Chapter 41

Honey's (P.O.V)

our first night together in the new house as a family Adam was not home he said he had to attend a friend's birthday party not coming home until the following day late afternoon still drunk and slept until late evening and started all over again the next day. And ever since then its been one thing after another. We haven't talked much, and he isn't what I expected at all. I walked into our room to ask Adam if he was going to be joining Junior and I for dinner, but I saw him getting dressed as he put on his expensive outfit. A navy-blue Armani sweater that outlined his perfect body and white jeans. He matched it with white sneakers making him look dreamy. His style even changed he no longer wore only black and when he did he wore it in modesty. he didn't wear dark make up or gel his hair anymore. He lived his life as one person and one person only it was like he killed off Adam and took on the life of Dark Scorpion he was a completely different person inside and out.. "I have to go I've been invited to be on Let's talk Wonda." Adam said. Let's talk Wonda was a talk show hosted by Wonda Banks she was a woman in her late 40's but obviously looked younger due to having lots of money. I could describe her personality with the three T's and those are too much, too fast, too loud. She was very talkative and screamed all the time for no reason. She has a very popular talk show that everyone loves. that is how its been like for the past few week. It has only been a few weeks since I've been living with Adam or should I call him Dark Scorpion. It has been just short time but feels like a year. I can count on one hand how many times I've seen him. I never imagined a life of a super star could be so busy and stressful. He's either at the studio, doing meeting, photoshoot, or promoting something. And when he's home he's in his study writing songs. He hates to be interrupted when he's writing. He gets angry and dismissive when I ask if he's hungry or wants anything to drink. He has completely changed from the kind loving Adam I once knew four years ago. I watched him spray his cologne as it rushed through my nose I loved that smell. I wanted to hug him and burry my face in his chest. "will you be home in time for dinner?" I asked. "no eat without me." He said I took a step towards him, but he suddenly turned on his feet and walked out the door. He went straight out the front door and left without saying a word. I tried to ignore his change in attitude and ate dinner with Junior. It was now getting late I knew he wasn't going to be home. "Mommy when will daddy be home?" Junior asked. "he has a meeting with very important people today. He will be home as soon as he's finished." I assured him. "But he's been gone all day and every day. He promised to help me with my art project today." He whined. His big blue eyes started to water, and I could feel my heart sink. Why must Adam always break this poor boys promised. Last time he promised to help him beat a video game and just the other day he promised to take him to see the new kids' movie playing. But he never comes home until close to midnight. I don't know how much more I can cover for him.

"Can you call him and remind him mommy please my art project is due tomorrow he promised he would also be there when I present it." Junior said reaching for my sleeve with wide eyes. How could I say no.

I reached for my phone and dialed Adam's number.

After the first ring it went to voice mail. I tried again and same thing. As if he was ending my calls.

Any idiot could tell when they are being ignored. I looked at the pair of blue eyes anxiously waiting for my respond. "It looks like he's busy sweetie, He will call back after his meeting." And just then I could see the disappointment in his eyes as he looked away and hung his head in hurt. My heart sank deeper and deeper. This was enough when Adam comes home I will lay it all out of him. he could toy with my emotions, but Junior doesn't deserve this. He waited years to meet his father but all he got was an absent one at that. I helped Junior with his project to the best of my ability. We stayed up late to paint a Vincent Van Gogh's starry nights portrait. I just watched most of the time he painted most it himself. he even wrote his own speech he wouldn't let me read it until he presented it. I don't know why he would need my or Adam's help when he's so good already. who knew I would be gifted with such a bright boy.

"See Junior you did such a wonderful job why bother daddy when you can do it yourself?" I said trying to lighted his gloomy mood. And praise him. "Its not that I need help mom. I just want to spend more time with him he's never home I miss him." The little fella sure knew how to pull my heart out. He just wanted to spend time with Adam and Adam cares more about his career than his own son.

It was getting late, so I put Jr. to sleep. Tomorrow was his big day at this school art project presentation. He was so excited to show Adam he almost didn't want to asleep. "Mommy just ten more minutes please let me wait for dad to show him my painting." He pleaded. " daddy is coming late baby you have a big day tomorrow I promise he will be there at the presentation when you present it." I told him.

"Just I little bit longer and I will sleep I want to say goodnight to him." He begged placing his hands together. "Fine ten more minutes and its lights out little man." I said, and his eyes lit up as he sat up in his bed. ten minutes had gone by it was way past his bed time, I couldn't let him stay up any longer who knew when Adam would be home. "Ok baby time to sleep dad will see you tomorrow." I gently kissed his forehead and tucked him in. He must have been so tired the little guy was sound a sleep just like that. I walked out of his room and saw I had a missed call. I returned the call and I could hear Demi shout from the other end. "Why haven't you answered I was going to stop by to see Junior before he slept."

" sorry we where busy with his art project. What's up though, how's Chad? i haven't seen you guys in over a week." I said leaning on the white leather sofa of the living room. It was such a hug house but felt so empty with just me and Junior around all the time. "He's good we have finely set a wedding date after he's done collage this year, I can't believe it Honey I'm going to be a wife oh my God can you believe it?" She sounded so happy and cheerful. Everything with her and Chad had been going so well I can't help but feel a little jealous. Adam proposed to me, but he has yet to even mention a wedding or even a relationship between us. He's so distant lately it kills me. "I'm so happy for you." Is all I could say.

"Is everything ok Honey you don't sound so excited." She said causing me to feel terrible. This was my best friend who's getting married to her high school sweet heart who happened to also be my friend. Why was I not excited? "I am happy Demi I'm just so tired these days Junior keeps me on my toes." I lied.

"I know girl kids are a handful. I'll come tomorrow to see you guys. I haven't seen Adam either bet he's getting hotter and hotter. you're so lucky sometimes I get jealous." She laughed. If only she knew she was jealous of a non-existent relationship we were more like roommates than lovers. I then thought about how he hasn't even touched me since he got back. Was he not attracted to me anymore? So much was going through my mind I didn't want to tell Demi the truth about how I was miserable this past few week. "Alright girl I'll let you get some beauty sleep you are the girl of Dark Scorpions after all." She laughed as Demi grew up she grew less obsessed with Dark scorpion she knew the reality that he was mine and nothing was ever going to happen between them. she was now just a regular fan and not how she was. I ended the call with a heavy heart Demi reminded me what my relationship had come to. Dull and loveless. I made myself a cup of camomile tea to help me sleep and calm my racing thoughts. Just then I heard the front door slightly open. I got up to greet Adam and hopefully have a talk with him. I watched the handsome man walk in tall and dark as he placed his keys on the table. He looked tired and stressed. "You're still up?" He said coldly as he walked past me. I don't know why I grew so scared of him as if I had to watch everything I said or did not to anger him.

"Yes, I was putting Junior to bed." I said softly as I followed him to the kitchen. "Why was he up so late? He has school tomorrow." He said with a grouch expression. "We did his art project he wanted to show you it." I reminded him of his absence. He didn't respond he reached for a bottle of water and twisted the cap drinking it as water dripped and trailed from his lips down masculine jaw line. I watched him in silence hoping he would remember the promise he made to Junior. He placed the water down rubbing the water off his lips his lips pink and so full with a slight curve to them giving that heart shape. He massaged his tired eyes. "Im going to bed I have a shoot in the morning." He said walking past me. Without even looking at me. From the moment he came in, he hasn't once looked me in the eyes. I clenched my first tightly in anger. "Are you able to be at his presentation tomorrow.... he's really looking forward to you being there..." I suddenly shouted out. Causing him to stop. "No, I'm busy tomorrow." He Said facing his back to me. Then continued to walk up the stair.

So much, there's so much I wanted to say to him, but I swallowed my words. Thinking of Juniors disappointment tomorrow added more to my stress. How was I going to break it to him? I slowly followed him into the room it was empty. I could here water running in the bathroom. He must be taking a shower. I should just go to sleep and avoid him for the rest of the night. I slipped into my silk spaghetti strapped pajama dress. Then I heard the shower turn off. I tried to quickly jump in the sheets and pretend I was sleeping. But my eyes met an amazing view of rock hard six pack abs with water drops rolling down his chest. His skin had become such a golden bronze tan making his muscle stand out. I noticed a large black scorpion tattoo on his chest on his left peck. When did he get a tattoo? It made him look dangerous and manly

He had a towel wrapped around his waist as he used another to dry his wet black hair that grew down to his shoulders. I didn't know I was staring at him until my eyes met his icy blue eyes. His face held no expression. My throat was so dry I couldn't swallow my saliva. I started to blush right away when his eyes scanned my body. He started to walk towards me making everyone of his foot steps in sync with my heart beat. Before I knew it he was right in front of me. My eyes landing on his masculine chest. I didn't dare look up to meet his eyes. I closed my eyes waiting for his hands to touch me. But the sound of his deep voice brought me back to reality. "You're in the way." He said as he reached behind me for his shorts and t-shirt. Why was I disappointed? Was I hoping he would make a move? Was I secretly wishing for something to happened between us? When did I become so shameless? I was so embarrassed that I quickly rushed to the bed and barrier my face under the blanket my face flushed red trying to calm my racing heart. This is not like me. I felt the bed move moment later I waited a few minutes before looking over my shoulder and saw he was facing his back to me. As his breathing steadied. How can he fall asleep so quickly? He must be tired. Being famous must be exhausting. I feel sorry for him sometimes. I closed my eyes and went to sleep not wanting to think about it too much.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock it was 6:00am I stretched my arms in the air. I looked over and noticed Adam had already left. I wonder what time he left. I went to Juniors room to wake him. I made breakfast and got him ready and headed out to his school. i grabbed the key to the car Adam had bought me. It was a silver Macan Turbo Porsche when he handed me the keys I was almost too scared to drive such an expensive car. He told me I needed to get rid of my old car it was 1985 Nissan maxima. I couldn't throw it away it was my first car that I bought with my own money. I parked it in our garage just to remind me where I came form every time I get caught up in this life of luxury.

Junior's mood has been off since he woke up. He wasn't the cheerful morning bird he usually was. He even ate his breakfast quietly. we got in the car and head for school. "Something wrong Buddy?" I asked him looking at his sad face through the rear-view mirror. He didn't say a word. He just shook his head. I didn't want to push him I already know his attitude has something to do with Adam. We arrived at his school as I dropped him off I told him I would be back when the presentation begins. He nodded and headed to class with his painting in hand. I took out my cell phone and called my mom to meet up for coffee.

I arrived at the coffee shop she had arrived before me, she ordered my coffee for me with a bagel. She knew me too well; bagels and coffee have become my best friend since I had Adam Junior.

"mom did you wait long?" I smiled at her with a small wave. She looked at me and her face broke to a beautiful smile. She looked amazing she cut her hair short to her chin it was chic and sexy complimenting her ageless face. Her body was still slim as ever with a perfect physique. She was dressed casually yet made it look like she was dressed to impressed.

"No, I just arrived a few minutes ago. Come sit let's talk." She grabbed my hand sitting me down. She looked at me long and hard not saying much. As if analyzing my every movement. "So, what's up why are you looking like a grandma these days?" She said pointing to my obvious ugly outfit. "What do you mean?" I asked obliviously. I wore an old man's coats with a plain graphic t-shirt and baggy boy Jean's that looked like I picked them off a homeless person. my face was restless without and ounce of make up. My hair was in a messy bun. With my large ears out there. I didn't care any more once you have a kid you no longer care about your image "Its like you gave up on your appearance Honey what happened to you? You're only twenty years old yet you look like your foury-five what's going on with you?" She asked narrowing her eyes at me. I didn't respond. What can I say to her? There's no way I would tell her how un happy I was living with Adam. She knew how crazy I was about him and how happy I was when he proposed. She was the first person I called and told when he came back. I didn't want to hear I told you so. she did warn me after all. "This is how the finance of the great Dark Scorpions dresses?" She teased. "Mom I like being comfortable and this is convenient for me I don't want to draw any attention to my self you know how crazy things became after people found out about me and Junior." I wasn't lying these clothes were comfortable and plus paparazzi didn't leave our house for days when they found me and Junior and the airport with Adam. Since then I haven't gone anywhere besides taking Junior to school. "That's true but please look more human would you. This doesn't really look too appealing you don't want Adam to lose interest. You see the girls he works with in the industry. And wasn't that skinny Rose girl his girlfriend once? She was very pretty so please take care of your self." She reminded. My mind went blank as soon as she mentions pretty girls he works with. What if Adam was seeing one of them that's why he doesn't touch me maybe that's why he's lost interest in me. "Honey are you listening?" My mother voice snapped me out of my daze. "Huh?" I said clueless. "I asked how's my grandson I've missed him. when can I come for a visit?" She asked. "mom you don't need an invitation come when ever you want. Junior would love to see you." I smiled sipping on my coffee.

"Its not like before where you lived lone. There's Adam now, I have to keep him in consideration you know." She teased. "Speaking of Adam how is he doing I haven't seen him since he was just a little kid is he all grown now? I bet he's still as handsome as ever." She laughed. He's handsome alright but he's become a jerk as well. He's only turning nineteen soon, so this must be his teenage adolescent maybe, I'll blame it on that. I know she was pretending to like him when truth was she hated him for what he did to me. I don't want my mom to see me get emotional about me thinking about him seeing another girl. I smiled at her "he has mom you should see how much he changed he's a man now tall and handsome mature and treats Junior and i like royalty." I lied surpassing my emotions. I bit on my tongue so hard so that I wouldn't say anything else.

We talked for what seamed like hours. I looked at the time it was almost time for Junior art show. I kissed my mom goodbye and headed towards the school. I thought I would try my luck with Adam and see if he could still come. After a few rings he answered my call. This was the first time he answered my call since he got back. "What is it?." His deep voice was so intimidating I held my breath as my worlds scrambled around. "I-I was just wondering if you are able to make to Juniors art presentation he really wants you there." I asked with stuttered words. He sighed on the phone without saying a word. I could hear loud voices around him he must still be shooting. "Look Honey, you need to understand I'm a celebrity I can't just go to kids' school and show my face do you know what kind of commotion that will cause. I can't hide my look anymore too many people know me now." He said with a tone as if speaking to a stranger. I bit my lower lip "what if you come and hide somewhere just so he sees you-"

"I need to go I'm hanging up now." He cut me off and the line was dead. My heart ached so bad. Why was he treating me like this? I released the breath I was holding. I pushed all that thought aside. I was about to see Junior I don't want him to see his mom a total mess. I arrived at his school and walked into the gymnasium it was crowded with so much kids and parents. My eyes landed on Junior his little face lit up with a smile when he saw me. he started to look around searching for his father he started to frown when he didn't see him. I walked over to him giving him a hug. "Is that your mom Adam? Why does she look like that?" A little kid next to Adam Jr. said and I could feel all eyes around on me. Other moms looked at me with disgust as if someone let a hobo in the school. Junior probably didn't understand what his friend said or what other parents were thinking. "Yes, she is isn't she pretty?" Junior said with a proud smile. My heart ached I was blessed with such a sweet boy. When he smiled at me he looked so much like his father. Junior's friend shrugged his shoulders and said. "There's my mom over there she's more pretty." The kid pointed at a woman extra gorgeous wearing a short red dressed that hugged her curves. She had long blonde hair that flowed gracefully over the side of her face giving her an extremely sexy allure. She was speaking with another pretty parent when she turned to look at us she walked over with a seductive walk swinging her hips. She dressed like she was at a luxurious event. She smiled with her red lipstick covered plump lips curved to a beautiful smile. I was insecure just being in her presence. "Oh, my is this the famous Adam's mother?" She said holding her hand up at me. I shook it, but I was speechless "Justin told me all about Adam he's famous in our house. You have such a gifted boy you must be proud." She gently smiled. I could smell her perfume as it teased my nostrils. "Thank you I am very proud of Adam Jr." I awkwardly smiled. Just being in her peasants made me feel less of a person she was glowing. "I'm sorry I didn't catch your name." She said tucking her golden blonde hair behind her ear. "I'm Honey, Honey Daniels." I managed to say. " what a beautiful name, my name is Sofia Marshall we should get together one of these days and have a play date with the boys." She said. All I could do was nod she walked away with her son Justin in hand. "Mommy I think you are way more beautiful than that lady." Junior said pulling on my sleeve. I was touched, I ruffled his dark hair with my hand. Junior didn't bring up Adam at all. I was thankful for that but why hasn't he? Did he know his father wasn't going to come and didn't bother asking? "Ladies and gentlemen please get ready for the art presentation is about to begin all student presenting please stand at your station beside your portraits. Keep in mind this art gallery is being watched by the famous artist and art genius himself the multi award winner, please welcome Francis Bernard as one of the judges. All earned funds will be donated to charity Francis has donated a fair amount to our school and we are very grateful for that. Now the show will begin." Proclaimed one of the teachers. He sat down at the judges table next to the famous artist Francis Bernard. I had no idea who he was since I know nothing about art but when I looked at Adam Jr.'s face he looked excited and smiled excitedly. Francis was a middle-aged man that was slender and prematurely balding. He had this mad scientist look to him and he wore small circled glasses too small for his face. He did not smile when introduced or make any expression he held his eyes on each of the student's canvas and his eyes lit up as soon as his eyes landed on Adam Jr.'s painting. He was surprised but kept his composure. As each child took turns speaking about their work they were all shy and spoke low some stumbled on words and some simply cried for their moms. he wasn't interested at all he looked annoyed. It was Adam Jr.'s turn. The little fella fixed his sweater and spoke clearly with such a cute voice. He was not shy or scared he carried himself with confidence as he stood tall. He reminded me of Adam on stage performing as Dark Scorpion with no fear at all. He took after him so many ways.