Chapter 39

Honey's (P.O.V)

We arrived at school and I went straight to my locker. Grabbed my book and headed to class. Class was boring, and I couldn't keep my eyes open. I didn't sleep a wink last night and my eyes where getting heavy. Thank god class was over and it was break time. I headed out side to get some fresh air hopping the chilly weather would wake me up. I would ask Demi to keep me company, but I didn't want to take her way from Chad she spend ninety percent of her time with him.

One I got out side I noticed someone standing at the front gate staring at the school. It couldn't be Adam he told me to meet him after school. I walked closer and closer before I notice it was Kevin. My heart was racing, and I was beginning to sweat cold chills. but I couldn't stop walking towards him. I was trying to get my feet to stop but it was impossible. Once I reached the gates my feet stopes three feet in front of him he looked at me with cold eyes. I was getting ready to pass out before he spoke. "What do want?" He asked with harsh tone. "W-what are you doing here?" I asked. His eyes averted from me and on to the school. "I came to say goodbye to my sister." He said now with a soft tone. His eyes even held kindness. "Its time for me to let her go so she can rest in peace." He looked at me with a smile shocking me. Before I could say a word he walked away "Kevin wait!" I shouted and ran after him. he turned around and looked at me. "I'm sorry." I said to him. "what are you apologizing for? you were the victim." He raised an eye brow. "I'm sorry so not know anything I'm sorry for what happened to you sister I know you don't want to hear this but I'm sorry on his behalf- "he stooped me by placing a finger over my lips. "he already apologized so you don't have to do that." He smirked at me. "I know but I still want to say it." I said. "Forgive me Honey, I have dragged you into my vendetta. Your innocence has guided me to a Better path." His eyes held remorse. "thank you for reminding me of that feeling I lost. Dark is truly lucky to have you by his side…. goodbye love." He said as he got in his car and drove off. He must be a strong man to forgive and let go of such hatred. Kevin truly is a good person.

School was over, and I was exited to see Adam. When he's not around I miss him. Demi left early and went somewhere with chad. I ran out the door and stood at the front gate as everyone left the school and on their way home. There was no sign of Adam anywhere. I looked round and nothing. I waited for over twenty minutes and started to grow agitated. I called his called and it went straight to voice Mail. I figured maybe he's busy, so I waited twenty more minutes before growing inpatient. I made my way down the street towards the bus station pissed off at him for ditching me. Many thoughts ran through such as he doesn't want to see me after last night. Or maybe he's seeing someone else and he bored with me. "Honey!" Great now I can hear his stupid voice that jerk. "Honey wait up."

I heard again. Now my mind is playing tricks on me. I'm so going to give him a piece of my mind.

"Would you wait already Dumbo!" I heard before tuning around insulted. That's when I saw Adam jogging up to me. "What do you want?" I said walking again.

"I'm sorry I'm late Robyn had me signing a few autographs at the studio." He explained. I guess I keep forgetting he's a celebrity and not a regular teenage boy. He's forgiven just this once.

"Come with me I need to talk to you in private." He said leading me down an ally that I never seen before. We sat on a bench in a trail. And he looked into my eyes all serious making me nervous.

"I don't know how to say this...but...I'm leaving tomorrow." He said staring at me waiting for my response. But I didn't know how to react. "Ok." I said without realizing the hurt in my tone. "Honey there's nothing I can do I tried talking to Robyn, but she won't have it so tomorrow we fly out-" he stopped once he saw the tears rolling down my cheeks. I quickly whipped them away but couldn't stop crying. That's when he wrapped his arms around me giving me a hug. "I'm sorry...but it's only a few years." He said sounding emotional. "It's ok Adam...I understand...But I'll miss you. "I Said through my cry. "I'll miss you more." After a long talk he wanted to take me out to go eat. I wasn't feeling hungry, but I didn't want to waste what ever little time we had left together, So I agreed. We arrived at his studio because he said he had dinner plans there for us It was. Weird considering it's a studio and not a restaurant. But I felt touched he had a romantic private dinner for us there. I can image it already. Candle lights, dimmed lights, a quiet room with a small table and white table cloth. I was now excited.

Once we arrived and sat in his car. "we are here." His driver announced. there were paparazzi all around the building. Adam didn't look fazed at all, but I was panicking because he was Adam and not Dark Scorpion. That's when Adam put on a black hoodie a pair of sun glasses and led me out of the car. The camera men rushed to us snapping pictures almost blinding me. Adam was so cute the way he protected me holding my hand tight and pushing his way through the crowd. Two very large men wearing black suits showed up. Looking like some CIA agents. They made their way to us by pushing the paparazzi away. These must be his body guards. "We love you Dark." A crowd of fans screamed that I didn't even notice. They screamed a few words at me, but I couldn't hear through everyone's shouting. Adam was really popular.

We walked up the stairs and into a room. "Ready?" He said holding my hand. He turned the knob and what I saw shocked me. "No candle light, no dinner table, no dimmed lights, and no food. All I saw was a whole lot of people, huge cameras lights and Macy herself standing beside Robyn. "Dark darling you made it and the girlfriend too." Macy came towards use. "She's all yours let me go get ready." He Said before leaving me dumfounded. I was lost. Confused and didn't have the slightest clue what was going on. "Come with me dear we have work to be done." Robyn said taking my hand and leading me towards a couple of ladies. "These are our makeup Artist and stylist so you're in good hands." Robyn said before handing me over to them. They where beautiful woman with a great sense of style. They took me into the changing room began to strip me down. I was so nervous. "What's going on?" I asked. "You don't know?" One said. "Your doing the Macy photo shoot for the high school cover edition. many girls across the country entered to be on the cover but no surprise Darks girlfriend would pose with him." The other said. My stomach started to turn. "W-what c-c-cover of w-what?" I stuttered causing them to giggle.

Once they had me dolled up they faced me towards a mirror. I was utterly stunned at my reflection.

I looked like a different person. My hair was longer then usual with the extension they put In. the hair was down to my hips in length and so full. My make up was incredible and the high school uniform was so cute. A white denim shirt with a short skirt. I loved it. I looked so good like I could be a celebrity. The power of make up. "wow you are way prettier than his ex Rose with just a little clean up you definitely look A+." one said to me making my tummy turn. I looked better than rose? "Well done sister." "Not to bad your self." They complimented each other They dragged me out of the room and I saw Adam standing in front of Robyn while he put on a tie. He was also wearing a uniform similar to mine. Black cargo pants with a white denim short. He looked so handsome I couldn't help staring at him. Once he laid eyes on me his eyes went wide. Making me uncomfortable. "Oh, my goodness I was right to have chosen her. She's absolutely stunning." Macy said rushing towards me. Adam still glared at me with a shocked look. "Doesn't she look great everyone." Macy announced. Everyone started to clap and cheer for me. Adam walked towards me still staring. "You look incredible." He finally said. I was about to pass out this was all too much. "Alright in position we need to get this done in less then an hour." Robyn shouted. "Act naturally don't be nervous and look beautiful." Adam said as he sat me in a chair a golden throne like chair. A couple of men started aiming large lights on me and even had a huge background picture of some library. "Adam I can't do this." I whispered but he didn't hear me. He stood beside me placing a hand on my shoulder and smiled at me. Once I saw his gentle smile all worry left my body. I was so natural with the camera we shot many pictures and many poses. Even with one where Adam lifted me up and kissed me.

"Alright that's a wrap." The camera man shouted. "Great job kid you're a natural." He said to me before walking way. "You did great babe you even out shined me." Adam said rubbing my head. "I absolutely love you please we must work together again." Macy complimented before leaving. Robyn walked by me with a pleased nod. I had the feeling she never liked me but was slowly coming around. "Come on lets take you home before your mom worries. "Adam said as he held his hand out to me. "Wait I have to change." I said. "Rules of the industry, any out fit you wear, it's yours." Adam said

I get to keep these? How cool is that sometimes I wish our school had uniforms. I would never take then off if they were this cute. And wait until Demi hears about this. She would most likely kill me.

We arrived in front of my house and Adam stared at me. "Will you see me off tomorrow?" He asked I felt hurt to talk about this topic, but we can't avoid it since reality is, he's leaving tomorrow. "Of course." I said before giving him a goodnight kiss. I walked into my house and my mother was not home. No letter or anything from her. I guess she just went out drinking again. And just when I had high hopes that she was back to herself. That was wishful thinking. I got into my room and wanted to call Demi but decided not to. Maybe she was at Chads house I don't want to keep disturbing her and chad. I guess there's nothing to do but call it an early night. Adam texted me saying.

"Sleep early Dumbo my plane takes off at 6:00am." I should be offended but I felt sad. "I'm home!." My others voice called out. I went downstairs and saw she had a box of pizza in her hands "come eat, I was craving pizza tonight, so I picked it up." She said placing it on the dinner table. I smiled and was happy she was still ok. I sat with her and we started eating. She suddenly pulled out a magazine and tossed it on the table in front of me. I looked at it and my eyes grew wide. It was when Dark pulled me out the grocery store. "care to explain what is going on and why you are on the front cover of some gossip magazine?" she asked. "that's not me mom." I lied. "oh please, don't even try it. I'm your mom I know my child. And that is my shirt you are wearing, I know because I made that shirt so there is none in this word like it." she said pointing to the t-shirt I was wearing in the picture. It was white with our dog and cat printed on it Pooch and Boo. I was caught so I had to tell her the truth. "and why is Adam dressed like that? Dark Scorpion is a pretty dumb name for a celebrity name If you ask me." She laughed but I stared at her shocked. "how do you know its Adam?" I asked her. "come on a little make up and wardrobe change doesn't make a new person." She kept laughing. I was amazed by her no one else could figure it out but her. "its as silly as Clark Kent taking off his glasses and saying he's superman." Now she was teasing him. I couldn't help laughing at the comparison. "so, he's famous huh? Good for him and you better watch out being dragged into the lime light it can be dangerous." She said picking up the empty pizza box. "alright I'm going to sleep now goodnight Hun." She kissed me on the forehead.

It took me a while to fall asleep as usual I had a lot on my mind. Can you blame me I was in a professional photo shoot with Dark? Not to mention he's cutting his time with me short and leaving tomorrow. Once I finally fell asleep. I woke up at 5:30am I had forgotten to set my alarm and slept in. I had literally thirty minutes get to the airport and say my good bye. I washed up and ran out the door. I had no ride and my mother took her car.