Chapter 37

Honey's (P.O.V)

Waking up from that bed was like I slept in a pile of feathers. My tense muscles where relaxed and I felt amazing. It was late evening when I woke up considering I slept early afternoon. First thing I did was look at Adams phone Demi had sent me a few text messages. And so, I decided to return it with a call. "You stupid bitch!" She answered with a shout as She continued to shout. "Do you have any idea how I felt this entire time. I was worried beyond the grave. I thought you died. How could I live without my best friend? I haven't slept a wink hoping you would call. Then I see this unknown caller." She cried

"I know Demi I'm so sorry, but I've been through hell and back. I don't even know where to start." I also began to break in to tears. "Are you okay? tell me where you are!" She asks sounding like my mother.

"I'm fine and I'm with Adam so don't worry I'll be home tomorrow." I explained. I could hear a breath of relief escape her. After we had a long heart filled conversation we said our goodbyes. I stood up walking toward the large window, parting the beautiful curtains. What I saw stunned me. The view was so beautiful. I just had to grab Adams phone and take a picture the view was too beautiful to miss. There where Trees as if we where in the woods and a gorgeous lake just out side the window. The moon light reflected off the lake and it twinkled like a million diamonds dancing on the water. It was certainly breath taking That's when I noticed someone sitting on the deck near the water. It was a dark figure, so I couldn't tell who it could be. I tossed on a pair of slippers at my bed and headed out. I made my way down the winding stairs of the lavished house and walked out the front door. When I got out side a gush of wind hit me sending chills down my spine. I guess fall was approaching when the leaves begin to change, and the chilly weather wasn't helping me since I was wearing a silk thin dress.

I walked towards the lake and saw Adam sitting on the edge of the deck with his feet just above the water. I walked on the wooden deck closer and closer to him. The wood creaked at my step causing him to turn around. When he looked at me I felt chills, not because of the cold but because of his sight. The reflection of the water hitting the side of his face was another sight to see. His eyes twinkles just like the water the way the wind blew his hair around. Felt a tug on my heart stings but when he smiled I was in a different world. It was just like a scene out of a movie where the setting is right, and the male lead is dreamy. He extended his hand out to me "Come here." He said gently. I walked towards him and sat next to him dangling my feet off the deck. "How are you feeling?" He asked placing a hand over mine. His hand was cold his skin was ice cold. Had me wondering how long he sat out here deep in thought. "I'm good." I answered.

"I'm glad." He mumbled to himself. The wind blew against my skin and so I rubbed my arms for worms. Suddenly he unzipped his sweater and wrapped it over my shoulders. I was touched he did that. "No Adam you'll get sick." I said trying to take off the sweater, but he pushed my hands away firmly. "I don't want you catching a cold." He said. It's like the more time I spend with him he proves to me how mature he could be. We both fell into silence and stared out at the lake. I've never been out in a peaceful place like this I'm use to the busy city. "Adam..." I said without even thinking. "Hm?" He said looking at me with his blue eye. Even though it's dark out his eyes still dazzled. "What happened to Kevin?" I asked. His face expression changed within a second. He turned away from me and looked back out at the lake. "Why does he hate you I thought you guys where friends?" I asked. Adam didn't respond he looked bothered by the topic but that's not going to stop me from finding answers.

I was the one who was kidnaped so I have every right to know. "How did you fine me?" Still no respond.

"Adam please talk to me." I said finally catching his attention. His eyes filled up with tears. As he squeezed my hand tight.

"I-I've done him wrong in the past." He stuttered. "I found you at the ware house because that's where he told me to come.... I remember it all.. what started Kevin's hate towards me." He spoke with shaken words these emotions I've seen before in my fathers' eyes once. Emotions of remorse, Guilt. I didn't ask more questions because by the look of it, Adam was ready to tell me everything. "I've hurt him very badly and I can't take it back I've tried to move on and pretend it never happened but…. then this happened." He bit his lower lip. "...I... asked Kevin for forgiveness he refused but I told him you were innocent just like she was and so he let you go. He said that's all he ever wanted was an apology for what I have done." I saw a tear escape his eye. "It's my fault Kevin's sister is dead. I'm to blame." He hung his head in despair. this must be so hard for him to speak of. "Not too long-ago Kevin's sister and I use to be friends. We met during an audition for a commercial we both wanted. and became friends. She was also an upcoming artist. But it all Changed as she grew more and more obsessed with me. I was young and stupid, so I didn't think much of it...I used her when I didn't have anyone because I knew she was crazy about Dark and didn't know Adam, I took advantage of her then denied her in front of my peers.....I rose to fame and started seeing other woman. And she dug into darkness and even started harming herself. ...I knew she was in love with me, but it was starting to affect my growing career she started sabotaging every job I did. so.... I....I told her to never appear before me again.... that's when she was found in her bedroom in a puddle of her own blood. She finally cut deep in to a vein killing herself...I was a cowered I didn't even care...didn't even call Kevin or apologized for anything. I just lived happily...not caring It was me who ruined a young girl's life. How can I even be with you if this is the person I am?" He finally faced me now completely in tears. He was so fragile and more sensitive then I imagine but the story I'm hearing doesn't sound like Adam or even sound like something anyone would do. That's such a horrible thing how could Adam do that. But he really Looks genuinely hurt and regretful. When you're young you tend to do stupid things you're not proud of. I guess Adams was also a victim of young and ignorant.

"That's the person you were. That doesn't mean you're the same person. People change Adam don't beat yourself up for it." I tried calming him down. "Then why wasn't I able to face Kevin like a man and own up to my mistakes. He lost his only sister, just like I lost my mother and to be insensitive towards him is in human I don't desert to love or be loved." I hugged him tight it was like dejavu. "I will love you no matter what. Who you are or what you become I will always love you." I said, and boy did he ever cry. All the stress and anger he was feeling he let it all out. He squeezed me tight holding me ever so close. I never knew a fourteen-year-old could have so much stress and have gone through so much. After he finally calmed down We sat under the moonlight for hours talking about almost everything. We shared some tears some arguments and some laughs. That's when we where interrupted.

"Young master I made some hot chocolate and snacks please come inside." Martha said ever so kindly.

"Thank you Martha we will head in shortly." Adam said wrapping an arm around me as he rested his forehead against mine. Then Suddenly there was a bug flying around his neck area. "Don't move." I whispered to him. "Why what is it?" He asked. "I think there's a bee on you." I answered.

"A bee? In this weather and this late? Is it on drugs or something?...get it off I'm allergic to bees." He said sounding frightened. This was too funny. Let me have fun with it. The bee started to crawl up his neck. "Adam its on your neck it's going to sting you." I shouted and that's when Adam stood up jumping around tossing off his shirt like a mad man. I couldn't stop laughing at him. Then suddenly he lost his footing and fell into the lake.

"Oh my god Adam!" I shouted. He pulled him self out the freezing water. His skin was pale as if lost all color from his body. I placed a hand on his back and it was ice cold. I quickly wrapped my arms around him giving him a back hug. To give him warmth. That's when I noticed a red bump on his neck that looked swollen. The bee must have stung him. "I-I can't breathe." Adam said as his breathing got heavier. I quickly turner him around and his face was red his eyes was red as well and his lips started to swell up. He started to hyperventilate then I started to panic. "Water." He said through deep breathes. I quickly ran to the house I ran around the kitchen area like a chicken without a head. "Water, water, water." I repeated to myself. this house was too fancy for me I couldn't work the faucet. I just grabbed a cup filled it up with milk and ran out. I reached Adam who was laying on the deck My heart jumped thinking he died. When I reached him, he was breathing heavy as he did before. I sat him up and pored the milk in his mouth. He stopped drinking, looked at the glass of milk and slapped It out of my hand and started spitting the milk out and coughing. "Milk?!" He shouted. "yes milk yes!" I shouted back in panic. "I'm lactose intolerant you idiot." He started coughing even more. How the hell was I supposed to know he's lactose he's never told me this I could if sworn I saw him eat some dairy product. "I'm going to die." He said rolling to his side. Great can you imagine killing your boyfriend and the world will know me as the one who killed their beloved Dark Scorpion. They would eat me alive in jail knowing I killed a star. I took him inside and thank the heavens and the earths Martha knew what to do. She gave him his EpiPen and the swelling went down. And within minutes he was back to the same annoying obnoxious Adam. "This idiot gave me milk." He said to Martha and Martha started laughing

"Maybe it would be best if she did then I wouldn't have to deal with you anymore." Martha chuckled. "That's some hurtful words Martha." Adam spoke, and his reaction made me laugh. "oh, so over reacting you just get diarrhea you wont die." Martha said. I liked this lady she was like his mother and took care of him. "Don't you think it's about time the young lady went home im sure her family is worried dearly." Martha said, "I don't want to let her go just yet." Adams expression changed from a Smile to a frown. "make sure she gets home tomorrow then." Martha said. He nodded in agreeance. "I'll take her home first thing tomorrow." Adam said as he took my hand and lead me up the stairs. He led me to his room where he was in and we laid on the bed in silence. Sometimes you don't need to say anything but just being in each others presence was enough.