Chapter 32

Adam's (P.O.V)

"Alright everyone this is the last time to practice tonight is the night we have been waiting for, the night we have been preparing for, the night we have been working our asses off for. We will make our show number one across the world. Tonight, is the night we make this concert go down in history as the best. We will crush Kayse Kay with this night. ARE YOU READY?" Robyn shouted, as she stood in front of our entire crew. She was more exited for this anyone else.

Her speech was inspirational, but I was busy sneaking out of the room. I know the concert was tonight, but I have plans, plus I would make it back in time for the concert. I asked Joey and Ryan to cover for me. "DARK ARE YOU READY?" I heard her shouted. "Where is he?" I heard one of my back up dancers ask. Noisy one she is. "note to self, fire the dancers." I pushed my self out the window it was on the third floor thankfully, but I still made a painful landing. I walked around the gate towards the car and there Robyn was waiting for me. In Arms crossing, foot tapping anger. "H-hey Robyn Hood. What's up?" I stuttered. "Get your skinny little butt back up to that room young man." She said pointing to the building. "Robyn I honestly can't right now it's important. "What's more important then your career?" She asked. "The girl I love." I stated. "You mean the girl from yesterday? Adam I know your dating and stuff but you're young you don't know what love is. You're at the peek of your career it's taking off and you need to give it one hundred."

"I maybe young but im not stupid. I know I love her. How else can I explain these feelings? I would do anything for her and run across the country just to see her smile. She makes me happy Robyn." I explained. She glared at me. "Fine go but please, oh please Adam, make it in time for the concert." She pleaded. "I will thank you Robyn." I said before walking off. "Wait one more thing." She said calling me back. "What is it?" "I was planning on after the concert to tell you this but.." She trailed off smiling wide. "We are doing our first tour and it's not across the country it's international baby!" She jumped up raising her hands. I didn't know how to react I always wanted to do a tour and now that the world wants me performing in their countries just makes me feel incredible. International is huge. "You're kidding really?" I asked. "Yes, kiddo we will be going to. France, Italy, Japan, Korea, China, Australia and so much more." She was so excited. And I couldn't even describe how I was feeling this was the best thing that could happen. "Now is the time to let your girlfriend know Adam that you won't be seeing her for a while." She had a look of sympathy. That's when it hit me. Honey, I won't be seeing her. Tours take months and if it's international then god knows. "How long will this tour take?" I asked. She hesitated for a bit. "About three or so years." She said.

"Shit." I retorted. "I can't be away from her that long Robyn." I said. "I understand but son you need to decide what you're going to be doing with your future. If what you say is true and the love you have for each other is genuine then no amount of distance and time could part you two." What she was saying was true but just the thought of it hurt. "Think about It Adam three years will go by in no time. Don't disappoint your mother if she could see how loved you are around the world she would be thrilled about the tour. And so very proud of you." She just had to bring my mother in this making me feel like shit. I love Honey and I also love my job. I wanted to be Dark and I want to be with Honey. What should I do how can I fix this?

"Look at me Adam." Robyn cupped my cheeks in her hands. "This would be a perfect test in your relationship. How strong your love is for one another."? She was right if we are away from each other and the love is still there then I would know our love isn't just a fling but genuine feelings for one another.

"Thank you robin." "No problem now get going don't keep her waiting." She patted my butt. I got in the car and Stan drove off. I just hope Honey takes the news better then I did.


Honey's (P.O.V)

Alright Demi before you freak out let me explain myself" I surrendered. "You have two minutes before I literally freak out. And cause a scene." She was fidgeting trying to keep composure but clearly she was about to choke me to death. "Ok so thing is I uh..... I umm... I do sort of know Dark and you can kind of say I'm dating him." That's when before a blink of an eye I was take to the ground by Demi. Her arm was around my neck in a chin hold. "Speak English Honey!" She shouted. "What do you mean English?.... Let go!" I struggled to get free from her death grip. People surrounded us even the jocks came running for the show. Dylan stayed put and wasn't even fazed by us. " English damnit I don't understand what you're saying. What did you mean by that?" "Demi let go I can't breathe this is embarrassing." I screamed. "No, you're not making any sense." She repeated. "Then let go so I can explain." She released me. And everyone was laughing wondering why we were wrestling. But little did they know Demi was about to kill me due to her obsession with Dark "Lets go somewhere quieter." I suggested gesturing to the entire student body hovering around us. "Follow me." She said.

I followed her until we arrived inside the school gymnasium. "Ok talk." She said suddenly turning to me.

Where do I begin and how do I start? If I say anything that's overwhelming she will just end up attacking me again. "Ok so I met Dark a few months a go. He came into my life as a stepbrother...and I found myself drawn to him and soon fell in love." I tried to make it as simple as I possibly could. "Wait, wait, wait, buck up! Stepbrother? I don't get it, so your saying Adam Is Dark?" She asked with shaken words. "Yes." I said afraid of another tackle. "SHUT YOUR AIR HOLE UP!! You're such a liar Honey." She started laughing and I knew she wouldn't believe me. "I'm not lying I have no reason to lie." I tried to be as serious as possible, so she would stop joking around. "If what you're saying is true then this whole time, you knew how much I love Dark and you didn't tell me he was so close by all this time?" She was growing angry. "No Demi I swear I only just found out. I didn't know either." I explained. "And how did you find out?" She crossed her arms. "It's complicated but as soon as I saw him as Dark I couldn't believe my eyes, so I passed out. And this was less then a week ago."

She stared at me long ad hard. Then burst out laughing. "You passed out? Oh my god I probably would have died." She patted my back. "That's not half of it kissing him was-" I stopped when I saw the look on her face as if she wanted to murder me "it was nothing." I changed the subject. "Now I can never look at Adam the same with out wanting to kidnap and rape him and have his babies." She said making me slightly uncomfortable. I could see she was hyperventilating. "Honey this is bad I need to see him now call him" she switched back to her crazy fan mode. "no Demi you can't know who he really is, no one is supposed to know it's a secret I'm trusting you with it." I explained but she was dazed. "All students performing in the play please go to the gym for set up. That's all students performing in the play please go to the gym for set up thank you." Mrs. Crow said into the telecom. I was saved Demi looked composed and back to normal, but it was my turn to now sweat. My heart was racing I looked Over at Demi with worry, but she just smiled at me. "Ready for this baby girl?" she laughed. I shook my head and soon everyone started walking in.

Lord take me now to save me from the humiliation. "Ladies have any of you seen our Romeo?" The teacher asked. "Nope sorry." Demi said with a chuckle. "Oh, dear oh dear." Mrs. Crow looked worried. "We have no Romeo back up actor. I figured he was so perfect we wouldn't need another. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear" she repeated.

Now I was growing worried. "Mrs. Crow I have a confession." I guess now is the time to tell her I wasn't ready for the play. "Now's not the time Honey I have bigger things to worry about. My dear." She walked off. And I was now on the verge of tears. Demi was so amused. "Call Adam." Demi said. "No way it's bad enough Juliet and her mother don't know their lines, but Romeo can't be dragged in." I explained. "I want to meet my idle is that so bad." She explained her selfish reasons. "Really Demi? You can meet him anytime so let's just focus on this catastrophe." She rolled her eyes and nodded her head in agreement.

After a few minutes of the stage set up people started arrived and taking their seats. I was ordered to go to costume room and change. Demi and I got changed and we sat there waiting for orders. I was Shaking in fear I didn't know what to say or how to act. Should I just run off stage and pretended to have gotten sick? That's when we where ordered to get to our stations and prepare for the curtain opening.

"Hey beautiful." I heard and there Adam was standing in front of me wearing his Romeo outfit. I began to blush immediately. He looked extremely handsome like a prince charming. The way he smiled at me was just adorable. I heard screaming from the back and I automatically knew Demi was around. "What are your doing here?" I asked. "I'm Romeo I'm here for the play duh." he chucked. "But you didn't rehears and neither did Demi and I." I explained. "I know it's ok we can just have fun and not worry about the lines." He smiled at me. "Trust me just make it your own that's what performing is about make the audience believe you know what you're doing and you're in control, even if you don't." He walked over to me placing a kiss on my lips "everything will be fine." He assured.

He walked away, and it was my time to shine the curtains opened and all eyes where on me. No clue what to say and not a single line was memorized. I guess I must make everything up as I go. "Romeo oh Romeo wherefore art thou Romeo." I said with a shaking screeching tone that's when I saw Adam slap his forehead. Did I mess up. Then the crowed started whispering making me uneasy. "What is she Doing?" I heard the lady sitting in the front row say to her partner. Mrs. Crow was not happy she wanted to jump on stage. She kept mouthing worlds to me 'too soon for Romeo...too soon.' I was sweating and about to pass out. Then Adam jumped on stage to my rescue. "I am here my fair Juliet." He said, and I don't know if those where the lines but by the laughing crowed and angry Mrs. Crow I guess not.

"My fair daughter shall not be blinded by thee." Demi stormed in and now the crowed was roaring with laughter even our co actors where laughing and shaking their heads. "I love her Julie's mom (who's name I don't think Shakespeare had written) for I cannot part from her love." Adam said causing even me to laugh.

"Nay, nay, nay." One of the actors who was playing a horse randomly came galloping by from one end of the stage to the other randomly. Adam laughed, and Demi was laughing too. "Mother I want to marry him." I finally got the courage to speak. "No way talk to your father." Demi said to the boy acting as Juliet father. But he shook his head he didn't want to join our rowdy cast. He looked scared and nervous

"Oh come on." Adam went over grabbing him by the cape and pulled him out. "Now tell everyone you don't want me to date your daughter dude." Adam said causing the crowed to laugh incredibly loud they applaud. " stop him this instance my lord." The armoured actors came in. As soldiers

"Oh no I like Romeo now. I don't want him getting arrested." Demi jumped on Adam hugging him. "Let go of my wife this instance lad." The boy was finally brave, or he was just having fun like everyone else. "Now you must die." The boy playing my father said. "Is this how he even dies?" Demi asked. "Not sure but I'm sure Juliet dies with me." Adam said pulling my hand. "Wait why can't you die alone?" I asked. I looked in to the Crowed and they where laughing incredibly hard. "True love idiot we die together now come here and die with me." Adam grabbed my wrist pulling me into his arms. "No, my daughter doesn't want to die now let me die with you instead handsome Romeo." Demi pushed me out of the way and wrapped Adams arms around herself.

"That's my wife dude not cool." The boy jumped on Adam and soon everyone else joins in. Mrs. Crow tossed all her papers in the air in frustration then started laughing as soon as she noticed everyone making a pile on and Adam was on the bottom. students acting as horses, trees, farm animals all jumped on top of Adam. Everyone in the audience applaud and a roaring laughter. Then finally everyone stood up cheering. Mrs. Crow came out with a shy smile and we all stood up clapping that the crazy unusual Romeo and Juliet play was over. We took a bow and I gave Adam a huge tight hug for helping and making this less nerve wrecking. To my surprised he kissed me in front of everyone. They all cheered louder. I hid my face in embarrassment. But never the less, this was most certainly a day to remember.

After we got changed Adam, Demi And I left the school before we got a good scolding from Mrs. Crow. We wanted to go to Kevin's shop to have a cup of tea and some desserts. "Let's go somewhere else." Adam suggested. "Oh, come on I've never been here before." Demi whined Adam seamed bothered by going there. It's not like he's never been there so what's the big deal. "Good show guys." Chad said as he walked towards Demi. I was chewing on my finger nails remembering the last time Chad and Adam stood face to face. "Hey babe wasn't the play crazy." Demi said. "Yea it was something." Chad smiled. Adam looked annoyed by his presence. "How's your friend?" Adam asked. And I was now more nervous. Was he looking for a fight. Why would he ask about Dylan? "He's good I guess he deserved it." Chad chuckled. And I was shocked that Chad was being considerate. He looked at me "Honey Dylan told me everything I'm sorry about what he did to you the way he treated you... I wish you told me sooner." He said remorsefully. "It's ok don't worry about it." I assured. "What did he do?" Adam asked. "It's nothing it's done and in the past." I murmured. "let's go babe I have to meet the boys in a bit." Chad pulled Demi's hand and they walked off. But Demi kept looking back as if she wanted to badly stay and chat with Adam or should I say her favourite celebrity Dark. "What did he do to you tell me." Adam repeated forcefully. "He just threatened me that's all." I didn't want to get into details afraid he might go beat up Dylan again. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asked. "I didn't want to get you mixed up in any dramas it's my problem not yours." I explained.

He placed a hand on my head and pulled me into his chest as he wrapped his arms around me. "Your problem is my problem I don't ever want you feeling as if you're a nuisance to me." He whispered in my ear. "Now promise me you won't hide anything from me again." He said, "I promise." I said. "By the way here." He dug in his pocket handing me two V.I.P tickets. "What's this?" I asked. "It's tickets to my concert tonight. You said you would come remember. You could bring your Friend too." The look in his eyes was so cute as if he really wanted me to be there. "of course, I wouldn't miss it for the world." I took the tickets. "can we go to the cafe now?" I asked remembering I didn't have lunch do to the play.

"No, I can't let Kevin see me like this specially with you he knows you're with Dark." He explained, and I guess it made sense. "Let's go anywhere else." He said. Then His phone went off. "Yes Robyn.....yea...I can in a few I haven't told her's complicated...alright I'm on my way." he said hanging up "I have to go prepare for the concert tonight. But don't worry I'll send out a ride for you."

"It's ok I understand I'll see you tonight then." He gave me another one of his sweet kisses before leaving. I guess I'm on my own once again.

I must say I'm falling even harder for his kid.