Chapter 42

Honey's P.O.V)

everyone didn't dare make a sound. They were curious about this little boy who stood strong "My name is Adam Hayes Jr. and I have chosen starry nights by Vincent Van Gogh for my project. The reason is simple, night is my favorite time of the day. It is dark mysterious and hides a lot of the ugly things in the world. But it also has its beautiful parts too. It let's beautiful fireflies shine. stars twinkling in the skies like glitter. The moon lights up and looks down on us each night. and have you seen queen of the night? The most beautiful flower that blooms only at night or the majestic and mysterious northern lights that light up the skies over the polar regions. That also happens at night. So starry nights not only reflect only darkness it also reflects light as well. Thank you." He slowly took a bow everyone was silcent you could hear nothing but the sound of your own breathing. Then suddenly someone stood up clapping shouting. "Bravo! Bravo! young one!." It was Francis and soon everyone joined in with thunderous claps. I was so proud of Junior he studied so hard and he managed to do an outstanding speech. I looked around at all the people cheering. Some even scolded their children for not doing a proper speech. Then my eyes landed at the exit and noticed someone standing there with dark sunglasses and a black hoodie over his head. I didn't have to guess it was Adam. He made it after all. My heart started to race that I completely forgot about Junior. I heard the he was presented with first place trophy, so I turned my head back to Junior and smiled. They gave him a gift certificate as well. I turned back to the exit to see Adam, but he was gone. He didn't even see or congratulate his son but left just like that. I hung my head low in disappointment but soon realize my son just won first place. How can I be sad? I pushed it aside and hugged Adam Jr. so tight. Sofia came to congratulate Junior as well. After that Francis Bernard came to me asking if I ever took Junior to art classes I shook my head. He was very surprised. "Your son is a genius madam I advise you to enroll him in a more prestigious school. I am honored to have met your son. I must go now." He spoke with a French accent. Soon it was time for the kids to get back to class I kissed Junior and told him I would pick him up after school.

I left the school I wanted to call Adam, but I didn't know what to say to him, so I didn't bother calling. That's when I noticed Adam's black Mercedes Maybach driving past the school. I don't know why but I wanted to follow him I wanted to talk to him and ask why he left so suddenly. I quickly jumped in the car and followed him. I didn't want to get too close so that he would see my car. He drove down a couple of blocks and then parked in front of a restaurant. He got out the car and greeted an old lady it was Robyn his manager. I haven't seen her in years. She looked great for her age wearing jeans and a suit jacket. I don't want to interrupt them I know Robyn keeps Adam busy they must be meeting to discuss work. just as I was about to leave a tall girl walked in to the restaurant and sat next to Adam the tall girl looked familiar. She had wavy blonde hair to her shoulders unnatural looking plump lips that looked filled with Botox she could barely move her lips to smile. but she was still a breath-taking beauty. I started to chew my fingernails in anxiety. I sat in my car watching through the large glass window of the restaurant I watched as she greeted Adam and Robyn with a hug and kissed Adam on the lips. There was fire growing at the pit of my belly raging to bursting flame. I could feel tear drops rolling down my cheeks. I stepped of the car and took a couple of steps closer. I saw my own reflecting in glass mirror near the restaurant. I couldn't recognize myself. How come I looked like an old lady. Why was my hair so stringy and my face looked pale? My clothes were terrible. How could any man want to love a woman that looked like me? I was a complete mess I let myself go. Why am I mad at him for losing interest when I lost interest in myself along time ago? I looked at them again and this time he was holding her hand smiling at her as they talked. He never smiled at me like that. Not in a while. I don't even remember the last time I've seen his beautiful smile.

"Honey is that you?" I heard a woman voice call from behind me. I turned around looking at her gorgeous face. "Honey what's wrong why are you crying?" The beautiful woman asked. I wiped the tears away quickly forcing a smile. "Its nothing what are you doing g here Sofia?" I asked changing the subject.

"I was just grabbing a bite to eat before heading back to work. Would you like to join me this is the best restaurant in town food always cheers me up? Come on!" She locked arms with me pulling me towards the restaurant Adam was in. I didn't want to go why was this woman so bubbly? did she think we were friend? we just met a couple of hours ago.

Every step closer was making me sweat bullets. I think I might pass out.

As soon as we walked in everyone's head turned obviously looking at the beautiful woman in my arm. Adam's eyes widened as soon as he saw me Robyn's as well. Adam was still wearing his hoodie over his head, but I could clearly see his blue eyes gawking at us. Sofia grabbed us a seat and she ordered the most expensive food on the menu. She must be rich to not only dress like this but to be able to order such food. Adam spoils me with all the money i could dream of but i have never eaten out not once. This whole while sitting I could feel Adams burning eyes on me. I slowly looked back and noticed the girl still holding his hand. He didn't move it or even come to me to explain. She was rubbing his arm as she was so close to him. I don't know why I kept staring.

"Honey is something wrong you are crying again?" Sofia asked with wide eyes. I didn't even know when I cried. She followed my eyes as it landed on the couple sitting across the room.

"Do you know them? I know that girl she's that actress Scarlett isn't she? ..and is that.. my god it is. Dark Scorpion I had such a crush on him. wow what luck to see them hey?" She laughed. but soon dropped her smile looking at me. Don't tell me you know him or something?" she gasped putting a hand over her mouth. "he's my fiancé actually." I hung my head lower with a nod.

"I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have brought you here." She apologized. I shook my head at her.

"Please don't apologize it's not your fault you didn't know." I assured her she looked at me with pity I've seen that look many times now. "I guess that is his type of woman I mean look at me I'm not exactly your idea of pretty." I said gesturing to my outfit.

"Nonsense you are absolutely beautiful and you're an amazing mother. Come one lets get out of here I've lost my appetite." She grabbed my hand once again walking me out. I looked back at Adam whose attention was on the girl Scarlett he didn't even look at me or care about what I saw. This is the meetings he's been so busy with. Good thing we left the more I looked at them the angrier I got.

We went to a cafe across the restaurant and sat awkwardly. "I'm sorry Honey I'm so sorry about that." She kept apologizing. "Don't worry about it you didn't know anything. Please don't feel sorry." I reassured her. "Gosh I'm so angry I hate men that cheat why can't they just be true and break it off without dragging people into a heart ache." She knitted her perfectly shaped eyebrows. Pinching her red lips together. "He must feel trapped with me being Adam Jr.'s father I guess." I curled my fingers they hurt from clenching them in fist for so long. "Adam Jr. father? No way Dark Scorpion is a father? but he's so young and so handsome how-" she quickly stopped her self before continuing. "I'm sorry I didn't mean you're older or anything it's just he doesn't look like a father type." She corrected herself.

"I know...we were both young I was in high school and he was much younger than me one thing led to another and I ended up pregnant." I explained. "Oh my God me too I had Justin when I was in high school too. That's crazy we have so much in common." She shouted.

After a few more chatting it was time for her to go back to work.

"Look I know we just met but I really like you. I don't have much friends and I feel you and I can be good friends. Here's my business card lets meet up this weekend to chat and hang out just us girls." She gave me a hug as she entered her red-hot shiny Lamborghini. I was stunned looking at her drive off.

I looked at her card and was shocked. To see her name on the card. She was the financial controller at Mystro Inc. They where one of the biggest entertainment businesses in the country this was also were Kayse Kays was signed to. No wonder she was so rich she worked for Adam's rival company. I was in shocked.

I got home, and it was cold and empty no Adam and no Junior. I looked at my phone and not a single call or message from Adam. I wonder what was happening. Was that his girl friend? The more I thought about it the more furious it made me. I went to our room and gathered all my stuff and put then in the spare bedroom across from ours. I didn't want to sleep next to that sleazy dog any more. After an hour or so I went down stairs and started cooking for Junior. It was almost time to pick him up from school. After the meals were cooked my phone rang. It was Adam. I hesitated before I answered. I didn't even get a chance to say 'hello' his husky voice spoke first.

"I'm picking up Junior from school."

That's all he said no "I'm sorry" no explanation nothing at all. "What if you're seen-" click the line was dead. Yet again second time hanging up on me today. I walked around the kitchen not knowing what to do. I called Demi, I needed a friend right now I didn't want to be left alone with my own thoughts. "Honey can I call you back I'm picking out my wedding dress with Tasha." Demi said I could hear laughter from Chad and some other people.

" picking out a dress with Tasha? Demi are you serious.?" I ask with complete anger in my tone.

"Yea why are you mad?" She said with attitude.

"I thought you and I were going to pick out dresses. That was the promise you made a few months ago." I barked at her. "I know but come on Honey your styles aren't great remember the dress you picked for that engagement party last month I was laughed at. Tasha has great taste she is studying fashion at the most prestigious fashion school. She knows her stuff." She tried explaining. But I was pissed she not only lied to me, but she is insulting my sense of fashion. I was so hurt I hung up on her.

I started breathing heavily. Who else can I call? what other friends do I have besides Demi?

That's when I felt a card in my pocket. I looked at it. " Sofia Marshall financial controller. Mystro Inc"

I don't know why I called her, but I did. I was desperate to vent and talk to someone before I lost my mind. "Hello?" Her bubbly voice rang almost like she sang it. "Hey, its Honey do you have time to talk?" I asked with hesitation. "Oh, hi Honey of course I have time I was just taking a break perfect timing isn't it?" She laughed. "I just wanted to ask for advice what would you do if you were in my shoes?" I wanted to hear from another point of view. "I would honestly destroy him. I would become someone he could never reach or even dare to touch. That's what I have done already with my ex, Justin's father he cheated on me. So here I am he calls and begs me every day, but I let him cry for attention and he regrets it." She laughed her sinister laugh made my whole-body crawl with goosebumps. So, she went through what I have, and she is shining like a star today. I didn't know what to say. By my muteness she asked a question I never thought I would in a million years hear. "Honey, want me to help you get revenge on your man?" Her tone was not that playful girl she usually was it was cold malicious and scary. My stomach felt strange. But I didn't answer her. Deep down in my heart I knew I still loved Adam and he still loved me.