore black skinny jeans and a navy-blue t-shirt he had black convers shoes it was a street yet casual. everything this kid wore was fashionable. he could wear just about anything and make it the hottest trend. I just want to jump on him and kiss him. But I must remember I'm mad at him. He looked up at me his Icey blue eyes and dark eye makeup causing me to flinch at his sudden glare.

I crossed my arms immediately signalling I was mad. He started at me with a blank expression. My heart was racing the fact we were in a limbo together alone. And the staring didn't make it any easier. I pouted my limps "humph" I uttered. He still glared at me making me a little uncomfortable. "I'm sorry" his voice startled me. A sad look plasters on his face. "I've done nothing but hurt you my father has done the same to Heather." His gaze dropped finally. "Adam I-" "I need you to come to Stunning one incorporated. Right now, I have something to show you." His expression changed. I wonder what this is about?