Chapter 36

Honey's (P.O.V)

I couldn't sleep how does he expect me to sleep in this condition. I'm kidnapped and tied to a chair. My back was getting sore from sitting in an awkward position. And I couldn't feel my legs. I need to get out of this quickly. But how? "Kevin?" I called out, but he didn't answer. "Kevin!" I shouted. "Would you keep it down I'm trying to sleep." He said. "I knew I should have covered your mouth up." I heard foot steps walking towards me. "What is it?" He aske. his voice was to my ear I could feel his breath.

"I need to pee." I said shyly. It was a perfect excuse to make a run for it once he let me go. "How stupid do you think I am, I let you go, you crawl through the window an run away?" He laughed out loud. "Don't make me laugh sweetheart but if you really need to go then feel free to do so right where you are."

"But I'm tied up, how do you expect me to go like this?" I asked. "If you really need to go then Honey just pee. Don't be shy I won't look." He said with a chuckle. Was he nuts I can't Pee while I still have my underwear on. I'd rather die. "Please let me go I can't Hold it. I'm begging you. I promise I won't run away or try to escape." I pleaded. But he went silent. I wish I wasn't blind folded, so I could see what he was doing.

"Well well well. Looks like your precious lover is on his way to your rescue." He said with a sly amused tone. My heart pounded as my Stomach turned. I was afraid Adam would get hurt. He's a boy after all, a fourteen-year-old boy. But most of all I was a little relived. I was happy he was coming to save me.

"How do you know he's coming?" I asked "He's calling my phone as we speak. I wonder what he could possibly want." He said laughing hysterically. Now I was curtain he lost his mind. "Enough of this let me go right now Kevin!" I shouted I didn't care any more. Clearly there was no point reasoning with him. I screamed and screamed hoping someone would hear me. "Ah so loud shut up." He said wrapping has hand over my mouth. He sounded pissed off. "Scream one more time and I can't be responsible for my action." He threatens. I called out his bluff and bit his hand as hard as I could. I even tasted blood. Once he released his hand and shouted in pain. I started screaming again. That's when he grabbed my hair by a hand full and slammed my head against the brick wall. I was out cold. For him to kidnap me and tie me up was one thing but to hit me was another. I guess this is how my life would end, not even saying goodbye to my mother or Demi, or…Adam.

I tossed and turned on the softest bed ever as the silk bed sheets rubbed against my bare skin. It felt so good. This is the best dream ever It felt so real. I opened my eyes and saw I was in a completely different world. I was in a huge room a king-sized bed with Eastern wood bed framing, a huge bathroom and large walk in closet, a balcony the size of my entire room, silk white drape curtains.. And many expensive looking items. Where was I?

I quickly jumped out of the amazingly comfortable bed I looked at my wristed they were wrapped in band aids. The pained on my head reminded me I was injured. I ran my hand through my hair and felt a bump and stiches in the back of my head. I pulled my hand away when it started to sting. Who saved me and where was I? I made my way to the bathroom that's when I noticed a mirror as I saw my own reflection I was wearing a spaghetti strapped silk blue pajama dress That was at my thighs. It was beautiful giving me a nice figure. I admired it for a minutes before realizing I was in unfamiliar ground. I heard a knock at the door I didn't know if I should answer. that's when A lady peaked through the door wearing a black grandma dress and a white apron. She was a much older lady with a sweet voice as she said. "I see you have awoken." She walked in with a tray of food. "Are you hungry dear?" She asked. I'm starving. But I don't know if I should eat it. "Where am I?" I asked her. "Never mind that you must get back in bed I had direct ordered from young master to take care of you." She said pulling my arm towards the bed pushing me on.

"Who's young master?" I asked. "Here eat then ask as much questions. She took a spoon full of oatmeal and stuffed it in my mouth. I was too hungry to complain so I ate the oatmeal drank the tall glass of cold orange juice that tasted so good like it was freshly squeezed. "Now take this?" She handed me a small shot cup with two tablets in it. Ok now she's really trying to kill me" I'm not taking any drugs unless you tell me where I am." I demanded. She sighed and tapped her foot in frustration. "You are a stubborn one. A lot like young master. " She fussed. "You are in the Scorpions residence. And I have been giving direct orders from master Dark to take care of you.... now I can do that whether you're dead or alive...dead would be less trouble." She said as she cleaned the tray of oatmeal off the bed. "Dark. This isn't Darks house is it?" I asked her. I was so confused how was Adam living in this house and the other one too? I mean this one looks lavished and well suited for a celebrity. "Because he brought you here from the hospital Last night do you not remember?" She looked at me with skeptical eyes. That's when I remember it all it was late last night when I was tied to a chair and Kevin Held me hostage. I don't remember much after he knocked me out. I'm trying to figure out how Adam got me out.

Knock knock...may we enter?" A playful families voice said. I looked over and saw Adams friends Ryan and Joey walking in. "Hi." I smiled at them shyly trying to cover up my revealing body. "We heard what are you feeling?" Ryan Asked as he sat on the side of the bed beside me. "I'm feeling fine thank you." I responded. "Are You sure you don't need me to make you feel better.?" Joey said winking at me as he sat on the other safe of me placing an arm around my shoulders. "That's enough boys leave her, she needs to rest." The old woman said as she pulled Ryan and Joey by the ear "ah ok ok we are leaving." Ryan cried "Martha please let go..." Joey cried as well. I couldn't help but laugh they where too funny. "What's all this commotion?" a deep voice said from the door. "Dark make her let go." Joey pointed to his wear Martha had the death grip. Adam

shook his head and walked over to the bed he healed a bag in his hand. He was dressed as Dark Scorpion. Martha dragged them out kicking and screaming. "How are you feeling?" He asked. He looked so concerned about me. he placed a hand over my forehead. " your fever has gone down that's good."

He dug into the bag and pulled out soup that smelled so delicious. Here eat this." He said handing me the soup. I was full of the oatmeal I already ate. "Thank you." I said. Placing the soup on the night stand near the bed. "I'm sorry about all this… But I'm glad you're ok." He said barely hearing him. His smile was so genuine and adorable. "You've had a long night now get some sleep." He said patting my head as he walked out. I felt disappointed. I wanted to talk and ask So any questions. Like how did I get out? Was he hurt at all? When did you buy this mansion? But I guess I can try to get some shut eye. Again, I tossed and Turned not able to sleep I mean come on I just woke up. I slowly crept out of bed and made my way to the door. I bet My mom and Demi are worried sick and Kevin destroyed my phone so how would they get a hold of me. I opened the door and peaked out. It was like I was in a huge mansion as I looked down the never-ending hall. I walked down the hall and when I reached the end I saw a door slightly opened I put my face to the crack and peaked through. That's when I noticed a beautiful room similar to the one I was in just bigger and a lot fancier. Adam walked past the door making me jump I don't think he noticed me. So, this was his room. I watched him unbutton his shirt and take it off. My heart began to race his body was incredible. You don't notice those muscles under his clothes. I mean Adam is cute and all, but I never expected him to be this hot. His abs where aligned perfectly. Oh god im such a pervert. He began to unbuckle his pants when I heard a voice next to my ear.

"You're a Pervert aren't you?" Joey said startling me so munch I jumped forwards into Adams room pushing the door wide open as I landed flat on the ground. I even startled Adam I saw him jump in surprise He came rushing over to me oh god don't come near me if you're half naked like that. I thought to myself. "are you ok?" He asked helping me up. This is so embarrassing. Joey you jerk. I looked at him who was completely in tears of laughter holding his stomach, "im fine." I pulled back from him. "what are you doing out of bed?" He asked looking at me. "She-she was peeping on you." Joey said through laughter. When I Locked eyes with Adam I looked down in embarrassment. I bet he thinks I'm perverted. God kill me now this is humiliating. "There you are...I've looked in your room and you where gone come with me young lady." Martha said pulling me away as Adam still stares at me. She led me back to the room and pushed me to bed. I could die from embarrassment. I laid in bed staring at the ceiling. Thinking of Adams hot body. But every time I think of Joey and the embarrassing situation. I feel humiliated. I buried my head under the blanket screaming. I hate Joey already. "Hey, you up?" I sat up immediately when I heard Adams voice. He walked over and sat next to me wrapping an arm around me and held me tight. "Adam can we talk?" I asked "Not now let me just hold you. While I still can." He whispered. What did he mean by that? I so badly wanted to question it, but I enjoyed how close we are. I leaned over, and I places a kiss on his lips. "If you wanted to see me naked you should have just asked." he chucked. "Shut up." I said pushing him away. "I didn't want to see you naked your friend is a liar." I defended.

"I would love to see you naked though." He said suddenly growing serious. I felt his hand going up my dress. My body was shaking and couldn't think straight. His hands moved caressing my Breast. God it felt good. He started kissing me heavily tongue rubbing against mine. I loved his touch.

He got on top of me as I parted my legs giving him access. He pined against me his body to mine. It felt so natural being with him that I'm willing to give him my body. I love Adam more then anything. "I love you Adam." I said to him. "I know." He whispered back continuing to kiss me all over my neck. There was a knock at the door. Adam sighed in frustration. "We're busy." He called out.

Martha walked in "not on my watch son, now get off her and let her rest." She scolded. Adam Sat up in announce and I quickly covered my self with the blanket. He got up making his way to the door.

"Besides you're way too young to be doing what I think you're doing." She eyed Adam down. "I wasn't going to do anything." he mumbled. He stopped suddenly digging in his pocket. He tossed me something before walking out. I looked in my hands and it was his cell phone. After Martha had given me some Medicine or my headache she left me to rest I gave my mom a call it's odd how I'm more worried about her hoping she's ok and didn't completely lose her kind. Once I spoke to her and was curtain she was fine I gave Demi a call. I had to prepare my self for an ear full. Thankfully she didn't answer I didn't have the energy to deal with her right. I love that girl to bits and couldn't ask for a better Friend but she was a ball of energy. I looked at Adams phone in my hand tempted to go through it and snoop around. But it was such a great day why ruin it with my jealous? I rested my head and fell asleep quickly thanks to the medication Martha gave me.