Chapter 38

Honey's (P.O.V)

My happily ever after was finally becoming a reality. He may not be a prince and far from charming, but he was perfect.. "How do you feel about me leaving?" He suddenly said shattering my picture-perfect image. I pulled away from him. "What do you mean leaving?" I asked. "I've just been doing a lot of thinking. And I....uh....I've been asked to do a world tour." He said pausing. Looking at me waiting for my reaction but to be honest I didn't know how to react. what was he trying to tell me? Don't tours usually take like a long time but world tour who knows how long that will take. I had no idea since I'm an ordinary teenage girl. "World tour? What does that even mean? I won't ever see you again.?" I stood up with shaken words.

"No Honey it's not like that, I will see you again. .... but...just after three or four years." He said holding my hand. I was so furious I couldn't even utter another word. I marched away, ran up to the room I was staying in and slammed the door. I tossed on the bed. I couldn't tell if I was happy, sad or angry at him. I should be happy for him a world tour is a big deal and a huge career move. But what about me three or four years without the one I love. I can't do it, and what scares me most is he'll meet lots of pretty girls' important people and forget all about me. I laid in bed for a while just thinking about this whole thing. Why did he wait so long to tell me? "Honey." I heard Adam say as he peaked his head through the door.

"You sleeping?" He pounded his lip acting like a baby. He can joke all he wants but I'm serious about his, he can't joke his way of it. "My room is dark and scary can I sleep with you pwease." He said I tried to hold in my laugher. He really knows how to make me laugh. I turned away putting the blanket over my head. "There's monster in my closet can I cuddle with you pwease." Then I couldn't help but burst to laughter. "Go away Adam I'm mad at you." I said trying to sound more serious. "I know but can we talk about it?" He asked. "If we talk about it is it going to make you stay?" I asked. And I see a look in his eyes. He was just as hurt as I was. This entire time I'm being selfish I never think about Adam or his feelings. I guess its time for me to be the mature one and think if his feelings for once since he's always thinking about me.

"When are you leaving?" I asked him with a gentle smile. He looked into my eyes and began to smile. "Next week." He answered and then my smile disappeared. "Next week? Are you fucking kidding me That's so soon." I shouted. I'm not one to swear a lot but he was really pushing me. "You just asked me as if you were happy for me what the hell." He shouted back. "That's before I knew it was so soon." I crossed my arms is anger. "What If you forget me." I whispered to my self. "Honey how could I ever for get you." He wrapped his arms around me holding me tight. "I will never forget you no matter what." He cupped my cheeks in his hands and started to kiss me. We got into an intense make out session. Hot and heavy. He laid me down pressing his body against mine. He removed my dress slipping it off. I was now Bare naked, and Adam stared at my chest. I quickly tried covering them with my arms, but he grasped my hands pinning them to the side of my head. He started kissing my chest. I couldn't help but moan in pleasure. I was covered in goosebumps and shivered all over. As soon as he released my hands I quickly wrapped them around his broad back embracing him. He sat up and started to take off his shirt. My heart was racing as my eyes landed on his chest and how manly he looked. Today was the day I give my self to Adam completely. He would be my first everything and I was more than happy No regrets. Morning came I opened my eyes and I thought it was all a dream. But the pain from down below told me otherwise. I turned over and I was facing Adams back. My stomach sank. Knowing what had happened last night. I tried to slowly get out of bed without waking him I stood up and noticed I was butt named. I grabbed the bed sheet quickly wrapping my self not noticing I complete tore it away from Adam giving him a rude awakening. He turned over and looked at me. My eyes landed on the white bed sheets that where tainted with blood. My jaw dropped, and Adam looked at me in confusion. Then His eyes followed my eyes and looked down. A smirk formed on his face. "I knew it was your first time." He laughed as he got up. What did he mean by that? Was I that bad? I know I said no regrets, Well I was totally regretting this now. he walked past me naked for some reason I looked away. Making me feel slightly embarrassed. I knew I was blushing due to my burning face. He pulled up his boxers. And walked over towards me looking me in the eyes. I didn't know what to say so I just turned my face away gripping the sheets tightly. "how are you feeling?" He whispered in my ear. I started to shiver just the very thought of everything that happened last night. I slight stepped back creating a distance in between us. Could you blame me I just lost my virginity? He looked taken back but started to Smile. "You're cute when you're scared." he said walking past me. But you looked cuter when you screamed in my ear." He continued to the washroom. I was now embarrassed beyond belief. Regret was the only thing I was thinking of right now. I gave Adam a free access to tease me. Now I can't even defend myself.

"Get washed up we are going home" he called out from the washroom.

The ride home was awkward he was fine, but I was making it awkward. Adam didn't say a word he was on his phone messaging people. And I didn't have the courage to say anything. I stared out the window and got lost in thought All that replayed in my head was the intimate night with Adam. Then I started to think about Kevin and how sorry I felt for him. I was no longer mad at him but felt guilty I loved the man that let his sister die. "Hey" Adam said startling me. I looked Over and he was inches away from my face. I jerked back, and my eyes landed on his luscious lips. Reminding me of his incredible kisses. I was blushing, and I saw his lips part to a smile. "What are you thinking of pervert." He said knocking on my head. "N-nothing and don't call me pervert you're the one that made the moves...pervert" I pouted my lips as I shifted away from him. He laughed as he turned away and back to his phone texting away. "When we arrived at my house it seemed my mother was cleaning out the garage. I was shocked and happy to see her back to normal and not that drunk emotional mess she was not too long ago. "I got to get going babe I'll call you later." Adam said giving me a hug followed with a kiss. I watched him drive off with his driver as soon as I turned around my mother was right in my face. With a smile and a raised eye brow. I was startled at how fast she got behind me. "I always knew something was going on between you two." She laughed as she pulled me into the house. "Come you're just in time I made dinner." She Said I couldn't say anything I was shocked out of words. Should I question it or leave alone? I asked my self.

My mother and I had our laughs and a long talk about how she got better. Something about finding god and peace. Blah blah. After dinner I called up Demi, so we could hang out she didn't answer my call but returned it with a text. "Hey girl sorry can't answered I'm at Chads house for dinner. Let me jut say awkward!! I'll call you later with details." I bet she was meeting his parents, so she must feel awkward. I laid in my bed and started listening to music. Kayse Kay. As much as Adam and her didn't get along I still adore her music. That's when I got a call interrupting me. It was Adam. "Hey, can you meet me in front of your school tomorrow?" He asked. Why suddenly? I had no idea. "Sure, but why?" I questioned. "I just want to tell you something." He said.

"Adam you little punk, rascal, trouble making, little bastard your dead meat." I heard a voice shout from the background. It sounded like Robyn. "Give me a break old lady." Adam retorted. "I got to go don't forget tomorrow after school." He said before hanging up. I laughed wondering what he did to get her mad. I laid down continued to listen to music I was curious what he wanted to tell me. But I didn't put too much thought into it. A few hours later Another call came in Demi this time. "Hey bitch, guess what?" She said sounding excited. "What?" I asked. "IM GETTING MARRIED." She screamed nearly blowing my ear drums out. "Are you serious shut up, you're too young!" I shouted. "I know I can't believe it." She screamed. "But how...did he propose?" I gasped. "Yes and no, kind of, sort of, I guess." She said. "Well it's a promise ring. And after we graduate, and he finishes collage football so about 4 or 5 years we are getting married Honey can you believe it." She sounded so happy but why did I feel a curtain way. I should be happy for her, but I can't help being jealous. She was marrying the man she loves and mine is leaving me. I started crying in tears that felt like lava drops it was so painful my heart ached. "Honey you ok?" She asked hearing me gasp for air. "I-m fine I'll talk to you tomorrow at school." I cried before hanging up. I was emotional and didn't want to show Demi that I was about to have a nervous break down over Adam. Morning came quick I was so tired I stayed up all night thinking and over stressing. I didn't want to get up and go to school but my mother wouldn't let me stay in bed. I got up, dressed and out the door. I met up with Demi at the bus stop as usual and Engaged in conversation. "So, tell me everything why you where crying last night and how was your romantic get away with Adam." She asked with a nudge. "Demi I don't know where to start." I said. "Ok fine start off with your get away." She was more curious about a romantic story then she was with my hurt feelings.

But once I started thinking about the night with Adam I started blushing. "oh my god, you're blushing tell me tell me!" She automatically knew something was up. "Did you guys do it?" She asked her nose nearly touching mine. "We uh.... I uh..." I trailed off in embarrassment. I was smiling and blushing intensely. "I can't believe it oh my god." She screamed causing a scene as everyone stared at us. " I filled her in on every single detail and boy was she ever loud about it. "I can't believe you lost your v-card before me. I'm so jealous...did it hurt was it good?" She said in excitement. And started questioning me. I now I was regretting telling her. we started walking and she filled me in on how great the concert was and how Adam kept checking his phone on stage. She even showed me some recorded videos on her phone. I was touched.