Chapter 33

Honey's (P.O.V)

Demi pacing round her room hyperventilating. Her face was flushed red and she was having a hard time breathing as she held the V.I.P pass in her hand that Adam had given me.

I sat on her bed legs crossed. "Calm down it's just. Tickets to see Adam sing." I chuckled. "Your telling me that I stood in line for nineteen hours to get plain tickets to Darks concerts and you managed to get V.I.P tickets just like that?" She stood above me "So Adam really is Dark then no fooling, the real deal..... Ok I'm calm not going to pass out like somebody." She was now breathing heavier.

"I'm lying Honey I'm totally going to pass out if I see him tonight." She squeezed my arm. "Don't worry you will get use to it, took me a while to get use to him too." I explained. "This is amazing ... This is absolutely amazing I'm finally meeting my dream man; the whole school will be so jealous oh my god I can't wait." She was getting ready to scream. "Keep is down would you ladies." Her fathers shouted. "Sorry dad!" Demi apologized not wanting to tick off her dad. He was big scary man but soft as a teddy bear.

"I'm home." I heard Demi's sister Amy. "We bought dinner come down guys." She shouted. Demi and I made our way down and that's when I noticed Keith my ex crush and Amy's boy friend.

seeing him for the second time was different. he's wasn't handsome as I thought. A lot of my crushes were now less attractive to me, was it because I was over him or was it that I'm dating the hottest guys on this planet? Either way I'm glad I'm over him because Amy and him are so cute together. We sat down and had some Chinese food for dinner. Demi lived with her older sister and her father. Demi's mom works over seas, so she visits as much as she can. After dinner we made our way back up to Demi's room. "The concert is in a few hours what will we wear?" She said worriedly. "I don't know, something plain and simple." I said causally. "Oh no, sweetie you're Darks girlfriend, you're going to have to look like a glistering diamond, I mean you get to meet his friend and stuff come on use your head."

Little did she know I've already met some of his Friends. Nothing special and I don't think now is a good time to tell her that Macy wants me to be on the cover of the latest magazine posing with Dark. The very magazine shoot she was dying to be on. "Let's go, the Mall is still open for two more hours lets go quickly fine something." She pulled my hand dragging me to the door. I'm not excited about this concert I've never been to a concert before so nothing special to me. Plus, I'm still a fan of Kayse Kay, she may be Adams enemy in a way, but I can't help loving her music. Adam is talented and all, but his music isn't my cup of tea. He has the voice of an angel and the image of a Greek god. But I guess Kayse had this aura about her. She's always so settled, calm, collective, mature and never raises her voice. I've always admired her beauty as well. She wasn't like most girls her age. She reminded me a lot of Adams mom as ironic as it may sound. She's extremely beautiful, Smart, mature, cultivated, and had a humorous side to her. she joked around never took things too seriously and she loved her son dearly. At the time I never would have guessed Adam was her son. Maybe that's where he gets his good looks and talents from since Andrew is nothing but a walking disaster.

We arrived at the mall and it was crowded. Almost nothing was available. It's as If the mall was raided and cleaned out. Only large sizes of extremely unfashionable clothing here still hung on racks. "Seriously they call this a mall?" Demi spoke out of frustration. "You think everyone is going to the concert tonight and decided to buy something for it?" I asked. "Don't be silly, even so I doubt all these people would go. I love my Dark, but he is after all a new artist still getting his name out there. There's no way this town can clean out our mall just for his event. Be more realistic would you Honey." She laughed patting my back making me feel slightly stupid. I walked up to the clerk and poor girl looked exhausted. "What happened to all the clothes?" I asked her. "My god, everyone came rushing in since this morning preparing for the concert tonight. Thank god I picked out my outfit weeks ago or else I would be stuck with this disaster." She explained, and I was right. How popular is Adam to be recognized and become huge in a short amount of time? "Are you a fan of his?" I asked the clerk. "Are you kidding me..." She said as she unbuckled her sweater I was a little edgy hoping she wasn't getting ready to flash us. "I'm his number one fan." She said revealing a t-shirt with Darks beautiful face on it. Adam is so cute; how did I get so lucky to be his. Then too my surprise Demi came charging at us with full speed slamming her hand on the counter. "Did I hear right? Who's his number one fan?" Demi looked challenging. The look in her eyes was enough to say she was ready to kill. "That would be me." The clerk said leaning close to Demi eyeing her. They where inches away from each other. Fire burning in their eyes and a showdown ready to go down any second. "I am his number one fan Sweetie don't get it twisted." Demi said with poisonous words. "Oh I smell a challenge?" The clerk said crossing her arms in amusement. I grabbed a candy bar that I admit is not yet paid for. And prepared for this battle between the Scorpion fans. Should be interesting. "When was Darks first debut album released.?" The clerk asked.

"Easy it was June 12 of last year.....what was his first single called and who was his star guest in his video?" Demi asked. "Pshh something more challenging was Falling Tale and of course Rosé was the star guest.... how old is Dark and where was he born?" She challenged. "Peace of cake.... he turns fifteen next month and he was born in Maseland, Morning-Ale Valley..." Demi explained.

I was stunned they knew so much about him I was finding out new things as they went on. I was even more embarrassed if anything, he supposed to be my love and I didn't even know his birthday was a month away. How could I be so selfish? After twenty minutes but seemed liked hours I was sitting on the table leaning against a mannequin "Then tell me what agency is he with?" The clerk asked.

"Come on this is too easy.... he's with Stunning One Incorporated. Aka S.O.I." Demi said causally.

The clerk was sweating and extreme nervous. Demi had a smile on her face and was in the zone. Demi did her research and knew almost everything about him, Strangely. "Give it up sister you can be his number two fan. We Even have V.I.P passes for tonight." Demi pulled it out of her pocket waving them around in the girls face that was frozen in shock. "H-how did you get them?" She stuttered. "Let's just say his number one fan has connections. "I got one more question for you?" Demi asked the girl "what is Darks real name?" I almost choked on a soda drink that I also did not pay for. What is she doing why would she ask her that? "Impossible no one knows his real name not even his previous girl friend Rosé." She explained, and Demi had this smirk on her face. "His name is Ad-" I jumped on Demi covering my hand over her mouth.

"Don't be stupid you idiot." I whispered in her ear. "What's his name if you know it?" The clerk was confident she also didn't know his name. "I was bluffing how could I get my hand on that kind of gossip." Demi played it off. "Anyways I won this battle so before you go around saying you're his number one fan give it a second thought." Demi threatened. And with that we left the store. We walked down a few stores still nothing for this evening. That's when I noticed a couple of girls following us. "Demi do you know those girls?" I asked Demi turned around to see the girls, but they quickly hid inside a shoe store avoiding our attention. "Nope never saw them they seam strange anyway why?" She asked. "They are following us." "What for?" Demi looked confused. "I don't know I'm just as suspicious too." I explained. "Lets just leave, this mall is ridiculous and it's the only one in this town too." Demi suggested.

We made our way to the parking lot it was getting dark and the sun was setting. People started leaving the mall and it was closing any second. That's when some one grabbed me slamming me against Demi's dad's car. Two more grabbed Demi and started digging in her pockets. That's wen I noticed it was the girls following us earlier. "What are you doing?" Demi shouted. "Hurry up grab them." The girl holding me shouted to them. "Got it." One said as she held out V.I.P tickets in her hand. "Go, go let's go!" They screamed and started running. Did this just happen? Did we just get robbed? Demi was in a state of disbelief. She was shocked that she couldn't even move. We have nothing to wear and even worse we have no access to even get in. "This can't be happening...." Demi said faintly. "this cant be happening" she repeated. "are you ok Demi?" I ask worriedly. "do I look ok?' she said with a crack in tone. her eyes started to fill with tears. "don't worry I will call Adam." I said. I dialled Adams number.

No answer. I Called and called and called. Leaving him a few voice mails and. Texts. "The concert starts in a few hours how is this happening to me?" Demi cried. "Hey it's happening. To me too." I stated.

"Oh shut up you didn't even want to go in the first place." She said angrily. "That's what you get for showing off and waving those tickets around." I said about to crack a smile but when I saw the look she gave me I decided not to. "Let's go to my house we can always just think things trough." I suggested.

After we arrived at my house I noticed my mother was not home yet again. That's when I noticed two large Beautifully wrapped boxes laying on the dinning room table. "What's this?" I said but Demi was mentally absent. she was lifeless and completely dead inside. I quickly rushed over, there was a card on one so of the boxes. I grabbed it and began to read. "Hope you like these. I picked them out myself...

-Dark Scorpion" "No way Adam sent these?" I said more to self. Then instantly after hearing that. the soul had returned into Demi's body. And she jumped on me grabbing the card out of my hand.

"Oh my god. This is written by the Dark." She sighed and smiled. I opened one box that had my name on it and I was shocked. It was a beautiful black and white dress it was way too revealing for my interest, but man was it ever gorgeous. It was short with a whole lot of cleavage and back showing.

Demi opened hers and it was stunned. Hers was white with hot pink lining. Its one shoulder dress and also short. I loved her out fit. "Honey do you have any idea what brand these dresses are?" Demi asked. And to be honest I had no Idea I knew nothing about fashion. "These are Mirabella Vira Cruza. Only Hollywood where these we could never afford one of these dresses.... I'm so convinced now he's Dark." She explained excitedly. I tossed the dress back in the box. "No tickets smarty how do we get in?" I said

Demi pause as if deep in thought. "I still have my shitty tickets why don't we use those to get in and once we are in it won't be hard for us to get in V.I.P" for the first time in years Demi made sense and came up with something smart for the first time.

Adam Here we come....