Chapter 34

Adam (P.O.V)

"Why do you keep smiling to yourself?" Ryan asks. "Dude you're creeping me out stop smiling or tell us what's so funny" Joey said. Leaning into my face. I couldn't help smiling to myself I was excited, Honey was coming to my concert. And just imagining the look on her face when she opened the gifts and sees the dresses. I can't wait to see how she will look in the dress I picked out for them. "Mind your own business would yea guys." I pushed joeys face away. "Alright in place ladies and gentlemen. I need the light man in positions cameras aimed in position and dancers in costume.... we have less than three hours before this whole place fills up, and the show will begin." Robyn announced. "Someone please send this boy to hair and make up." She pushed me towards Debbie the make up artist. "Don't you worry Robyn we will take good care of him you just go and relax." Debbie said pulling me towards my changing room. Once I was all changed, I looked in the mirror my make up was done fare almost looked pale. My hair was spiked like a porky pine with more gel then usual and my clothes where all leather and spikes. And big fluffy black fur scarf. "What the fuck is this?" I retorted. "It's your outfit for the concert duh!" Debbie stated. "I know that much duh.." I mocked. "What am I a vampire? I'm not in to this twilight shit." I said. "Hey, I'm the artist you're the performer. if I think this is the look you will go with it got?" she snapped with attitude.

"Like hell I will." I started to undress. "Wow, wow kid what are you doing Robyn will kill us both." She said holding my hand trying to stop me. "What about Robyn? I dress my self. You want me out here looking like Dracula.. Yea right." I took off the long gothic leather jacket and tore the sleeved off the black shirt threw away the scarf, Slipped the black leather pants off throwing on a pair of black jeans. I took the chain off my waist and used it to hang my jeans. This was starting to come together and by the look on Debbie's face she approved. Once she redid my makeup I was set and good to go. I was Dark Scorpion not Marilyn Manson. I don't know what the hell Robyn was thinking. After a couple of hours of last-minute rehearsal, it was show time I could here the roaring crowed cheering my name. I was getting worked up and excited. And I bet Honey had already arrived. She must be amazed with all this, hope she makes her way to V.I.P easily.


Honey (P.O.V)

"I hate my life. It's all your fault Honey!" Demi snapped at me. "How is this my fault? You were the one waving the tickets around showing off." I defended. "Yes it is your fault why couldn't you have been like some karate fighter like those Best Friend we see in the movies." And now she was just sounding ridiculous. Must be overwhelmed with emotion of losing the tickets that she's losing her mind too.

"Just keep looking for those other tickets would you and stop blabbering none sense." I said flipping through her clothes in case she left if in a pocket. "It's not there, I left them right here and they are gone." she shouted pointing to her dresser. "Maybe you misplaced them lets check the rest of the house." I suggested. Demi searched the laundry room and I searched the kitchen. Demi's dad was sitting at the table drinking coffee, while reading a news paper. "It's gone I'm done and tired my life is over." Demi walked in sitting next to her dad as she pored herself a cup of water. "Don't say that we will find them it's not like they up and left on their own." I said sarcastically.

"Let me be a good father and pretended I care." Demi's dad said folding the news paper and turning his attention to us. "What's the matter?" He asked. I couldn't help and chuckle at his sarcasm. "Not funny dad.... I can't find tickets and I'm missing my one in a life time chance to see my idle perform today!" She looked like she was about to cry. "Why didn't you just go with your sister then?" He said, and that's when Demi and I looked at each other. "Where did she go? Who did she go with? Did you see tickets? Dad talk to me!" Demi jumped on her dad grabbing him by the shirt. "S-she went with Keith to the concert about some scorpion thing she mentioned." He explained, startled. "That bitch." Demi shouted as she started running up to her room, I chased after her. "Language Demi, language!" He shouted out.

Demi immediately called Amy and boy was she ever pissed. "Why isn't she answering ill kill her!" She screamed. "Calm down Demi she can't hear the phone it's a loud concert after all." I tried cooling her down. "Shut up would you!" She snapped. I've never seen Demi so psychotic, she really is a fan of Dark. "Ill just call Adam and get him to get us in no sweat." I assured. "Is he answering his phone?" She asked sarcastically. "No." I admitted. "Then What makes you think he can get us in then...if Amy who isn't answering due to the loud noise, what do you think the star of the show is doing?" she was being rude but hey I can't be mad I know how much she loved Dark Scorpion and she worded extra hard for those tickets Amy stole.

Also she was right he was performing, and we are missing it. There's no way he could answer his phone in the middle of a concert. This was not our lucky day. "We will just have to show up and make him see us" she suggested. I'll have to admit it was a pretty good idea if we some how make it inside then Adam or someone can let us in. sounds like a foolproof plan. We quickly changed into the incredible dresses, put on make up and we where out the doors. We drove down a couple of blocks anxiously and excitedly. "Can we stop here for a sec I need to grab something to drink I'm so thirsty." I suggested pointing to a gas station. "No, we can't we don't have time the concert has already started."

"Please ill only be a minute." I pleaded. I needed something to drink my throat was dry. "Fine make it quick." She said pulling In. There where a couple of guys standing in front of the station looked like a couple of thugs. "Hey cutie where are you going all dressed up." They said but I kept walking completely ignoring them. Last thing I need is this taking up my time. I grabbed a bottle of soda and walked out once I paid the clerk. One of the guys grabbed my wrist stopping me. " come on don't be like that we just want to have fun." He chuckled. This was getting bad these guys are scaring looking. Demi got out of the car to see what was going on. " oh, shit you're cute too." his friends began to whistle at Demi.

"Leave her alone we have to be somewhere, and we are late." Demi Said grabbing my other hand. "It's ok we won't take up too much of your time." He smirked squeezing my wrist tighter. I began to groan in pain. It hurts he was cutting of my blood circulation. "Let her go!" Demi shouted at him, but he pulled me so hard I stumbled into his arms. He smelled so bad like cigarettes, alcohol and other body odors. I wanted to gag. "Let her go right now before I call the cops." Demi threatened, and they didn't look very happy. "You do that bitch and your dead." He cursed. "Now, that's no way of talking to a lady." I sly voice said. " we all stopped and looked towards the gas pumps and there Kevin was fuelling up his extremely nice car. "Kevin!" I shouted out excitedly without even realizing it. "Who the fuck are you rich boy?" The thug retorted. "Il ask you kindly to release the lovely lady in your alms and you can be on your way.... or my Friend Frank here can call the authorities....what's that Frank?..." He trailed off looking at an older man next to him. "Oh, dear what to do?...Frank has already called the police this is no good.....and I wanted to negotiate with you gentlemen.....oh well can't be helped." He shrugged with a smirk. "Shit man lets go, you're on probation." One of his friends said and with that he tossed me aside and made a run for it. I quickly ran over to Demi hugging her. She looked scared and I loved how she defended me what a true friend.

"Are you alright dear?" Kevin said standing behind me startled me. I didn't even realize he was there. "Thank you so much Kevin." I hugged him showing my gratitude. I quickly realize I barely knew him, so I let go giving him an apologetic smile. "By the fabulous dresses I'm assuming you ladies where on your way towards the concert am I mistaken?" He said looking me up and down with his green eyes making me blush slightly. I've never seen Kevin wearing normal casual clothes, he always wore suits a dressed like some rich old man but today he wore a white t-shirt with a black leather jacket and jeans with sneakers. He looked so good in normal clothes his golden blonde hair dance in the wind and man was his smile ever breathtaking. I was totally checking him out and I think it's safe to say Demi was eye raping him with slight drool on the side of her mouth. Kevin (as hard as it is to admit) might be better looking than Adam. Demi was staring at him wide eyes and mouth slightly open.

"Well how about I drop you off." He smiled at me brining me back from my daze. I looked over at Demi and she was blushing too she wasn't even blinking. "Do you mind of I steal her away for a bit love?" He asked Demi as she couldn't even speak she was flushed red as a baboon's ass. "S-sure." She stuttered staring at him. "Great well see you there." He said and pulled my hand away towards his car, don't know much about cars but I'm certain this car wasn't from this world. It was a spots car red and shiny. He led me in and we drove off. The interior was all black leather and had the sweet smell of men's cologne. Kevin always smelled so nice. Don't get me wrong Adam smells amazing too, but I'm use to Adams smell. Where Kevin, I don't see much of him and when I do, his sent slaps my senses.

there was a car following behind. it was the old man Frank that he was with. he took a left turn at an intersection and was no longer visible. "Are you excited about the concert…seeing your beloved preform you must be." He asked. "Yea I guess you could say I want to see him every chance I get...I know I sound corny, but I miss him every time he's away." I said fiddling with my fingers nervously staring down. He went silent making me regret blurting that all out. I snick a small look at him he had this look on his face I couldn't explain. his attention was focused on the road and his eyes looked out of it and knitted eyebrows. He was fine a second ago what's with the sudden change of atmosphere? "Are you alright?" I asked but he didn't budge still staring at the road ahead. "Kevin?" I called. Still nothing "hey Kevin!" I raised my voice this time catching his attention. He seamed almost startled as he looked at me and within that second he was back to himself. He gave me a warm smile and he was completely different form what I saw just now. "Sorry love, did you say something?" He asked. "No just wanted to know where we are going the concert was that way?" I pointed down the street he was supposed to turn into. "Don't worry I'm taking a short cut."

I had an uneasy feeling bout this. There was no short cute in this direction. I was born and raised in Morning-Ale Valley I know this whole town like the back of my hand. I was growing nervous Kevin is a nice guy, but something is off about him. He's very mysterious. I searched around for my phone and couldn't fined it. Don't tell me I dropped it back at the gas station. "Something the matter?" He asked when he noticed me looking around. "My phone I can't find it." I explained. "Oh, dear you must have dropped it back there." He said with a smirk. "Can we go back please I really need my phone."

"You don't need it for where we are going." He said back to that scaring expression again. That's when I noticed my phone peeking out of his pocket. I didn't bother asking what he meant by it, I was too bothered why he had my phone and denied seeing it. Now I was extremely scared, and I can't even call anyone. "I really need to get to the concert before it's over." I murmured. "Forget the concert that idiot doesn't even know how to preform." His rude sudden input shocked me. This wasn't Kevin he was dark and had a negative vibe coming from him. "Kevin what-" "shut up and sit quietly." He lashed out at me. Another shocker this can't be real.

I kept quite Afraid to anger him even more. Now I was terrified I had goosebumps all over my body. "I want to go home can you take me please." I pleaded. "We are here." He said stopping the car and looked at me with a scaring smile that looked like an insane person. He got out of the car and I noticed my cell phone drop out of his pocket and on to his seat. I slowly grabbed it stuffed it in my bra. He walked towards a garage of an old abandoned building. I slowly opened the car door and made a run for it While his back was turned. I don't know where I'm running to but if someone can see me then ill he fine. It was hard running with this dress and shoes, so I kicked the shoes off making a sound and Kevin turned around. "Shit, shit, shit." I blurted out and picked up speed and was now running for my life the dress was so tight it was restricting me from taking large steps. to my surprised Kevin caught me within a second. I kicked and screamed hoping someone would hear me. That's when he put some cloth over my mouth the sent was toxic. my vision was going in and out of darkness. "" Escaped my lips faintly. Before I was out cold.