Chapter 30

Honey's (P.O.V)

Come with me." He said pulling my hand behind him as he led me out the door. "Where are we going?" I asked. "Don't say anything just come." He silenced me. He led me out the door "Where-" "would you shut up." He said cutting me short. I gave him a look of 'how dare you shut me up you jerk.' but I decided to hush up because I didn't want to start a fight again. We drove in silence. I glanced at Adam who had this look of relaxation on his face. I smiled as I looked out the window, Still smiling. "Why are you smiling.?" His sudden voice startled me. "I'm just happy." I answered. "What for." He said back to his cold self again. It's like he put his guard back up. "Because being with you makes me happy. " I answered. He stared at me Without a response. Making me regret saying that. I felt embarrassed.

"Would you stop staring at me." I said awkwardly trying to change the subject. He averted his eyes still with a blank silent expression. We both fell back into silence. The window started to fog up, so I started drawing on it like I once did in my father's car when I was a child. I drew a smiley face and I wrote what I always did. 'I'm daddies princess.' It was like I did it subconsciously. I missed my father so much. and every time I think of him I can't help but get emotional. I could feel my heart beating quicker as my eyes were filling up. I squeezed my hands clinching my fist tightly trying to control my emotions. "not now Honey." I murmured to myself. that's when I felt large warm hand cover mine and hold it gently. "Don't do that not now." His soft tender voice said. I didn't want to look at him knowing my eyes where already glossy as the tears rolled down my cheeks. I felt even more embarrassed he just witnessed that. "Look at me." He asked, "Honey please." He pleaded but I don't say a word I continued to face the window. I felt his hand move from mine and grab my chin pulling my Face Towards him. I looked at him as I cried he wrapped his arms around me hugging me. I buried my face into his chest and cried some more. "Please stop crying." He asked almost begging. "It's killing me to see this." He whispered into my ears. I wrapped my arms around his broad back and squeezed him. this feeling, for the first time in my life I feel safe and I'm not worried about anything. I released him after a long hug and pushed my hands against his chest. I wiped my tears away and smiled at him. Hoping to change the mood what else could I do?

He gave a skeptical look as he tilted his head to the side. Then Began to smile to. I guess he got the hint and didn't push any further. I was thankful of that.

the limo suddenly stopped. "we are here." The man driving said. When I looked out the window I saw this massive building covered in glass windows and it was beautiful. Right on top was the company name ' S.O.I Stunning One incorporated' He got out of the limo and held his hand out to me. I grasped it and followed him out. We walked past the building towards this huge gate behind the building. I was surprised no one followed us no paparazzi. There was a fence that had a huge golden lock on it. Where was this place and why did he bring me here? He released my hand and dug into his pocket and pulled out a golden key as he unlocked the lock he swung the fence opened and took My hand again as he led me in.

what I saw stunned me. I looked around and I was speechless. There was a massive beautiful garden with rare exotics flowers I've never Seen before lights shining on a hedge that read my name in beautiful white Lilies flowers. I covered my hand over my mouth as I looked at him. He stared at me with an adorable smile on his face.

"do you like it?" He asked sheepishly. I was out if words I was speech less. I just nodded. As I looked back at the garden. There where blue roses red ones and so much colourful flowers. Did He do all this for me? How did he know lilies where my favorite flowers especially white lilies? He took both my hands as I faced him. He looked me right in the eyes so seriously. "I want you to close your eyes." He whispered. I shot him an unsure glance. "Trust me." He added. I closed my eyes. I heard his foot steps walking behinds me then I felt his breath against my neck. I felt goosebumps all over my body. I felt my hair being pulled back as it hung Behind me. something cold against my chest and neck. My hair was put back into place as he walked back in front of me. "Can I open now?" I asked curiously. "Yes." He said softly. I opened and saw him smiling at me with a full mouth grin. I looked down and saw a beautiful Gold necklace with a Large heart pendant and inside was a smaller heart, a red diamond heart. It was so beautiful. I couldn't utter a word as I stared at it. I was wearing a fortune around my neck. Even through it was getting dark out, it still shined like crazy. My heart was pounding against my chest. I looked at him as he continued to smile at me. "Adam you shouldn't have -"

"I shouldn't have I know." He said cutting me short. Then he continued. "But I wanted to." My heart was now pounding. He walked toward me. "Why are you doing this for me?" I asked. "consider it a celebration." He smirked "celebrating what?"

" the beginning of our relationship. My dad cheating on your mom was the best thing that could happen." My smile dropped. I couldn't believe what I was hearing my mom is suffering from extreme depression and he's happy? " how is this good if my mom is going insane?" I said with a poisonous tone. " Honey that's not how I meant it. If our parents split up then that means no marriage, you an I can be together without anyone judging our relationship" he explained and in a sense he was right.

We could be together. It made me happy and yet slightly remorse. My mother's relationship was ending and mine just begun. "Come with me I have another surprise." He grasped my hand pulling me towards the building. He seemed excised. I've never seen him this way he was childish and happy the way he smiled. We walked in and all eyes landed on me. The office receptionist ladies glared at me.

People walking around with business suits stopped to stare. I got extremely awkward. Why bring me to his agency? Was this really Adams agency? If so then nicely done Adam. "this way." He continued to lead me down a hall. I was too amazed on how the placed looked it was massive and crystal-like ceiling and marble floors. It was beautiful. He took me to an elevator and we waited for it. "Where are we going?" I asked. He just smiled at me holding my hand tightly. That's when the elevator doors opened. And I felt like running away as soon as I saw who stepped out. She glared at us with her big brown beautiful eyes landed on Adams hand in mine. She was staring me down. And she chuckled. I looked over at Adam and he didn't look the least bit surprised. He didn't even care. I wanted to pull my had away, but he just held my hand tighter.

"Move you're in the way." He said harshly. I was stunned my eyes went wide. "I came to see you, and this is how you're acting? And this is what you replace me with?" She cried raising her voice. I was scared, intimidated, and threatened by her. I didn't want to get caught up in all this. I tried to release his hand again, but he held on not letting me go. "Rose". Someone called out we both tuned around and there was an older woman walking towards us. She had white hair and dressed trendy. Next to her was someone no one could ever forget. Macy, the CEO of hottest magazine company. I was shaking and couldn't breath too many stars in one day. "There you are love I've been looking all over for you." The older woman said to Rose. "Let's go." Adam whispered sounding annoyed. as he pulled me towards the elevator. "Wait just a minutes Dark. Why have you been ignoring my calls. Do you have any idea how important this is?" The older woman scolded. "Robyn I've been busy with things." Adam said smiling. Rose stared at him with fury and raging eyes. When she looked at me I immediately averted my eyes gluing them to the floor. "Well never mind that. Lovely miss Rosé here will be shooting with you on Macy's new cover for teens. So, we can cancel those auditions." She smiled gesturing to both Rosé and Macy. "Hold that thought Robyn." Macy silenced her with a hand in the air. Macy glared at me as if she discovered a new creature. I was feeling extremely uncomfortable. "She's perfect." She sighed.

Robyn, Rose, and Adam all looked at me with shock. "P-perfect for what?" Rose stuttered. "Why for the cover of my magazine of course.. Plain simple high school girl. I love it she's perfect." She complimented but I couldn't help getting slightly insulted. am I really plain? Adam released my hand and began to Analyze me. "Please Macy reconsider. Rose is beautiful and todays teen sensation...Dark and her are getting back together.. We don't even know who this girl is" Robyn gave me a disgusted look. Who was getting back with who? I don't know who this Robyn lady is, but I don't like her. "I agree." Adam suddenly said I was a bit taken back. "With Macy of course." He continued. "Rose is a little fake looking and today's teens can't relate to her where my girlfriend is kind, honest, genuine, and everything you could ask for." He smiled at me and I could feel my face heating up how could he say these things in front of people, important people at that. I was blushing immensely.

"Girlfriend you say?" Macy rubbed her chin. "Would you please join us for a quick interview I'm sure the world is dying to speak with Dark Scorpions new girlfriend." Macy said to me. I couldn't answer I was stunned. "Girlfriend? how come I've never heard of this girlfriend?" Robyn looked pissed. I could tell by the way she was eyeballing me. "Congratulation your stunning one of this year. What's your name love?" Macy smiled offering me a hand to shake. That's when Rose stomped her 6 ich high heels and raced out in anger. "I knew there was some sort of rucked going on here. And where ever there's ruckus you'll find the scorpion himself." A charming voice spoke out sounding familiar. "Kevin old boy how are you child?" Macy greeted Kevin. "I'm quite alright love how's everything?"

"Marvellous and your father how is that new hotel in Italy coming along?." She smiled at him "its spectacular you should visit one day of course we would love to have you." He smiled back. today he was dress with an expensive looking suit and his hair was combed back nice clean and elegant looking as always. "Ah Robyn still looking more beautiful then ever." He placed a kiss on her Hand. "Oh, you really know how to make an old woman smile.. Someone Could learn from you." She glared at Adam who just rolled his eyes. "Kevin darling, we must catch up I have to get going now. And the girlfriend, here is my card please call me a we can get this shoot on the go." She handed me her business card and waved goodbye as she walked off with Robyn. "Let's go no more distractions." Adam once again took a hold of my had pulling me towards the elevator. But to my surprise Kevin grabbed my other arm. Stopping us causing me to be in the middle of this tug a war. "What's the rush I want to say a few words to the girlfriend." Kevin smirked. "They looked at each other. Adams eyes where filled both hate and anger.

Although he was smiling Kevin eyes held a scary feeling, like there was more to his smile. I got the chills and pulled away from him stepping close to Adam. It was strange I've never gotten this vibe from him before he always had a nice comfortable aura about him.

"So, when did you two start dating? What happened to Alicia Ford the models I thought you had a thing for models Dark?" Kevin laughed. That's when it hit me Alicia the extremely pretty girl he was on a date with. How did I forget and how did it slip my mind? I quickly pulled my hand away from Adam. Giving him an angry hurt look. "Honey I told you already she wasn't my girlfriend." He said. "That's not what I heard." Kevin sang with a chuckle. I took a step away from him "Honey please just listen to me." He pleaded. "I heard she's your new girl and you two were spotted cozying up to one another at the grand bridge exchanging kisses." Kevin said this time looking directly at me with amusement. "Kevin shut up! Honey look at me." Adam said. "I can explain it all-"

"I don't want to hear it." I snapped. It's always one problem after the other with Adam I can't deal with him. Constant fighting every time just when we patch things up another hole is dug up. But I can't help but be so in love with this kid.